Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

fastergcwanted said:
Given the not-a-lot-of-hope situation at BPC currently, I was wondering what everyone here thinks about filing PERM EB2 case with US Master's degree, even at the cost of losing PD? What are the chances of success after initial technical problems with PERM system gets resolved? (Initial rejections we heard under PERM are for sure due to some technical glitch which should be resolved at some point)

EB2 not yet retrogressed, it might be worth taking this chance instead of waiting for 2 more years under BPC (u never know the economy and if we would have same jobs for next 2 years)

Anyone with thoughts on this, one way or other, please share opinions.

I am also in the same boat :confused: . My application was sent to VA SWA (RIR, EB3) in April '04 and last thing I know about it is that its at Philly BEC. Even though I have Masters I couldnt file EB2 because the job ad. was made stating that MS was a preferred requirement, rather than minimum requirement :mad: :mad:

Given the possiblility that I may have to stay around in the same job for a better part of next 3 years, I am also considering the possibility of changing to a new job (which do require MS degree) and re-apply under EB2. If I am not mistaken in my new job I can leverage my current job experience (~4years) to substantiate my EB2 claim.

Would really appreciate if gurus or anyone is the same scenario can share their thoughts in this context.

well the problem is there are a lot of people in similar situation and couple of lawyers that my friends have talked to , have discouraged them from taking that route saying let other people be guinea pigs first , and one thing in hand is better then nothing that we are not sure about
Re-filing with EB2

My lawyer has advised the same. The waiting does get on your nerves.
My lawyer told me that even though I have an MS, the job does not require a MS, and so EB2 does not apply. Since PERM isn't quite defined yet, I'm not sure what the best course of action would be.

PD: Jun, 2003
RD: Apr, 2004
Phily BEC: Dec 20, 2004 -- Replied Dec 24, 2004.
MA kicked Out from Phily BEC????

why I don't see any MA cases. Is MA SESA got kicked out to the end of the Q??????????????????????????????????????? :eek:
I am in same boat as you are, i got a "CASE CLOSURE NOTICE" even thought my lawyer responded timely and positively. My lawyer is diligently working to get the DOL to correct the matter. They are few other people in forum, who got similar letters. Let us hope that DOL correct this matter, other wise we can take legal action. I am about to complete my 6 Yr, i need to get case open to apply for my 7 Yr extension.

rspr said:

I would really appreciate your inputs on this. My lawyer (or DOL) really screwed me up. Sorry for the long text.

My company A got acquired by another company B. As part of the transition, my GC also got transferred to the new lawyer. Our new lawyer(B) filed address change with DOL. However, BEC sent my 45 day letter to my old lawyer(A). old lawyer(A) forwarded the 45 day letter to me and I forwarded that to new lawyer(B). New lawyer(B) responded to the letter as YES (atleast that is what lawyer says).

Today we received a letter under the name of company A (in CC), stating, "DOL is withdrawing the case per your request". I called on the new lawyer(B) and she says the following...
Old Lawyer(A) responded to BEC stating they are 'not representing my case any more' and New lawyer(B) responded 'YES'. DOL misunderstood the old lawyer(A) letter as withdrawal and sent you the notice. You don't worry, as we have all the paper work proof of sending YES to 45 day letter. I am actively following up and talked with few guys at the BEC.

Did any one face this situation before. I really need some advice. I am already on 7th year extension and this puts me in jeopardy.

Any advice?

Can the Gurus Confirm This?

I just called to Philly to ask if they are already sending Labor Certifications. The woman at the phone told me that every day they are doing that. I asked the if among them there are RIR, and the answer was Yes.
Could some of the guys with good contacts confirm this version?
Hi ArgenBas, "sending Labor Certifications" did you mean they approved some cases already? Thanks.

