Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

45 day letter received, replied...Status : Data Review


My attorney told me that they have received the 45day letter and replied the very next day but on checking the status with them it was Data Review on my case..

NY, PD : 4/2002, RIR, EB2....Status : Data Review

God bless us now and take us out of this PBEC pain and shower us with GCs .....
Mine is more than 3 years.. but i still have faith in HIM. :) Miracles always happen bro! Just trust Him!! God Bless US!!!

USCISisMockery said:
For how long ? I prayed for 3 years, it didn't worked. Even He can't fix BEC mess.
junelc2002 said:
It is true that DBEC is looking at June 2003 case, but are you sure that they have completed adjudications for all the 2001 and 2002 cases. I don't think so. Essentaily, these two BECs are doing the same thing, with PBEC having more data entered and more 45-day sent out and DBEC having more case adjudicated. The fact that some CA cases are getting approvals does not mean they are doing in a systematic way. In addition, when you were mentioning the unfairness not to have the earliest CA case at April 2002 attended in PBEC, did you think of all those hundreds and thousands of 2001 cases still remaining untouched?

well, you might be right, but the way I look at it is like this:
1- you and your co-worker have applied to the LC sometimes in 2002.
2- both cases made it through the state to SF DOL.
3- your case was transfered to PBEC while your friend's case was transfered to DBEC. both cases were data-entered and issued 45 ds letter sometime in the first quorter of 2005
4- your friend's case was cleared 4 months ago. he was able to apply for I140 and I485. he recieved his I140 last month and scheduling an appointment for his gc interview.
5- your case is still getting rotten at PBEC.
6- as for those piles of untouched 2001 cases in PBEC, none of them is from Cali. and I don't understand why I should stand in a line that wasn't mine. PBEC won't adjudicate any 2002 cali cases until they finish data entering all those cases from other east coast states. In fact, regional cases moved from SFO DOL to PBEC are now paying the price for the laziness of east coast DOLs. a mess that is waiting for another mess to be cleared up. thats how I see it.
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Message for RIRlaborCT

rirlaborCT said:
This message is for JPMC,

Can you please provide few digits from your case num??

Thanks in advance.

My case # P-05123-xxxxx
PD : 4/2002
45 received and responded : 9/2005
NY, Status : Data Review....
GCSyndrome said:
well, you might be right, but the way I look at it is like this:
1- you and your co-worker have applied to the LC sometimes in 2002.
2- both cases made it through the state to SF DOL.
3- your case was transfered to PBEC while your friend's case was transfered to DBEC. both cases were data-entered and issued 45 ds letter sometime in the first quorter of 2005
4- your friend's case was cleared 4 months ago. he was able to apply for I140 and I485. he recieved his I140 last month and scheduling an appointment for his gc interview.
5- your case is still getting rotten at PBEC.
6- as for those piles of untouched 2001 cases in PBEC, none of them is from Cali. and I don't understand why I should stand in a line that wasn't mine. PBEC won't adjudicate any 2002 cali cases until they finish data entering all those cases from other east coast states. In fact, regional cases moved from SFO DOL to PBEC are now paying the price for the laziness of east coast DOLs. a mess that is waiting for another mess to be cleared up. thats how I see it.

There is no such thing as a line for cases filed from CA. When BECs were established, every one of the applications is in the same line, which is the FIFO line. The fact that your co-workers got the LC but you did not simply means that they have cut line, but it does not justify your argument that you deserve to cutting in front of others as well.

As for your baseless allegation of "East coast laziness", I do not know where you got your information on their laziness. Even if they were lazy, that does not mean that all the cases from east coast have to yield for CA cases. After all, we are applying for US LC, not CA LC. The fact that CA was processing early 2002 cases when BECs were established while some of the east coast states were still stuggling with 2001 cases itself was the most unfair thing.
look at big picture

junelc2002 said:
There is no such thing as a line for cases filed from CA. When BECs were established, every one of the applications is in the same line, which is the FIFO line. The fact that your co-workers got the LC but you did not simply means that they have cut line, but it does not justify your argument that you deserve to cutting in front of others as well.

