Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Hello Tomshu

tomshu said:
Last week my company asked me to re-locate to MN next month. So I asked my lawyer whether my pending labor certification is still valid and once it's approved, it can be used to file my I-140 and I-485. My lawyer simply told me that "NO, you can't, you have to start from scratch!!". So today I called two more lawyers, a DOL labor certification officer, an USCIS Information Officer, told all told me that my pending labor is still valid and CAN be used for my I-140 and I-485. But my lawyer is still insisting and says that she is right. What a lawyer she is!!! I think I got to change to a different lawyer who can represent my interest.

Sorry, I was very frustrated by her comments.


Hello Tomshu,
I am sure that you can continue with your LC if you still work in the same compañy.....You better change your lawyer.
I changed my lawyer a year ago because she did not want to call DOL to find out why my LC from 2001 didnot went to Phily and my new lawyer found out that my papers where lost, so I was going to wait for ever , he send some letters to DOl and they restablish my LC. I already got my 45 day letter.
So you better get a good lawyer this time.

By the way do you ask the DOL officer when are they going to start the adjudacation of LC s ??

Regards y good luck !!!
New "sticky" thread

Just got message from moderator to send him/her thread link which we want to make it "sticky". I think by having our thread under "labor certification" category, we will get more exposure. What you guys think ? Here is what I will start with

title: raise awareness about labor certificate process backlog

With never ending process of labor certificate, we would like to organize efforts to make related personnel aware of the problem. Here are versions of sample letters. (revised version of postcount 1058)

Please post your suggestions and response of the letter. Remember saying "do your work, you will get the result". Guys don't be passimistic, by sending email/snail mail, we have nothing to loose. All naysayers, please stay away, there are tons of threads to discuss your negativity.
Just a suggestion

Guys, I don't think going public with this LC lame is a good idea for many reasons:
First: the pubic has many other more important issues to worry about such as the questionable war of Iraq, inflation, bad economy. In fact, the public is requesting to "save American jobs" by cutting down on immigration
Second: the Senate represents American citizens, not H1 visa holders
Last: some senators, such as Barbara Boxer, have history of "making things worse" and I believe asking help from this specific Senator would cause more delay.

Anand_Mishra said:
Date 04/14/2005

The Honorable Barbara Boxer
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Boxer,
Who Said US don't want immigrant? This country is build by Immigrants. Watch PBS TV, Everyone(think tank) try to convience the congress/policy maker, bring talent here otherwise USA will be falling behind.
I don't know the history of Sen Boxer but CA has two senator so I sent to both & Chao. I am trying what i can do.. I think, it's better than doing nothing.

GCSyndrome said:
Guys, I don't think going public with this LC lame is a good idea for many reasons:
First: the pubic has many other more important issues to worry about such as the questionable war of Iraq, inflation, bad economy. In fact, the public is requesting to "save American jobs" by cutting down on immigration
Second: the Senate represents American citizens, not H1 visa holders
Last: some senators, such as Barbara Boxer, have history of "making things worse" and I believe asking help from this specific Senator would cause more delay.
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Anad, I just said my opinion and I know many in here agree with me. anyway, regrading "this country is built by immigrants (or maybe WAS built on..)" doesn't mean much these days where security is the number one factor. I listen to AM radio while driving back home everydays and i don't hear people crying because of an immigration case was delayed or rejected. Also, I found it important to remind you guys that we are not represented by any senator. in fact for any politician we mean nothing for we have no voting power, and won't have it before at least 7 years of now.

Just pray the economy does not go any worse.
AM radio lisner don't cry because it doesn't affect them but it's affect me so i am trying.

As a senator it's her responsibility to take right decision or make correct policy for country and as lawful resident I am highlighting my problem and expect some action from her. Weather she give daam about it I don't know. But why I assume that she will not give daam. Let's try and then wait rather without trying. There is will there is way... :p

:) And you have every right to disagree as do I..

GCSyndrome said:
Anad, I just said my opinion and I know many in here agree with me. anyway, regrading "this country is built by immigrants (or maybe WAS built on..)" doesn't mean much these days where security is the number one factor. I listen to AM radio while driving back home everydays and i don't hear people crying because of an immigration case was delayed or rejected. Also, I found it important to remind you guys that we are not represented by any senator. in fact for any politician we mean nothing for we have no voting power, and won't have it before at least 7 years of now.

