Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

lucky guys

PBECVictim10000 said:
I cannot even open this test link, is this the correct one or DOL disconnected it?
Guys you had fun already with the online status check. by the time i checked this forum that test website was gone... too sad :(( . lets see how many days they will take to go live.. i say 4 days . any guess?

Pls add my info in the Tracker.


PD : 04/23/2003
RD : 04/23/2003
ETA # P-05192-0****
45 DAYS LETTER RECD ON 1/31/2006
45 DAYS LETTER replied on 2/2/2006
I have one pending EB3 RIR application of PD March 18th 2005 from MA at PBEC. I got and replied 45 day letter during April 2006. Although I am from Rest of the world, but still my cut off date is October 1st 2001, even I got my labor certificate today.

In the mean time, I got an offer from one consulting company. They have pre approved labor of EB2 and they want to substitute it and file I-140 and I-485 as soon as I joined them, because my cut off date is current for EB2. I already have BS plus 6 years of experience.

I just want to know that if there is any risk involves in it, and what might be the worst case scenario?

Labor Approved

My employer received the white large envelope indicating that my labor was approved. I was able to check my case with the test version of the "Status Check" website this morning and it showed "In Process". For me the most reliable way of tracking PBEC activity has been looking at where my application stands with respect to recent approvals on the BEC Tracker spreadsheet. I think my signature has all relevant info but for those of you into analysis below are some additional info:

Checked status through H1B7YR email (Jan/06)
Correct typo in busines activity field through H1B7YR email (Jun/06)
Labor approved 7/14/06
Labor approval letter received 7/27/06
Certifying officer Barbara Shelly

I've been a long-time reader of these pages and I thank all contributors for sharing their opinions/experiences/pain to give readers some sort of guidance/relief during such an inefficient process. I hope all of you can get your approvals (in the most orderly fashion) as soon possible so that we can meet in 140/485 forums.
change of address

has anyone successfully petitioned for a case to be reinstated due to change of address of petitioner and hence non-receipt of 45 day letter or change in ownership of original petitioner?
thanks for responses
45-day letter received


Just want to share some progress on my case

My company received 45-day letter on 7/8/2006

EB3, NJ, 4/21/2003
Labor Approved from my previous Company! CONFUSED!!

Sakina, Senior Members, and all Readers,

I am in a very weird situation. Appreciate if you guys can help.

I was working for Company A, who had filed for my LC in June 2002 RIR NJ. I joined a new company B on July 10th, after loosing hope on my LC. Company B filed for H1B Transfer on the 10th of July this year (less than 2 weeks) and simultaneously filled for PERM.

Today, July 27th, I got a call from Company A that my LC from June 2002 got approved. Now, I am confused. I defiantly want to go back to company A due to the priority date from 2002.

Since, Now that I want to go back to my old company, I would like to know the following questions:

1) Do I need to again file for a H1B transfer to get back to company A due to the fact that on July 10th I filed for transfer from company A to company B (I sent the documents on the 10th with $1000 express fee)
2) Incase, if I do not transfer, technically, can my company A continue to file for I-140, even if I do not go back to them?

I have a very good relationship with company A, I need to know what you guys recommend. I am very confused so any any help from members will be sincerely appreciated.

Thank you
akrkap said:
1) Do I need to again file for a H1B transfer to get back to company A due to the fact that on July 10th I filed for transfer from company A to company B (I sent the documents on the 10th with $1000 express fee)

No, I don't think you need to file for transfer again. We call it a transfer, but in reality it's always a new H1. So, you have 2 H1s now, and you should be able to switch back to A if it has not been cancelled yet.
I know a friend who did something similar but I would recommend you to check with a lawyer also.

2) Incase, if I do not transfer, technically, can my company A continue to file for I-140, even if I do not go back to them?

Of course yes, since GC is for future position, they can file 140, 485 for you and once you get your GC you will go and work for them (in reality you don't need to work for them as long as they don't complain to USCIS).
Just my opinions, others plz cofirm.
Good luck
Not Required

akrkap said:
Sakina, Senior Members, and all Readers,

I am in a very weird situation. Appreciate if you guys can help.

