Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

National queue my foot -

Actually I wanted to use an explitive.
Ok - so 3 more approvals in Boston DOL. Again - happy for the guys who got approved BUT at least one of their PDs was Dec 02 - dont we have guys waiting from 2001 here ???

This BPC thing is a waste of tax payer dollars. Oh and thats you and me !!! Not necessarily the illegals who have supposedly caused this delay anyway.
There are so many approvals in SF DOL forum today and some of them have RD of 2003, I don't know about their PDs but still its an approval, something which BPC is not aware of.
GC_Lover said:
There are so many approvals in SF DOL forum today and some of them have RD of 2003, I don't know about their PDs but still its an approval, something which BPC is not aware of.

SF DOL has moved cases with RD MAY-03 & beyond (PD about May-02 & beyond) to BEC & still processing cases earlier than that. The approvals you saw today ware of PD April-2002. SF DOL took 7 months to clear cases of RD March-03 & working on April for last one month.

SF, NY & Boston DOL will continue to work till end of the year clearing out cases which ware not sent to BEC.
GC_Lover said:
There are so many approvals in SF DOL forum today and some of them have RD of 2003, I don't know about their PDs but still its an approval, something which BPC is not aware of.

Excuse me for my french...but why the hack they are letting some regions process cases till 2006 (BOSTON,SF etc.) while others cases rot in f*** backlog enhancement centers. Regions like Philly haven't processed any cases since about a year now because they have been setting up these f** BPCs....What happened to all the talk of fairness, single queue and faster processing......Makes me really mad... :mad:
gp111 said:
SF DOL has moved cases with RD MAY-03 & beyond (PD about May-02 & beyond) to BEC & still processing cases earlier than that. The approvals you saw today ware of PD April-2002. SF DOL took 7 months to clear cases of RD March-03 & working on April for last one month.

SF, NY & Boston DOL will continue to work till end of the year clearing out cases which ware not sent to BEC.

Yeah great - SF DOL and Boston DOL are working on something and putting approvals out there.

BPC which is in Philadelphia may have been better served if it was in Boston or SF because as far as I remember, Philadelphia DOL didnt do jack shi* about it's cases for the last 2 years.

Oh well - I know these are well known facts and my post is not constructive in any manner....
Great French!

I want to speak French to these SOB too!

fastergcwanted said:
Excuse me for my french...but why the hack they are letting some regions process cases till 2006 (BOSTON,SF etc.) while others cases rot in f*** backlog enhancement centers. Regions like Philly haven't processed any cases since about a year now because they have been setting up these f** BPCs....What happened to all the talk of fairness, single queue and faster processing......Makes me really mad... :mad:
one approval

One approval look in Philly DOL forum

posted by RahulatDC

PD :10/2002 (Virginia)
Received letter from BEC in Jan
Labor Approval in 2nd week of March
It was an IT - EB2 RIR Case.

I am still trying to get info about rest of two approved cases.

spidey said:
Yeah great - SF DOL and Boston DOL are working on something and putting approvals out there.

BPC which is in Philadelphia may have been better served if it was in Boston or SF because as far as I remember, Philadelphia DOL didnt do jack shi* about it's cases for the last 2 years.

Oh well - I know these are well known facts and my post is not constructive in any manner....

Boston & Seattle are the only one processing cases with PDs which are in line or Ahead of BEC.. SF is not. SF & NY are actually helping out BEC by sharing the backlog as all the cases remaining in SF & NY DOL now are cases with earlier PD. I would rather see 4 places working on cases (PD 2000, 01, 02) then only 2 BECs as it increases overall speed.

Also, Speaking French in US will not help any one out here.. !!!
Great News !

Is it from BEC or regional Philly DOL ?

GC_Lover said:
One approval look in Philly DOL forum

posted by RahulatDC

PD :10/2002 (Virginia)
Received letter from BEC in Jan
Labor Approval in 2nd week of March
It was an IT - EB2 RIR Case.

I am still trying to get info about rest of two approved cases.

omnits said:
Is it from BEC or regional Philly DOL ?

Well, he says person received 45-days letter in Jan, so I would assume that its BEC. I don't know anyone else sending 45-days letter before. But thats just my guess from whatever info I got.
gp111 said:
Boston & Seattle are the only one processing cases with PDs which are in line or Ahead of BEC.. SF is not. SF & NY are actually helping out BEC by sharing the backlog as all the cases remaining in SF & NY DOL now are cases with earlier PD. I would rather see 4 places working on cases (PD 2000, 01, 02) then only 2 BECs as it increases overall speed.

Also, Speaking French in US will not help any one out here.. !!!

Do you work for the DOL ?
If not, please dont take these comments personally.

If you do, hell yeah take them personally ;)

Seriously, what we say here wont change a damn thing so why take it upon yourself to defend anyone.
Most of us are just tired of this crap and come here for information and venting our frustrations.. so take a chill pill.
spidey said:
Do you work for the DOL ?
If not, please dont take these comments personally.

