Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

JustWatching said:

Can some of you ask your immigration attorneys the following question:

"Can the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) be used to request the entire list of records currently in the PBLS system. The request would be limited to Priority Date, State filed, Source (State/Region) and Status. No information that could identify an individual would be requested."

I have asked several people and have gotten different answers.

If we could get our hands on this, it would certainly help significantly.


I am not sure whether FOIA can be used. However, I am waiting for DOL to publish all the records in the PBLS system in Jan 2006. They have published all Labor Certification data for the previous years at I am hoping they will do the same again in Jan 2006 for all the data in PBLS. (They do it once per year, a few weeks after the fiscal year ends).
Reasons to Contact Congress for EB Cases

5. Reasons to Contact Congress for EB Cases

The U.S. Congress continues to debate comprehensive immigration reform, retrogression, H1Bs, and L-1s. Pending legislation aimed at important immigration matters is of concern to our MurthyDotCom and MurthyBulletin readers. While we at The Law Office of Sheela Murthy lobby on a range of immigration issues and work for the election of those we believe appreciate and understand the immigration concerns of our clients, we encourage our readers to do so as well. [For more information on this important topic, see our MurthyDotCom article, Contacting Congress : You Can Make a Difference – How to Contact Elected Officials!]

Below are some important reasons for getting involved by contacting Congress. Share these with your employers, family members, and colleagues and make a real difference by helping yourself, the immigrant community, the business community, and the United States in the long run.

Employers Must Contact Congress and Present Arguments

Our senators and representatives like to be responsible for positive economic results. When they hear from employers regarding the financial impact of immigration policies, this typically is one of the most significant influences over whether action may occur on a particular legislative matter. Therefore, if an employer is facing business losses or difficulties due to current immigration laws and policies, we recommend contacting the senators and representatives from the area/s where the problems exist to help them fully understand the impact of the flawed immigration policy. Some typical concerns are set forth below.

Inability to Find Workers Qualified, Willing, and Able

The only new H1Bs available at present are for persons with U.S. masters' degrees or higher. As a result, those who obtained U.S. bachelors' degrees or foreign masters' degrees generally are shut out from working in H1B status in the U.S. until at least October 1, 2006. This means that if there are not enough U.S. workers for a position, the position will be left vacant and the work will not be done or, in an effort to survive, the company may very likely send the project offshore.

For positions that do not require at least a bachelor's degree, there are even fewer nonimmigrant visa options. When contacting members of Congress on this matter, the strongest arguments will include examples of the employer's genuine efforts to recruit U.S. workers, including but not limited to advertisements, job fairs, and online recruitment. At this time, it would help to show that efforts were made to recruit among those left jobless by the devastation of the recent hurricanes. The more Congress realizes the time, effort, and finances expended in fruitless attempts to recruit U.S. workers, the more likely they will be to enact laws that will improve the temporary work visa system.

Inability to Attract Top Candidates from Abroad

Due to retrogression, the waiting time to get a green card has become so long that the best and brightest from around the world are dissuaded from coming to the United States to work. Even if a temporary work visa is available for a person, s/he is far less likely to come to the U.S. than would have been the case a year ago because of the incomprehensibly long green card waiting periods. The U.S. has a long history of attracting the top minds from abroad, particularly in the sciences. Without any incentives in the immigration system, many of these sought-after scientists and researchers will pursue opportunities in other countries, making U.S. businesses less globally competitive.

Employees Must Contact Congress, Too

Since the United States historically has been a land of promise for would-be immigrants, many members of Congress may continue to assume that foreign nationals will immigrate here regardless of the legal obstacles. Generally, the elected representatives are swayed more by the opinions of U.S. citizens. The concerns of U.S. employers or business entities and their employees, however, can be influential. Congress needs to hear from those who love the United States but have suffered under its immigration policies or have decided that the situation is too unbearable for them to remain here. Our elected representatives need to understand that this is no longer the only land of opportunity. Growth in the global economy has opened options in many countries, including those from which high numbers of immigrates have come in the past. Individuals who are skilled and highly educated have other viable options.

Lengthy Waiting Period for the Employer-Sponsored Green Card

When it takes years to obtain an employment-based green card, employees potentially are subject to far greater limitations and abuses than if the green card process is shorter or not based on a particular employer. Employees need to share their stories with members of Congress. Those who have suffered directly from lengthy processing times, unable to advance to substantially higher positions because their labor certifications have particular job descriptions, those with employers who intentionally take advantage of employees waiting for the green card – such individuals need to make themselves heard.

Lengthy Waiting Period to Bring Family Members

Even persons who obtained the employment-based green card quickly may still have problems with the immigration system. These lawful permanent residents and eventual U.S. citizens frequently encounter problems in being reunited with their family members. If a foreign national wants to bring her/his parents to the United States, this cannot be managed until s/he becomes a U.S. citizen. Difficulties increase as the parents age or if one parent dies, leaving the other alone. It often becomes complicated for these parents even to gain visitors' visas to see their children and grandchildren. Lawful permanent residents (green card holders) can also be separated from their spouses and children for many years, depending upon their situations. When an employer or attorney shares such stories with members of Congress, it has a more limited effect than when those personally affected share their stories.


