First of all, congrats Sahil for winning the fight against PBEC!!
Kudos to you for fighting it out till the last moment!!
I totally agree with your analysis regarding PBEC. This is a golden opportunity for Non-RIR folks to get into the fast track queue. All along, Non-RIR guys were never given preference in processing.
PBEC must have estimated that it may be way too difficult for them to clear the backlog by Sep 2007 unless they place the recruitment burden on the employers. The easiest way for them to do this is to allow Non-RIR guys to get converted to RIR.
MDwatch is right too. There are several queues in PBEC, statewise, RIR/TR wise, easy/difficult cases, etc. In general, there is a clear cut processing trend (if you look at the big picture and not specific skipped cases). It appears to me that they are sincerely committed to elimination of backlog by Sept 2007. This is possibly because they may be feeling the heat and trememdous pressure from their higher-ups in DOL and also from the immigrant community.
If you look at it carefully, the root cause for this entire mess for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 folks is the 245(i) regulation passed in 2000/2001. Further, the delay in launching of the PERM system exacerbated it.