As for your baseless allegation of "East coast laziness", I do not know where you got your information on their laziness. Even if they were lazy, that does not mean that all the cases from east coast have to yield for CA cases. After all, we are applying for US LC, not CA LC. The fact that CA was processing early 2002 cases when BECs were established while some of the east coast states were still stuggling with 2001 cases itself was the most unfair thing.

Guys this is the last things anyone wants to see in this forum, a fight between DBEC and PBEC. We need to stay together in this and fight against immegration system. Time to look at a big pciture.
i got my Labor Approved after aroound 4 years

atyagi73 said:
Guys this is the last things anyone wants to see in this forum, a fight between DBEC and PBEC. We need to stay together in this and fight against immegration system. Time to look at a big pciture.

I got my Labor Approved on 29th Sep 2005

NY Dec 6th 2001
Recd 45 day letter on 8th sep 2005.

best regards
saburi said:
I got my Labor Approved on 29th Sep 2005

NY Dec 6th 2001
Recd 45 day letter on 8th sep 2005.

best regards

Congrats Saburi !!! It is good to see people from 2001 getting approved and it makes the anger, the wait and frustartion disappear for a few minutes !
Congratulations saburi. Good luck on your future stages. Please update your status in the BEC Tracker.

saburi said:
I got my Labor Approved on 29th Sep 2005

NY Dec 6th 2001
Recd 45 day letter on 8th sep 2005.

best regards

I would prefer we stay on the topic of discussion here which is tracking PBEC labor certification and leave these freebie posts to some Deal sites.

BTW. Your link is a referral link which might provide benefits (directly or indirectly) to someone. Could you pls. edit your post and mention it


SanSweet said:
I am one of the people like you who is waiting for green card and stuck in philli labor. I thought I would share this after getting an Ipod Nano for free. Believe me. This is not a scam that's what I thought earlier.

Listen to BBC News Clipping @

Please Read Yahoo Financial News

Now Click Here for Your Free Ipod Nano

PS: This is not a scam…and I'm not trying to send you spam. I just thought you might like
to know how I got it. If you're not interested, I'm sorry for bothering you.
saburi said:
I got my Labor Approved on 29th Sep 2005

NY Dec 6th 2001
Recd 45 day letter on 8th sep 2005.

best regards

Congrats saburi!! Finally, 2001 guys are starting to see some light at athe end of the tunnel.

I can't wait to see a flood of approvals from Philly BEC. They still have a long way to go to catch up with Dallas BEC. (Analysis queue at DBEC appears to be at Sept 2003.)
I am not too optimistic but ...

I am not too optimistic but any idea when the Visa dates for next month will be published ?
SanSweet said:
I am one of the people like you who is waiting for green card and stuck in philli labor. I thought I would share this after getting an Ipod Nano for free. Believe me. This is not a scam that's what I thought earlier.

Listen to BBC News Clipping @

Please Read Yahoo Financial News

Now Click Here for Your Free Ipod Nano

PS: This is not a scam…and I'm not trying to send you spam. I just thought you might like
to know how I got it. If you're not interested, I'm sorry for bothering you.

Are you sure its not referral or scam. I just searched for your user name (advanced search, put in your name, selected "show post") and it seems like you are serving us quite a lot with such deals.

My computer just crashed after clicking on the above link.
Anybody knows about this file: freepayrefer.exe ? My virus scan showed it.
which Philli labor are you waiting for ? Do you think in this forum everybody is dumb .. to believe what you are telling..

What about this thread where you mentioned your labor is approved...

Labor Approved


Finally my labor is approved
45-Days Letter Received 02/01/2005
Lawyer yet to get mail
ETA- D-04309-xxxx

SanSweet said:
I am one of the people like you who is waiting for green card and stuck in philli labor. I thought I would share this after getting an Ipod Nano for free. Believe me. This is not a scam that's what I thought earlier.

Listen to BBC News Clipping @

Please Read Yahoo Financial News

Now Click Here for Your Free Ipod Nano

PS: This is not a scam…and I'm not trying to send you spam. I just thought you might like
to know how I got it. If you're not interested, I'm sorry for bothering you.
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Re: You Are A Spammer......

It looks like, a spam. I clicked on the link and provided an emai id, which I created only to receive spams. In the next screen, It was asking about some personal details about my name/phone no./address, etc., Then I suspected and closed the window.

For me, I ran the virus and luckily, my scan doesn't reported any virus.