It is sometimes easy for members of Congress to get lost in intellectual and theoretical debates. What makes sense in a vacuum is not always practical in reality. Only through gaining an understanding of the personal, daily impact of our immigration laws from the U.S. employers and the foreign nationals affected, will those with the power be able to make fully informed decisions on immigration that will help you in your life.

So each of us can make a difference! Contact your senators and representatives and share your story and the difficulties you encounter in your work and in living in the United States. Bring home the human factor and help to steer a positive course for this great nation!
mvinays said:
I am not sure whether FOIA can be used. However, I am waiting for DOL to publish all the records in the PBLS system in Jan 2006. They have published all Labor Certification data for the previous years at I am hoping they will do the same again in Jan 2006 for all the data in PBLS. (They do it once per year, a few weeks after the fiscal year ends).

I would too, except if you go back the website you will see that they removed last year's data and went back to the 2004 data so I have my doubts that they will release the info in Jan
Count Me In

RajeevMehta said:
Let us have a protest organized on mid of November in front of white house and capitol. It not revolution, we will reach to awareness - which is required now.

i think visual impact is much more than the media once we come out in the open they have to take notice
Need more people to be at DC to protest

Guys let us have protest in weekend sometimes in November. More and more people should be there - come with your family in protest.
gc_ka_wait said:
I am ready to be there for protest as long as its on some weekend.

I am also going to write to Congressman of my region about 2 things:

1. to support the immigration bill
2. also to enquire why PBEC is so damn slow against DBEC. Its totally non sense and I dont see any reason. I think they r just being jerk.
Got a Call from Judicial Watch !


I got a call from Judicial Watch in response to my letter to them.
here are the points they mentioned.

To expedite the PBEC approval process,the guy suggested the following:

a) Contact Senators with a more better approach
b) Write a Letter with following :
-- Cover Letter
-- Chronological events (dates and facts ..Application applied....and
other important dates )
-- Request them to assign our application to a staffer to reasearch.
-- Get the email,phone of the staffer to follow-up

c) Keep sending these letters.

Send these letter to your area's Senators.

Its not a big help but again ..This is a good tip for writing letter....
JustWatching said:

Can some of you ask your immigration attorneys the following question:

"Can the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) be used to request the entire list of records currently in the PBLS system. The request would be limited to Priority Date, State filed, Source (State/Region) and Status. No information that could identify an individual would be requested."

I have asked several people and have gotten different answers.

If we could get our hands on this, it would certainly help significantly.


hi JW, I was thinking along the same lines the other day. I asked a friend of mine about it (lawyer from Harvard), and he said one can request info on their particular records, but not general questions like "how many people work there" or "how many cases are pending". I think the entire list of cases would also not be feasible, but I'm gonna ask him just to confirm. But that would be a good idea, no doubt about it.
whatheheck said:
Congratulations AwardMyGC. You have been awarded with your LC. But you've long way to go for GC.

So it took 2 months to receive the hard copy. So i guess i should wait for another 40 days. My case status was Certified as of Oct'5th.

Also i will not celebrate until my lawyer gets the hardcopy. Just my opinion.

Thanks Anna, Ungal vazhuthuku mekka nandree. Do keep us all posted upon receipt of your approval letter. Best of Luck!

gcqjul2002 said:
I am very happy for you. How did you check the status of your LC. I have an earlier date than yours.

Pd : July 2002
State : Ca EB2-rir
45 day recieved replied in March.
Case number : P-04308-XXXXX

Thanks gcqjul2002! I received a letter from DFLC processing center(PBEC) stating that my LC is certified. You're right but in PBEC they don't really follow any order and also I 've seen many applicants from Apr 2001 still waiting for the approval. I wish all of us get past this GC hurdle and live a life other than worrying about GC.

mvinays said:
Congratulations, AwardMyGC!!! You will truly be awarded your GC very soon. :) Hang in there! Best of luck for 140/485!!!

Thanks mvinays! I wish you the best and will see you in the 140/485 forum soon.
response of OIG DOL about PBEC slowness

I sent a complain letter to OIG DOL about PBEC slowness in september. I got response from Complaint Analysis Officer Marcus S. Eder of OIG of DOL this week. I appreciate Mr Marcus S. Eder's help for our LC application.

Your September 21, 2005, email complain to the office of inspector general (OIG) of the U.S. Department of labor has been reviewed by the OIG’s Complaint Analysis office. You reported concerns involving the foreign labor certification Philadelphia process center.
Based upon the review of the complaint analysis office, your complaint is being forwarded to Katalina Masembwa, Chief, program Support, Employment & Training Administration for review and any action deemed appropriate. The Employment & Training Administration is the DOL agency that runs the foreign labor certification program. The OIG has requested that the Employment & Training Administration provide a response to you when they have completed their review and evaluation of your complaint.
Thank you for bring this matter to our attention.
Marcus S. Eder.
Complaint Analysis Officer.