I was working for Company A, who had filed for my LC in June 2002 RIR NJ. I joined a new company B on July 10th, after loosing hope on my LC. Company B filed for H1B Transfer on the 10th of July this year (less than 2 weeks) and simultaneously filled for PERM.

Today, July 27th, I got a call from Company A that my LC from June 2002 got approved. Now, I am confused. I defiantly want to go back to company A due to the priority date from 2002.

Since, Now that I want to go back to my old company, I would like to know the following questions:

1) Do I need to again file for a H1B transfer to get back to company A due to the fact that on July 10th I filed for transfer from company A to company B (I sent the documents on the 10th with $1000 express fee)
2) Incase, if I do not transfer, technically, can my company A continue to file for I-140, even if I do not go back to them?

I have a very good relationship with company A, I need to know what you guys recommend. I am very confused so any any help from members will be sincerely appreciated.

Thank you

If your old H1 is not expired, you do not need to do any thing. Just once the Employer A raises your pay stub, you belong to him again.
You guys are wonderful!

Since this happened two weeks ago, my H1B is still active from company A. I have yet to receive an H1B approval from company B as I only applied on July 10th. I think I may get that approval early next week due to speed processing.

Any other advise from members will sincerely be appreciated.


Originally Posted by akrkap
Sakina, Senior Members, and all Readers,

I am in a very weird situation. Appreciate if you guys can help.

I was working for Company A, who had filed for my LC in June 2002 RIR NJ. I joined a new company B on July 10th, after loosing hope on my LC. Company B filed for H1B Transfer on the 10th of July this year (less than 2 weeks) and simultaneously filled for PERM.

Today, July 27th, I got a call from Company A that my LC from June 2002 got approved. Now, I am confused. I defiantly want to go back to company A due to the priority date from 2002.

Since, Now that I want to go back to my old company, I would like to know the following questions:

1) Do I need to again file for a H1B transfer to get back to company A due to the fact that on July 10th I filed for transfer from company A to company B (I sent the documents on the 10th with $1000 express fee)
2) Incase, if I do not transfer, technically, can my company A continue to file for I-140, even if I do not go back to them?

I have a very good relationship with company A, I need to know what you guys recommend. I am very confused so any any help from members will be sincerely appreciated.

Thank you

another_fella said:
aycy, PRinUS

Like someone mentioned this is a Test Site. Think about these possible things that could have been done with test DB:
- Test DB snapshot could be very old and inaccurate
- Since this is Test Environment some developer could have changed data to get different test cases, like arbitrarily marking cases as closed or certified or withdrawn

Until the site is official, I would suggest not taking this status as official. Instead get your employer or lawyer call them or send email for status.

Thanks for the support and console. For the entire morning, I was restless and did not know what to do. Not knowing what is happening is really a mental torture. I contacted my lawyer and she said if it is true I have been denied, I should be receiving an official letter from them within a week. Will have to see....! Pray for me man.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
I HAVE ADDED QUESTION 3, Which I forgot to add earlier
Thank you all

Sakina, Senior Members, and all Readers,

I am in a very weird situation. Appreciate if you guys can help.I

I was working for Company A, who had filed for my LC in June 2002 RIR NJ. I joined a new company B on July 10th, after loosing hope on my LC. Company B filed for H1B Transfer on the 10th of July this year (less than 2 weeks) and simultaneously filled for PERM.

Today, July 27th, I got a call from Company A that my LC from June 2002 got approved. Now, I am confused. I defiantly want to go back to company A due to the priority date from 2002.

Since, Now that I want to go back to my old company, I would like to know the following questions:

1) Do I need to again file for a H1B transfer to get back to company A due to the fact that on July 10th I filed for transfer from company A to company B (I sent the documents on the 10th with $1000 express fee)
2) Incase, if I do not transfer, technically, can my company A continue to file for I-140, even if I do not go back to them?
3) I have EB2 filed from company B and EB3 from company A. What do you guys recommend. It is worth staying with company B because of the EB category? Does the priority date really matter especailly this new case is filled under Eb2

I have a very good relationship with company A, I need to know what you guys recommend. I am very confused so any any help from members will be sincerely appreciated.

