Petition / Follow up / More activities

Re: Re: Re: Re: EDISON

Originally posted by Edison
As always, I prefer mass campaign. I'll send to all Senators and Congressman, that's the reason I need weekend.

Thanks a lot Edison. I hope all of us do at least a small portion of you have done already..and let us encourage all to contact congress individually using AILA, FAX, e-mails as well as the Local / National Media by presonal correspondence.
Flood the congress men

Let's flood the congress men with our petition. Let's not be complacent thinking that we don't need to send it to any one because Edison is sending it to all congress men. Let all of us fax the petition to our local congress men. How about creating a new thread to list the congress men , districtwise ? This might help some sleeping members here to realise who is their congress man and what's his fax number?

Also what shall we do about Rajiv's suggestion ? Shall we go for Conference call or shall 2 or 3 of us meet him personally ? I feel that we should go for conference call so that all the active members can participate.
Since Cinta and Edison have started this and have done enough research on this subject, I think just they should attend the call. Having too many people might just loose the focus.

But then it is your call folks!
Originally posted by sai-2367
Since Cinta and Edison have started this and have done enough research on this subject, I think just they should attend the call. Having too many people might just loose the focus.

But then it is your call folks!


As I said to Edison I would rather be in the background for now. My company has a lot of restrictions about all these activities. I will explain to Edison in a private e-mail later. I can contribute in this way without putting myself in jeopardy. You are welcome to join the conference call as dengdeng and others.
Given the size ( 1 or 2), I would rather have someone else attend in my place (dengdeng, dsatish etc.).

Originally posted by cinta

As I said to Edison I would rather be in the background for now. My company has a lot of restrictions about all these activities. I will explain to Edison in a private e-mail later. I can contribute in this way without putting myself in jeopardy. You are welcome to join the conference call as dengdeng and others.
Talking with Rajiv

Edison, do you want to talk to Rajiv and update others (or) you prefer a conference call involving 2 or 3 more people ? What's convenient to you ?
freedom ride

friendly congresmmen??

Immigrant Freedom Ride

Rep. DeLauro (D-CT),,1006-delauro.shtm
Rep. Roybal-Allard (D-CA),,1006-roybal.shtm
and Rep. Sanchez (D-CA),1006-sanchez.shtm
spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives offering their
support for the Immigrant Freedom Ride.,1006-freedom.shtm
C+S write letters to CIS

by Senators Santorum, Kennedy and Brownback to the Bureau of
Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Eduardo Aguirre
cc:ed to Under Secretary Asa Hutchinson regarding Malik Jarno, a
mentally retarded Guinean orphan, for your reference. This
letter follows individual correspondence on Malik's plight sent
by a total of thirteen lawmakers, Amnesty International members
and the ARC, a national association for the mentally retarded.
We are not retarded but we equally deserve attention.

The thirteen other lawmakers who have written to the Department
of Homeland Security are the following: Chaka Fattah (D-PA),
Frank Wolf (R-VA), Pete Sessions (R-TX) and ten members of the
Congressional Human Rights Caucus, Caucus Chair Tom Lantos (D-CA)
and members Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ), Todd Platts (R-PA),
Donald M. Payne (D-NJ), Dennis J. Kucinch (D-OH), John Conyers
Jr. (D-MI), Betsy McCollum (D-MI), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Sheila
Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD). All have urged
redress in Malik's unique plight. I thank you for your
consideration. Christopher Nugent, Holland & Knight LLP Washington, D.C.
Leave ACLU to me as I know a few people there.
I will contact ACLU and get back to you. I think the person I know is on vacation and do not want to call them at home. Will send them a personal email instead and follow up in the 1st week of January. Please pm me any formats which I can use.

Originally posted by cat&mouse
Hey Guys,

What do you think, should we start new web-site for this.


is available & if you guys agree, I can buy & hosts the web site with the stuff. it'll take 48 hrs.

Let me know

I see no problem with that. Get more core team opinions but in any case you can go ahead. Good luck.
Originally posted by gambler
Leave ACLU to me as I know a few people there.
I will contact ACLU and get back to you. I think the person I know is on vacation and do not want to call them at home. Will send them a personal email instead and follow up in the 1st week of January. Please pm me any formats which I can use.

You can contact them anytime.
Others can contact them as well at the STATE and NATIONAL level.
There are two things here. First is the awareness/publicity and second is the REQUEST FOR SUPPORT.