Thank you RajeevMehta, msabir, jaiatl for your replies. I went through the document mentioned in the post and to one of the questions it says

Question 7. Should service centers or district offices deny a request for an H-1B extension beyond the 6-year limit where the labor certification or immigrant petition from an employer who is not the H-1B petitioner was filed for the beneficiary more than 365 days ago?

Answer: No. The statute does not require that the labor certification or immigrant petition must be from the same employer requesting the H-1B extension.

Does it mean I can apply H1 7th year extension on my existing pending labor and also apply for H1 transfer to new employer at same time ? And if I can apply for my new PERM (with new processing date) through new employer before my 6 years are actually complete , I should not have any problems getting 8th year extension since it should be more than one year for the new PERM ?

Any body can provide guidance ?

Jaiatl said:
You can change your job in 6th year and get subsequent extensions. I have seen one case like this. But I shall use it as LAST option. As per interim guidance issued by William Yates, Associate Director for Operations, USCIS, dated 12 May 2005. You can take 7th, 8th ..... year extension on any pending labor certification from any employer. This employer may be different than the current employer. But one labor certification can be used for only one employee. I guess employee who starts using for 6th year extension first.

The document I am referring is titled “Interim Guidance for Processing Form I-140 Employment-Based Immigrant Form I-485 and H-1B Petitions Affected by the American Competitiveness Twenty-First Century Act of 2000 (AC21) (Public Law 106-313)” The document (in pdf) is numbered HQPRD 70/6.2.8-P and publicly available at Go through the document you will get all your answers.

With new Immigration laws in Congress, I do not see importance of priority dates. As all can file I-485 (with or without priority dates) and only the employee is counted towards the Visa numbers. We do not know the time as this new law may take time with government speed.

I hope this helps.
Good Luck.
No approvals in last 2 weeks ??


I haven't seen any approvals from PBEC for the last 2 weeks ?We are not sure of the wat they worl ( FIFO - ?? ) , but at least we expect some approvals , any state regularly.

Please mention about any approvals for everyone to have an idea about thier own cases.

You understand correctly , I dont see any better place ppl like Philak (Sorry Tilak ) are here and many others ..idea of campaigne and letter /fax writing to some one you whom allowed to contact and some thing you didn't filed(Emp. based labor) nothing more funny then that and Ppl like Janathan and Tilak who are laucnhing awareness movement ..and u know in one post one guy is claiming every one is ready to pay $2000 extra ....

What is basis of this claim ? :D :D :D How many of you arfe ready to pay extra ?

GCkiTalash said:
i can bet soormabhopali that you are here just to have fun and tease other people. not a good thing buddy, because people here are already burned out by nonsense delays of DOL. why don't you find some other place to have fun!!
Dear filak ,
I am ready to write for u , if really that is helpful . Definetly I like to explain that they should not worry about any thing .filak /Tilak is not going to leave USA ..he will continue to work and pay taxes .Even 1 yr extension is not required ,give him and others like him every 6 month extension after 6 yrs .

WIth follwoing advantages :
1.INS(former) will get more revenue, 6 month extensions.
2.Lawyers can earn more .
3.IRS continue to collect taxes and US industry keep exp. worker in Country .

Over all all goodies ..why to care forigen workers ?? :eek: :D

tikal said:
I think ChurmaBhopali would make an excellent writer of letters to PBEC, Chao et al. Churma, why don't you give everyone here some ideas that are 'non-discorging', 'self praised efforts', to tell off those 'Bakasur' 'Beurocates' at Philly BEC?

The queue might just start moving after PBEC adjudicators have a hearty laugh after reading Churna-eating Churma's letter... Come on Kurma, even you can do it!
RajeevMehta said:
Guys let us have protest in weekend sometimes in November. More and more people should be there - come with your family in protest.
just a suggestion. how about placing ad in khabar or little india first and try to get more people involved. it is cheaper than placing an ad in NY times. honestly i am skeptical that anything will be done at all (either by those affected or by congress).
most of us are involved in our jobs/families and congressmen in their jobs and votes.
also most of us will become more active or resigned to go back to india only when we see our h1-b extensions are over
GCcomesoon said:

I haven't seen any approvals from PBEC for the last 2 weeks ?We are not sure of the wat they worl ( FIFO - ?? ) , but at least we expect some approvals , any state regularly.

Please mention about any approvals for everyone to have an idea about thier own cases.

Hi GCcomeoon

Not many people who are struck with PBEC have registered in this Forum . Even out of the Few who are here, many would have got approved but they hardly report. Some time three members might get approved in a single week and we think that things are moving fast.In the next week in fact PBEC would have approved more than 3. All Cases/Memebers are not of this Forum and hence we don't know.

It is a fact that PBEC is very slow . So Wait Patiently