Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

csrini1 said:
It is normal. I got my D number 5-6 months, before the lawyer got the 45 day letter.

Thanks, csrini1 and jcgc. I was worried that they may have messed up my case with another person's. Now I can relax a little bit.

btw, this is a great forum! I posted my questions on another website for weeks and got no answer. And I got you guys help here right after I posted it!
TIB said:
whats the chance of getting labor approved if you receive a "Notice of Findings" letter from Phili DOL? Any suggestions?

There are different types of NOF. Sometimes even when employer's physical address is changed, they send NOF to confirm whether it is the same employer. You need to know exact nature of NOF to guess chances.
What's happening?

PBEC seems to be going pretty smoothly till it hit PDs of Nov 2002. ANy ides what might have slowed them down, or are there approvals coming in thar are not getting reported in these forums?....just wondering...

rir2002 said:
PD: 11-18-2002
45 DL : Not Received
ETA# P-04321-xxxx
I think they concentrated on the 45-day letter deadline which is the end of this month... That is why we see less approvalss..
Lets see what happens in July...
mayhemNYC said:
I think they concentrated on the 45-day letter deadline which is the end of this month... That is why we see less approvalss..
Lets see what happens in July...

These people better do something starting july, cant digest this long wait..
PD: 08/2001, CA, RIR
RD: 10/2002,
Remanded: 06/2003,
45 day letter: 10/2005,
Replied: 10/2005

No news yet,
About to file 9th year extn..
This is killing me guys..
New User....No 45 day letter

Hi All,
I am new to this thread. Must say , its been very helpful reading all the information posted by others. And also heartening to see that something is happening at PBEC.
My Details are:

ETA Case Number: P-04337-0xxxx
State: CA
Priority Date:12/20/2002
Processing Type:RIR
Case Source:Region
Case Received Date:12/02/2004
Processing Center: Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
45-Day Letter: Not Received

My lawyers did not divulge this information. I had to send email to PBEC with the 7 yr extension request to get the snapshot. My lawyers say no 45-day letter was received for my application. Is that a issue? the snapshot did not show any status. And it is very recent. Does it mean my application is still active

Any input will be deeply appreciated.

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The fact that you got a screenshot for a 12/2002 case means that your case is active. Otherwise, you'd not have gotten all these details including the case number.

Your case was input in the PBEC system on the 337th day of 2004 (04337). Your blood-sucking attorney (and I'm yet to find a different type) probably did not want you to know more than what he thought is good for his fees. The BECs no longer show the status information. What state is this from?

rc_waiting_game said:
Hi All,
I am new to this thread. Must say , its been very helpful reading all the information posted by others. And also heartening to see that something is happening at PBEC.
My Details are:

ETA Case Number: P-04337-0xxxx
Priority Date:12/20/2002
Processing Type:RIR
Case Source:Region
Case Received Date:12/02/2004
Processing Center: Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center
45-Day Letter: Not Received

My lawyers did not divulge this information. I had to send email to PBEC with the 7 yr extension request to get the snapshot. My lawyers say no 45-day letter was received for my application. Is that a issue? the snapshot did not show any status. And it is very recent. Does it mean my application is still active

Any input will be deeply appreciated.

Thanks for the info. At least it is active. The state is CA. I actually got the screenshot twice. Once a few months ago and again just two days back. Both times I got the screenshot a few minutes after I sent out the email.

It would be interesting to see when they start approving CA Dec 2002 cases. In the meanwhile, it would be a good idea not to ping them too many times with case status e-mails because there is a perception that they may be tracking such requests.

rc_waiting_game said:
Thanks for the info. At least it is active. The state is CA. I actually got the screenshot twice. Once a few months ago and again just two days back. Both times I got the screenshot a few minutes after I sent out the email.

NON RIR - 2001 PD now certified

Non RIR - went to Regional
PD: 4/21/01
45 day letter 1/7/06
State : FL
Certified 6/19/06

Just to let any of you guys out there that I got certified today after more than 5 years of waiting. What a terrible wait. I never thought the day would come. If your case is 2001 and went to Regional, it looks like you could be close now. Now off to green card.... :)

Good luck to everyone. I know what it feels to wait a LONG time.

prince123 said:
I believe the PBEC is now concentrated to meet the june 2006 'deadline' of data entry. Let them have luck.

Are you kidding me? PBEC office is run by Stephan .... THE BOSS OF LAZY WORKING PEOPLE (OR SLEEPING PEOPLE.. he is the main character in the OMEN)

All he has to do is push the deadline... well they have been doing that for last few years why not one more year?

Remember: he does not have a job if all the work at PBEC is done...
narayana_pan said:
Any approvals for PA 2002 cases ????????/or Any approval after NOF

Check the PA labor approval thread. palabor got his labor approved. His PD is Dec 2002 and his P-XXX number is very close to yours. I think you might be very very close to approval.

Good Luck! :)
Please add my information to the tracker

Filed from NY
PD - 09/28/04
45 day letter received 11/19/05
45 day letter replied 12/19/05
Considering filing another labor - on the job experience question

My LC application is waiting in a PBEC. In the meantime, I got a job offer form my current employer for another position. Since the duties are not the same, I would have to file a new labor.
Now I am a little confused regarding the on-the-job experience requirements. I was told that while filling for a new labor (and competing for the new job) I won’t be able to use the experience gained through this employer.
However, during my stay at this company, on my own will, I applied for and passed a couple of professional certifications. They were not required for my current job. The certifications were issued by independent professional organizations.

My employer said that they will draft the new job description so I could be qualified for the job. Can they include the requirement for professional certifications?
Can I apply for this job, if I gained the certifications during my stay with this employeer?

Will be grateful for any clue.
md_alien said:

you have provided adequate information, "mdwatch" or "mvinays" will add it to the PBEC tracker. Also I highly recommend that you edit your previous post to remove last 5 digits of your case numbers and replace it with xxxx

We are all waiting and in the same boat. There are lots of activities going on to get PBEC speed up the process, from faxing DOL officials to newspaper campaigns to IV lobbying.

Welcome to the forum and keep checking the posts. I believe this forums provides a much broader perspective of the backlog process than any attorney can.
Thank you for your response. I do not have a daily opportunity to check and or reply to the thread. I was very surprised to see the number of posts since I last submitted a statement.

In your response to my initial concern you referenced efforts could be made to possibly expedite the process by faxing DOL officials, newspaper campaigns to IV lobbying. Do you have (or can you direct me to) any of these sources?

Also, has anyone ever considered an in-person approach? Be it independent or a group effort, I think it warrants discussion and should be given some consideration. If we approach this in the right fashion it may prove to be very effective and beneficial....July 4th is approaching fast-no better time.

SWA: Maryland
Priority Date (PD): Dec 18, 01
RD (Philly - Transferred to PBEC.): 09/07/2004
45 Day Notification Letter Received: January 19, 2005 / Reply: January 25, 2005
Case Number# P-04288-XXXXX
Last Major Action: 45 Day letter
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