Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

rs_nyuser said:
Hi Guys,

I have been a silent observer of this thread. I have one question. When they say FIFO , does that mean if they recieve a case at BEC from Philly regional with PD let's say Jan 2003, but, they are not going to process it until they process all the cases with PD April 2001 or does the FIFO means cases get processed as in the order BEC recieves it. I am really confused on this. Can someone please throw some light on this. Also is there any priority for Philly regional cases at Philly BEC.

Thanks in Adv
PD - March 2003
Philadelphia Regional RD Oct 2003

Thanks in adv.

They only said "First In First Out", but never specifying "In Where". I predicted long time ago it was going to be in chaos somehow. I don't want to guess or predict. In dealing with DOL, with its intransparent style, most of the guesses or estimates have been wrong.
Thanks for the great news


This is very good news for me. Thanks! a lot for sharing the news.

One question - As per this, Would you think EB3 priority date moves beyond 2003?


mvinays said:

The Department of Labor has determined that there are not sufficient United States workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available for certain occupations, and that employment of aliens in these occupations will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers similarly employed. Those occupations are listed under two groups on Schedule A.

Group I:
(a) Physical Therapists who possess all the qualifications necessary to take the PT licensing exam in the state in which they propose to practice.
(b) Professional Registered Nurses who have passed the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing School (CGFNS) Exam; or who hold a full and unrestricted license to practice professional nursing in the state of intended employment

Group II:
Aliens (except for aliens in the performing arts) of exceptional ability in the sciences or arts including college and university teachers of exceptional ability who have been practicing their science or art during the year prior to application and who intend to practice the same science or art in the U.S.

My hotline is down, don't know if it is deliberate or what, can Tomshu, Orissa, Icarus or any1 check with Philli BPC. A call is long overdue.

Anybody help !!

When Can my application will have some decision ?

PD : Aug 2001 - MD
RD : Dec 2003
RD 45 letter : Dec 2004
Replied : Feb 2005

I lost hopes now !!
April 2001 - non rir case

writing to let you all know that my spouse's company recvd the 45 day lettter to a pending labor application on apr 15.

case details:
recvd at SWA: Apr 2001, non-rir

1. Does this mean, the case will be approved in 1 month after the company responds to the 45 day letter?

2. How does the advertising work in this case? does the employer need to wait for instructions from BRC to place advertisements???

3. my spouse plans to use this for a substitution labor. is that possible? The employee for whom the application was made no longer resides in the US.

any insights will be greatly appreciated.
many thanks
mudra1234 said:
writing to let you all know that my spouse's company recvd the 45 day lettter to a pending labor application on apr 15.

case details:
recvd at SWA: Apr 2001, non-rir

WHICH SWA / WHICH BEC.. Did it ever Make to Regional ?

1. Does this mean, the case will be approved in 1 month after the company responds to the 45 day letter?

No. It means they have entered the case in to system & asking you if you want to continue

2. How does the advertising work in this case? does the employer need to wait for instructions from BRC to place advertisements???

Yes, BRC will communicate with Employer for recruitment process

3. my spouse plans to use this for a substitution labor. is that possible? The employee for whom the application was made no longer resides in the US.

Yes you can do that if LC is not used for anyone else.

any insights will be greatly appreciated.
many thanks
I think it was filed at NY SWA.

No it did not make it to Regional at all.

here's teh new ETA Case number - P05018*****

any predictions on how long before approval???

Do you like BRC?

Before BRC
There are 6 regional offices to process case/now only 2 BRC
Before BRC
The processing time was renewed monthly/now only guess, estimate, and rumor
Before BRC
The process was moving slowly/now it stopped more than 6 months
See The Reply From The Company Lawyer !!!