Just pray the economy does not go any worse.
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The real customer stays calm (we know why is so.. ;)

My notes to whom ever trying to write letters..

Please highlight what we all are facing:

Exploitation under legal immigration: Please mention in any letter what we’re facign at macro level and how this affects each individual and will throws light on that - if not at least a good ‘masala’ for media

Why the country should take care of us: why we deserve the right treatment
• Pay taxes
• Helping to build stronger and better country
• Not involved in any illegal/terror related activities

But bear this in mind:
• The real customer (the employer) stays calm and never complains with the process
• Temporary permit (H1) is a upfront fact and we depend on the demand and supply for GC

Crossing my fingers for all of us and positive that there is light at the end of the tunnel..

Anand_Mishra said:
AM radio lisner don't cry because it doesn't affect them but it's affect me so i am trying.

As a senator it's her responsibity to take care of right decision or make correct policy for country and as lawful resident I expect some action from her. Weather she give daam about it I don't know. But why I assume that she will not give daam. Let's try and then wait rather without trying. There is will there is way... :p
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IllionoisGC presented a good point. It would make a big difference if the employer, or even an attorney representing all of us in this forum, send such a letter.

IllinoisGC said:
My notes to whom ever trying to write letters..

Please highlight what we all are facing:

Exploitation under legal immigration: Please mention in any letter what we’re facign at macro level and how this affects each individual and will throws light on that - if not at least a good ‘masala’ for media

Why the country should take care of us: why we deserve the right treatment
• Pay taxes
• Helping to build stronger and better country
• Not involved in any illegal/terror related activities

But bear this in mind:
• The real customer (the employer) stays calm and never complains with the process
• Temporary permit (H1) is a upfront fact and we depend on the demand and supply for GC

Crossing my fingers for all of us and positive that there is light at the end of the tunnel..

Anand_Mishra said:
AM radio lisner don't cry because it doesn't affect them but it's affect me so i am trying.

As a senator it's her responsibity to take care of right decision or make correct policy for country and as lawful resident I expect some action from her. Weather she give daam about it I don't know. But why I assume that she will not give daam. Let's try and then wait rather without trying. There is will there is way... :p
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will they do? Then how will they exploite? If we will get GC in a year, is it not bad for them?

Let's try that too. I am not against any effort. Anything is better than nothing. But Please take some action(small, big, vary big). Please don't just talk. I asked my employer, HR said it's normal process(3 year waiting for GC). It will take time.

GCSyndrome said:
IllionoisGC presented a good point. It would make a big difference if the employer, or even an atterney representing all of us in this forum, send such a letter.
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tomshu said:
Last week my company asked me to re-locate to MN next month. So I asked my lawyer whether my pending labor certification is still valid and once it's approved, it can be used to file my I-140 and I-485. My lawyer simply told me that "NO, you can't, you have to start from scratch!!". So today I called two more lawyers, a DOL labor certification officer, an USCIS Information Officer, told all told me that my pending labor is still valid and CAN be used for my I-140 and I-485. But my lawyer is still insisting and says that she is right. What a lawyer she is!!! I think I got to change to a different lawyer who can represent my interest.

Sorry, I was very frustrated by her comments.


I am in exact same boat. My company got acquired by a monster company. The monstoer company has a department for immigration. They opt for certain prequalified lawers and it is not our choice. Lawyer told GC cannot be continued. Then I asked my manager to keep me officially in my old place, but I make frequent trips to the new location. He was generous enough to accept that.

But I hate my lawyer. Is there any web site where we can post feedback on these lawyers, so that others can watch out before going for these stupid laywers?
Lawyers and employers are last people who are interested in reducing backlog. Just imagine if we all had GC within 1 year of our H1, lawyers will loose lot revenue opportunities like, renewing H1, apply for H4, visa stamping, 6+ year extension, re-apply under PERM ...

Where else employers will get hard working, top of the line, intelligent, loyal workers who work day and night just hoping that they will get GC. Just look around in your office after 6pm, you will see all the H1s and managers.