If you do, hell yeah take them personally ;)

Seriously, what we say here wont change a damn thing so why take it upon yourself to defend anyone.
Most of us are just tired of this crap and come here for information and venting our frustrations.. so take a chill pill.

I don't need Chill Pill.. Nither I work for DOL nor I take anything personally. I post my comment only when I see people getting fustrated without any reason or actual info. If San Francisco is processing, I would say its good .. alteast 5000 less applications ahead of us in BEC !!!
gp111 said:
I don't need Chill Pill.. Nither I work for DOL nor I take anything personally. I post my comment only when I see people getting fustrated without any reason or actual info. If San Francisco is processing, I would say its good .. alteast 5000 less applications ahead of us in BEC !!!

Yes Yes you are right, it is very good that SF if processing and we are very happy for those who got approvals. But we are just frustrated, not because SF is approving but because BPCs are NOT approving.
Buddy...I hope it is true

I hope it is see BECs making progress...this endless wait is killing my health...I am getting sick of this nonsense business....I do not understand why some cases get approved in SF dol while others like us are stinking in this pothole of BEC...this is cruel...they are treating us like criminals...while they themselves will suffer ultimately for not promoting employment based green cards...

GC_Lover said:
One approval look in Philly DOL forum

posted by RahulatDC

PD :10/2002 (Virginia)
Received letter from BEC in Jan
Labor Approval in 2nd week of March
It was an IT - EB2 RIR Case.

I am still trying to get info about rest of two approved cases.

gp111 said:
I don't need Chill Pill.. Nither I work for DOL nor I take anything personally. I post my comment only when I see people getting fustrated without any reason or actual info. If San Francisco is processing, I would say its good .. alteast 5000 less applications ahead of us in BEC !!!

Bite me :D
Relax... It was a joke, you're right about your information.... Didn't you see my winky eye ;)

And yes, you are the man - dont blow your gasket off because of this.... try to breathe in and breathe out... :rolleyes:
rest_2004_free said:
I hope it is see BECs making progress...this endless wait is killing my health...I am getting sick of this nonsense business....I do not understand why some cases get approved in SF dol while others like us are stinking in this pothole of BEC...this is cruel...they are treating us like criminals...while they themselves will suffer ultimately for not promoting employment based green cards...

I also hope it is true.
Need Help....

Sorry to bug you one more time. Can you please send me your best gues in my case.

This is in continution to the substitute labot question I asked you before. I think the labor needs BS in Electrical Engineering and Experiance in Oracle. Where as I have M.S + 3 years and I have experiance in J2EE and oracle too. I sent the same to my lawyer.

.My lawyer said the following...Is it 100% true..

"Unfortunately your degree is in Chemical Engineering, not Electrical Engineering. We have an evaluation that says that your MS in Chemical Engineering plus your experience are equivalent to a BSCS"
Originally Posted by gp111
The Job/Exp Requirements mentionen on LC MUST match with your Profile 90% or more & Qualification Reqd must match 100%..

Example: IF LC says MS+2 or BS+6.. MS+1 or BS+4 will not do.,
GC_Lover said:
I also hope it is true.

Actually I believe him. This was posted by Rahul At DC.
He had provided info to this effect a week or so ago but didn't have the details, he's just posting the details today.
No one would go to the trouble of backing himself up if he didn't believe it was true.

Also - we can expect a slow trickle of approvals - starting from VA cases who recd their 45 day letters in Jan. I remember noting that VA cases were receiving 45 day letters earlier than others....

I like to end the week and more importantly go into the weekend with good news... I suspect this will have to do for this weekend. :)
spidey said:
Actually I believe him. This was posted by Rahul At DC.
He had provided info to this effect a week or so ago but didn't have the details, he's just posting the details today.
No one would go to the trouble of backing himself up if he didn't believe it was true.

Also - we can expect a slow trickle of approvals - starting from VA cases who recd their 45 day letters in Jan. I remember noting that VA cases were receiving 45 day letters earlier than others....

I like to end the week and more importantly go into the weekend with good news... I suspect this will have to do for this weekend. :)

Actually I think its true. Few days back my attorney told me he received 2 approvals from philly BPC but he refused to tell me more saying he cannot give away his client's information so I was not sure if he is right or just bluffing. All he said was those 2 cases were filed long before my PD.
cpallapothula said:
Sorry to bug you one more time. Can you please send me your best gues in my case.

This is in continution to the substitute labot question I asked you before. I think the labor needs BS in Electrical Engineering and Experiance in Oracle. Where as I have M.S + 3 years and I have experiance in J2EE and oracle too. I sent the same to my lawyer.

.My lawyer said the following...Is it 100% true..

"Unfortunately your degree is in Chemical Engineering, not Electrical Engineering. We have an evaluation that says that your MS in Chemical Engineering plus your experience are equivalent to a BSCS"

Its not a match.. MS in Chemical Engineering is not equal to the requirements MS in Electrical Engineering. If may (agian, may) have some difficulties using this substitute LC.