The DOL has indicated that it will not invest in the development of a case tracking system for cases pending with the Backlog Centers because the whole backlog effort is supposed to last approximately 2-2.5 years so the short duration of the project did not justify, in their minds, the costs associated with the development of such a system. The only guidance you can provide to employees at this point is based on the DOL's statement that these backlog cases will be processed using the "first-in-first-out" (FIFO) method. Accordingly, those applications with earlier filing (priority) dates will be processed before the applications with later filing dates. For example, cases filed in 2000 and 2001 should be processed under this FIFO method well before the cases that were filed in 2003 and 2004. While each employee's filing date will give him/her a general sense of the timing and order of processing, the DOL unfortunately did not provide estimates as to how long it may take to process cases filed during any given year. As you know, a lot of cases were filed on or before Apr. 30, 2001 and they are still a part of the national backlog (even though some states have cleared that date, others have not and now the Backlog Centers have combined all of these cases in a single pile, to be processed using the FIFO method); once those April 2001 cases are cleared, things should move a bit faster. However, as you know, the DOL is still in the process of transferring files from local offices to the Backlog Centers and performing basic data entry for each transferred case; until that process is complete, the speed of adjudication of cases already entered into the new system will suffer because certain DOL resources will continue to be tied up on the case transfer and data entry effort. After all cases are transferred later this year, the DOL should focus exclusively on review and processing, which hopefully will improve the pace of adjudication.
Will congress pass a bill providing for EB-3 relief?

EB-3 Relief: By unanimous consent, the Senate also passed a measure sponsored by Senators Schumer (D-NY), Hutchison (R-TX) and Kennedy (D-MA) that would recapture EB -3 numbers lost from FY 2001-2004 due to processing delays. 50% of these numbers would be allocated to Schedule A occupations.

Both the H-2B relief bill and the EB-3 relief provisions will now be included in the Senate version of the supplemental appropriations bill. However, since neither of these measures was included in the House-passed supplemental, they will be discussed when House and Senate conferees meet to resolve differences between the two bills. In both cases, AILA will urge the House to recede to the Senate on both the H-2B bill and EB-3 relief.

what is the use

If the LC is not approved what is the use of all these numbers.

kisanjadhav said:
EB-3 Relief: By unanimous consent, the Senate also passed a measure sponsored by Senators Schumer (D-NY), Hutchison (R-TX) and Kennedy (D-MA) that would recapture EB -3 numbers lost from FY 2001-2004 due to processing delays. 50% of these numbers would be allocated to Schedule A occupations.

Both the H-2B relief bill and the EB-3 relief provisions will now be included in the Senate version of the supplemental appropriations bill. However, since neither of these measures was included in the House-passed supplemental, they will be discussed when House and Senate conferees meet to resolve differences between the two bills. In both cases, AILA will urge the House to recede to the Senate on both the H-2B bill and EB-3 relief.

LC Approval (CA) without 45 Day Letter

Hi Guys,

I just got info from my friend, who applied his LC in CA in April 2003. He got his LC approved last week without getting any 45 day letter. I dont know from which BPC he got the approval becuase my friend itself does not know and will let you know guys as soon as I get that info.

srinivas_o said:
Hi Guys,

I just got info from my friend, who applied his LC in CA in April 2003. He got his LC approved last week without getting any 45 day letter. I dont know from which BPC he got the approval becuase my friend itself does not know and will let you know guys as soon as I get that info.


04/21/2005: Reminder of DFLC Schedule of Shipment of Backlog Cases from States/Regions to Backlog Processing Center

The following was the DFLC schedules of shipment of backlog cases from the State offices and the Regional offices to the Backlog Processing Centers in Philadelphia and Dallas:
Phases SWA Receipt Date Shipment Due to BPC
1 Receipt Date till 12/31/2002 12/31/2004
2 01/2003 - 12/31/2004 03/31/2005
3 01/2005 - 03/27/2005 04/22/2005