So dont rely on employers and lawyers. You shape your destiny, if you sit with your fingers crossed, nothing will happen. DOL will continue with its idiocy.

Argument that H1 is temporary worker position is completely misleading. If thats the case why INS made it dual intent status ? Just to lure 140+ IQ to work for 40K. If we knew that it will take 4 years for labor (and after that long wait, its not sure if it will be approved), I bet half of us would have never came to this so called "land of opportunity".
Anand_Mishra said:
will they do? Then how will they exploite? If we will get GC in a year, is it not bad for them?

Let's try that too. I am not against any effort. Anything is better than nothing. But Please take some action(small, big, vary big). Please don't just talk. I asked my employer, HR said it's normal process(3 year waiting for GC). It will take time.

Normally 3 years for a GC?? Man, this is a very optimistic view. This June I proudly complete my 3rd (wasted) year of waiting for LC. Time is running fast so is life. We are burning the most productive years of our lives just waiting for a dream to come true. Anyway, I am with you 100% about taking some actions but we have to be extra careful. The process is already a lame and taking unwise actions in a wrong timing may create some negative pressures on the fox at BEC and might cause further delay!!!! The last thing we want.

Right now, our files are being entered into a production line they call National Q. I understand how frustrating it is for someone to see his/her destiny (while given a serial case number, like any commercial product) slowly moving on a production line, uncertain of how and when it is going to get to an end. However, as long as the line is moving I don't see enough reasons for us to complain about. Speed is an issue but is going to be always an issue taking into account the huge number (300k) of pending cases!! According to the brains at BEC they won't be able to start the actual processing before the data entry phase finishes by the end of the summer so let’s not stress ourselves trying to foresee the future and let’s enjoy a good summer time. Man California is beautiful in the summer so I am looking at it as a summer vacation from BEC, DOL, and all other stressful legal residency matters. Nevertheless, if after the summer nothing changes then a legal action will be required.

Guru, my 6 years are about to come to an end in few months so, as I am pretty certain the dudes at BEC won’t get to my case before at least year from now, do you know when I should file for a 7th year extension? Also, can I file for an 8th, 9th …etc extension after?

I wish SF DOL never moved cases with RD of May 2003. We had a couple of thousands of cases in the Q before us and now..............only G-D knows how many. :(
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GCSyndrome said:
my 6 years are about to end in few months so, as I am pretty certain the dudes at BEC won’t get to my case before at least year from now, do you know when I should file for a 7th year extension? Also, can I file for an 8th, 9th …etc extension after?

I wish SF DOL never moved cases with RD of May 2003. We had a couple of thousands of cases in the Q before us and now..............only G-D knows how many. :(

File for extension about 3 months before Visa Expiry Date.. You can file up to 180 days in advance.. Yes You can also file 8th, 9th, 10th.. I just filled my 8th year extension!
USCISisMockery said:
Just got message from moderator to send him/her thread link which we want to make it "sticky". I think by having our thread under "labor certification" category, we will get more exposure. What you guys think ? Here is what I will start with

title: raise awareness about labor certificate process backlog

With never ending process of labor certificate, we would like to organize efforts to make related personnel aware of the problem. Here are versions of sample letters. (revised version of postcount 1058)

Please post your suggestions and response of the letter. Remember saying "do your work, you will get the result". Guys don't be passimistic, by sending email/snail mail, we have nothing to loose. All naysayers, please stay away, there are tons of threads to discuss your negativity.

Yes I think the title looks fine and should be under Labor Certification category.
Got 45d and Case#

After nearly one month since I contacted local congressman, I got these 2 things. At least, there is some news.

I doubt I can get any response if I did not tell someone.

Guys, you need actions, not just staying here, guessing, imagining, and dreaming. Yes, when you wake up, it might turn to be a good dream, it might also be a nightmare!

By the way, Case # is P-05020-33XXX
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Fax Number for Office of the Secretary

I got the Fax number for Office of the Secretary 202-693-6111. Let us start sending our messge to Secretary Chao.

This thread is on fire ;)

I am not entirely convinced this fire won't burn us though. Only thing is - we're drowning without it so we might as well try to light things up -

Is either death by drowning or the possibility of getting burnt by fire: at least there's a chance :p