ArgenBas said:
I just called to Philly to ask if they are already sending Labor Certifications. The woman at the phone told me that every day they are doing that. I asked the if among them there are RIR, and the answer was Yes.
Could some of the guys with good contacts confirm this version?
ArgenBas said:
I just called to Philly to ask if they are already sending Labor Certifications. The woman at the phone told me that every day they are doing that. I asked the if among them there are RIR, and the answer was Yes.
Could some of the guys with good contacts confirm this version?

Hey ArgenBas

10 days ago I had managed to speak with someone who had given me the same story (of course I didn't get to the RIR piece, my question was about 45-day letter respondees ) - Just as your post is encouraging, so was my conversation then. I had hoped to see some approval postings on this forum last week, but alas.

So - I guess we wait some more this week and hope to see any reports that may confirm our stories.

May God or whoever your faith calls to bless you with unimaginable patience. alright I guess even that my have thinned out by now.. but what else is there to wish upon this forsaken group. :rolleyes:

hello there;

my question is: how can i obtain a receipt or any prove of my 245(i)
filed ?

My ex husband applied for a PERM Labor certification in NY on Abril 2001,
also he filed a 245(i) it was a family petition,
i had divorced him two years ago, i know i can't get my residence
trhough his LC
but i', still protected under 245(i)

the problem is that he denied to give me any inf of the case, because he
doesn't want to help me in any way he could, to adjust my status by my
own in the future, and he told me he wants me to get deported from this
country so he can keep our daugther custody.

the labor department already approved his labor certification on feb of
this year.

is any way i can find the receipt or the case number ? he had never let
me have access to our case, so he can always have the control of the

all i have is the name of the company, their phone numbers
i being trying to track the status of the case online, and it says i
need a 13 digits numbers
but those are the only numbers i could find trough all my search.

this number P XXX XX XXXXX
2001 008 7090

please respond ASAP!


Go to

Download all the files.
Open one by one.
Search by Company Name.
Verify Rec_Local_Off. This will provide the date received by State labor department.
Verify Rec_State_Off. This will provide the date received by Federal labor department.

If you know above dates or approximate dates, you can search the case no. in the same column.

Good luck.

Got love letter (SWA case)

Hi everyone, just wanted to share my news to hopefully help someone out there... I got my 45-day letter this weekend from Philly BEC! My case was still at Florida SWA (never made it to regional), so this is good news for those people in similar situation!!!

Here are case details:

- PD: 12/29/2003 (RIR) Florida SWA
- Emailed Dallas BEC on 03/01/05 for case status (using state case #)
- Got email from Dallas BEC on 03/01/05 saying no case status available
- Got another email from Dallas BEC on 03/25/05 with new Temporary case #
saying case was now at one of the BECs
- Got 45-day letter on 04/09/05 from Philly BEC with new case number

Here's my case number to be updated onto the track: P-05012-*****

Finally, some light! There were no changes on my case status since Dec. 2003 so this is VERY exciting. It shows that SOMEONE at least saw my case.
getting status

DSA said:
My PD is 9/10/03 (Florida SWA) and I received a confirmation from my attorney that the case was transmitted to Atlanta on 1/13/04. That’s the last I’ve heard. I never received any info (acknowledgement of receipt or case number) from the Atlanta office. I also was never able to check status of the case over the phone thru my employer’s phone number. (per my lawyer they to not update they records). How can I find out what’s going on, and how can I get an ETA number (what info should I include in the email)

My case is also Florida SWA but never even made it to regional... I got our business manager to email the Dallas BEC at status@DAL.DFLC.US
with my state case number, PD, employer name, my name... requesting status. They responded the same day saying they had no status on the case... but then 25 days later they sent us another email with a temporary case number saying the case was in fact transferred to "one of the BECs"... I never had to email them the second time to get that update... I think once you contact them they have your info on the system -- that's would be the only explanation.

Even better, over the weekend I got the 45-day letter from Philly BEC with the new case number.