According to these schedules, the entire backlog cases (non-PERM applications) which have been received at the State offices before the date of launch of the PERM Program, March 28, 2005, should have arrived at the two Backlog Processing Centers by tomorrow, April 22, 2005. Assuming that the shipments are completed as scheduled, the Backlog Processing Centers should face an enormous task of data entries and 45-day letter processing. Initially, the DFLC announced that the issuance of 45-day letters would be the first requisite step of processing the cases. Obviously, issuing 45 letters to the employers in excess of 300,000 in numbers would create a mountain of paper processing workloads. There have been reports in the immigration lawyers community that some of the earliest priority date cases have been certified without issuing the 45-day letters. We hope that the Backlog Processing Centers adopt more flexible policy of adjudicating cases without issuance of 45-day letters unless the facts dictate need for such inquiries. Such flexible policy will help the Backlog Processing Centers to accomplish the goal of processing and adjudicating the mountain of cases in a given period of time.

under breaking news.
srinivas_o said:
Hi Guys,

I just got info from my friend, who applied his LC in CA in April 2003. He got his LC approved last week without getting any 45 day letter. I dont know from which BPC he got the approval becuase my friend itself does not know and will let you know guys as soon as I get that info.


You know what it is -
Everytime we try to confine the immigration process into a science it kicks us in the crotch and reminds us that faith is the only thing that it will conform to. :mad:

Here's another example - not that I am a non-believer or reject faith based thinking but this is supposed to be a science (hello computer systems - science, math, date based selection et all NOT faith, religion and believers go to heaven et all) ;)

All you can do is smile and let the world pass you by! :rolleyes:
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i agree all one can do is trust and have faith, but a LC filed in april 2003 and approval makes u think of something more then faith, well anyway ..........
spidey said:
You know what it is -
Everytime we try to confine the immigration process into a science it kicks us in the crotch and reminds us that faith is the only thing that it will conform to. :mad:

Here's another example - not that I am a non-believer or reject faith based thinking but this is supposed to be a science (hello computer systems - science, math, date based selection et all NOT faith, religion and believers go to heaven et all) ;)

All you can do is smile and let the world pass you by! :rolleyes:

We gave "wait" quite bit of time, isn't ? I think in this world of microseconds, 3-4 years is humongous. There is no science or faith, its just lobbying that works in any democratic country. Media, congressman and lawyer rule this country, give it a try, shoot couple of letters/email and see how they could ignore half a million emails/mails. Without leting them know about our problems how your congressman knows whats hurting you. Immigration is very complex issue and nobody accept you understands the severity and effect it has on your life/family.

Get out of slave mentality, don't be lazy take action. Don't be encouraged by one or two approvals. I have seen many times when there is enough momentum to take some action, DOL will come up with some approvals and everybody goes into "faith" mode. Naysayers, please don't discourage and stay away from your personal agenda.

I don't know what I am doing wrong, but it seems like I am not geting the response that I had hoped for. Please comment, where I am wrong. I want help from someof you who are still not in "slave" mentality to spread the word. Keep adding new contact information and suggestions in the "sticky" thread.

Example where "taking action" works
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srinivas_o said:
Hi Guys,

I just got info from my friend, who applied his LC in CA in April 2003. He got his LC approved last week without getting any 45 day letter. I dont know from which BPC he got the approval becuase my friend itself does not know and will let you know guys as soon as I get that info.


I believe your friend is confused. Most probably his/her case RD was Apr 2003 (not his PD as your post note). These CA cases are neither part of the national backlog nor processed by any of the BECs which explain why your friend never received any 45 days letter. SFO DOL is currently processing cases with RD of mid April 2003, that is PD of April/May of 2002

PD June 2002
RD May 2003
Transfered to Philly
45 days letter received in Mar 2005
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Hi, currently I am on a H1B1 visa and i want to visit my brother in Canada for 2 weeks. May I ask if I need to reapply for entry visa when I want to reenter U.S.?
Thank you very much for any responce!
You need a visa stamp

luckylucky said:
Hi, currently I am on a H1B1 visa and i want to visit my brother in Canada for 2 weeks. May I ask if I need to reapply for entry visa when I want to reenter U.S.?
Thank you very much for any responce!

You need a visa stamp to enter the country. By the way, you should post this question in an appropriate forum. This forum is for Philly Backlog Elimination Center related matters.