Thank you
I don't think it makes much difference, having an EB2 with PD 2006 or a 2002 EB3, you are looking at many many years of wait down the line, of course assuming that you are also Indian.
I think there is a way to convert Eb3->Eb2, so if you could keep that old PD and convert to Eb2, it should be good.

Do not panic. It is just a test database. Here is what I saw on Oh Law firm site.

07/27/2006: BEC Tracking Site Was "Test Only" and Tracking Access Not Yet Available

We posted the test site of BEC tracking with a note that BECs were preparing for the operation. The site was test only and any information which readers had accessed did not necessarity reflect actual tracking record. For the reasons, we are retracting the link.

aycy said:
Thanks for the support and console. For the entire morning, I was restless and did not know what to do. Not knowing what is happening is really a mental torture. I contacted my lawyer and she said if it is true I have been denied, I should be receiving an official letter from them within a week. Will have to see....! Pray for me man.

PD June 25'02
45 day received Sept '05
Replied 45 day letter Oct'05
NOF issued on Feb 24'06
NOF rebutted March 28'06
aycy said:
Thanks for the support and console. For the entire morning, I was restless and did not know what to do. Not knowing what is happening is really a mental torture. I contacted my lawyer and she said if it is true I have been denied, I should be receiving an official letter from them within a week. Will have to see....! Pray for me man.
Do not worry!!! Please!! I am in the same boat, the website was down yesterday and it is not official. I contacted my lawyer and he said the same thing, for what it matters ( official communications from DOL) yours and mine case remain open.
Please do not worry!!!!
God Bless
Case Closed and subsequently reopened as i had not received the 45 day letter.

Hi All,

You are all doing a wonderful job by posting information regularly, on the ongoing events at the "famous and backedup "

Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center.

The Following are the followups regarding my case since the last week of May.

1. Sent an e-mail to H1b7yr@PHI.DFLC.US during last week of May.

2. Received an email in response within one hour, showing my ETA case number and other details in a screen shot. All fields were correct and complete.

3. Mid June: My employer called the 202.... number to WashingtonDC Foreign Labour Department, enquiring about non

reciept of the 45 day letter. He was informed that my case was entered into system during May 1st week, was assigned to

an analyst on June 1st week. The person whom my employer spoke to was surprised that without receiving 45 day letter it

was assigned to analyst for further processing.

4. Contacted Attorney asking whether he received 45 day letter and replied to the same. He had not received it too.

5.On July 21, 2006 : I contacted PBEC giving my case Number, that I had not received the 45 Day letter yet. The Person

checked the database and informed that the Case has been closed and could not give no further info about reason for closing.
The same day by Mail, my employer received a letter from PBEC about case closure.

6. Contacted my attorney immediately, who still maintained that he had not yet heard from the department and was following up.

7. Date: 7/24/2006 : My employer sent an e-mail to, stating we had not received 45 day letter and therefore requesting to

reopen case[ request sent to Philadelphi Backlog Elimination Centre].

8. On 7/27/2006, called PBEC in the afternoon, the person who took the call was helpful, took my case number and

informed that my case has been reopened around 12:00 Noon and an e-mail would be sent to the employer. Around

3:00pm, my employer received email from Dallas Backlog Elimination center about reopening of case and a screen shot. The Screen shot shows the case status as re-opened, and also Case reopen date.

9. Now confused where my case is in Philly/ Dallas. But am glad to know atleast my case was reopened.

10. Attorney, still to come up with any information about my case.

So Guys, whoever has had their Cases closed by error / Not yet received 45 day letter, Do not loose hope.
Its a good idea to make your employer call and check the status and do the necessary correspondence to the concerned backlog

center by e-mail/fax.
Do not rely much on the attorney for corresponding for reopening the case.

Pls add my info given below in your tracker.

Priority Date: 6/17/2004
45 Day Letter : Not Received.
ETA CAse Number : P-05138-*****
Type : RIR
State : FLORIDA, reached Regional office.
Case Closed Letter from PBEC: 7/21/2006
E-mail sent requesting reopening : 7/24/2006
Case Reopened : By e-mail from DBEC : 7/27/2006