Hope this helps!
keepingfaith said:
My case is also Florida SWA but never even made it to regional... I got our business manager to email the Dallas BEC at status@DAL.DFLC.US
with my state case number, PD, employer name, my name... requesting status. They responded the same day saying they had no status on the case... but then 25 days later they sent us another email with a temporary case number saying the case was in fact transferred to "one of the BECs"... I never had to email them the second time to get that update... I think once you contact them they have your info on the system -- that's would be the only explanation.

Even better, over the weekend I got the 45-day letter from Philly BEC with the new case number.

Hope this helps!

My case is very similar to these. My PD is Dec 2003 (Florida). I received a letter from my attorney that my case was transferred to Atlanta on April 21, 2004. I was never able to track my case status thru the ATL Phone tracking. I emailed status@DAL.DFLC.US to get case status on Feb. 16, 2005 and got their response on Feb 23, 2005 saying that case number is "NOT YET ASSIGNED". I still have not received any updates or the 45-day letter. Hopefully should get it soon...
Pisses me off...

That the Boston DOL is still working diligently and approving cases with PD's of 2003 in both the non-RIR and RIR category, while these guys at the BPC's can't get their act together on anything.

Happy for those who are approved but makes me sick in my stomach to note that Philadelphia DOL has not worked on any cases (at least if you go by the dates they were reporting before BPC) for the last 2+ years.

I wonder WHY it's so damn tough for the people in Philly to get their fat asses moving and earn some of that cheesesteak they eat when it's apparent that other DOLs have no problem doing exactly that.

Go to the Boston DOL tracker and you'll see constant approval postings.. while all this tracker ends up doing is speculating and sometimes picking on one another.
spidey said:
That the Boston DOL is still working diligently and approving cases with PD's of 2003 in both the non-RIR and RIR category, while these guys at the BPC's can't get their act together on anything.

Happy for those who are approved but makes me sick in my stomach to note that Philadelphia DOL has not worked on any cases (at least if you go by the dates they were reporting before BPC) for the last 2+ years.

I wonder WHY it's so damn tough for the people in Philly to get their fat asses moving and earn some of that cheesesteak they eat when it's apparent that other DOLs have no problem doing exactly that.

Go to the Boston DOL tracker and you'll see constant approval postings.. while all this tracker ends up doing is speculating and sometimes picking on one another.

WOW! you really are pissed huh. I had never seen you this angry spidey
Here is the recent post about getting 45 day letter for the case in SWA (PD:2004) :

Good for those who are getting it, but it makes me think how come SWA cases from 2001/2002/2003 are still waiting for their 45 day letters while 2004 case got the letter already. Any clues? It does tell me that they are opening boxes out of order... :confused: :eek:

One problem I can see from this is: How to make sure our lawyers respond on way as we don't know the order and can't expect it coming until we find...... :eek: it got closed...

Any ideas?
fastergcwanted said:
Here is the recent post about getting 45 day letter for the case in SWA (PD:2004) :

Good for those who are getting it, but it makes me think how come SWA cases from 2001/2002/2003 are still waiting for their 45 day letters while 2004 case got the letter already. Any clues? It does tell me that they are opening boxes out of order... :confused: :eek:

One problem I can see from this is: How to make sure our lawyers respond on way as we don't know the order and can't expect it coming until we find...... :eek: it got closed...

Any ideas?

I have already exchanged information with SDRBLR, this is not a done deal yet. His case may have actually gone to Regional. Need to wait.

New York SWA cases have started receiving 45-day letters.

No verified 45-day letters from SWA cases in Dallas BEC.
JustWatching said:
I have already exchanged information with SDRBLR, this is not a done deal yet. His case may have actually gone to Regional. Need to wait.

New York SWA cases have started receiving 45-day letters.

No verified 45-day letters from SWA cases in Dallas BEC.


That was an invalid link. Here is the correct link. I don't think this case is in the tracker: Do you know if this was SWA case?

Thanks for all your answers and the work u are doing for this forum.