Petition / Follow up / More activities

Originally posted by Edison - Courtesy Cinta for providing is useful article

Recent protests by lawmakers and an array of interest groups have not changed the Homeland Security Department’s plans to put immigration services jobs up for competition within the next 10 months, according to a department spokesman.


If BCIS, I'm sorry, USCIS doesn't listen to legislators let us publicize that through Media and let everyone know the facts then we have to put them infront of judicial system then they will follow the laws.

American Citizens really doesn't know the problem with this Immigration and Citizenship services department to make them understand the problem All driver license renewals has to be transferred to USCIS then they will understand our situation.

In other words BCIS will keep the people on the 1-800- ...line. This was just the FIRST PHASE of the project. Let us collect ALL the phone stories along with AILA's and send them to the PRESS. This by itself will generate NOISE.

I liked a couple of them like the "three times call and no more" and the "too many zero in your EAC".

Let us ask AILA again see what they think about it? One day they will wake up! Also the SENATORS that protested.
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Another proof that media attention is necessary

Visa Delays Provoke Congressional Attention

The House Small Business Committee, on June 4, held a hearing on the visa approval backlog and its impact on small business. This hearing follows widespread concern about the impact of
these delays highlighted in the media and in a letter sent to the Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security from the Americans for Better Borders (ABB) coalition of which AILA is a member.

Continuous definition
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New appointment

Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services

September 15, 2003

Will promote citizenship responsibilities to immigrants

Washington, D.C. – Eduardo Aguirre, Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
(CIS), announced today that Alfonso Aguilar has been appointed Chief of the Office of
Citizenship. In this new position, Mr. Aguilar will lead the CIS agenda to promote instruction
and training on citizenship responsibilities to both immigrants and U.S. citizens.

Each year, the United States welcomes more than six hundred thousand new Americans
through naturalization. “It is our duty to ensure that the process of becoming an American is
meaningful to the candidate and beneficial for the country. One’s choice to join the American
family includes a commitment to allegiance, patriotism and active participation in government
and community,” said Director Aguirre. “We are a nation of diverse backgrounds and
cultures. Alfonso will play an important role in strengthening our common bond of citizenship,
while preparing applicants for the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of citizenship.”

Mr. Aguilar brings a wealth of experience in both immigrant and international affairs to his new
position. A graduate of the University of Puerto Rico School of Law and the University of
Notre Dame, Aguilar most recently worked as the Press Secretary for Latin America and the
Caribbean at the U.S. Agency for International Development. Before that, Aguilar held similar
positions with the U.S. Department of Energy and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

"I am truly honored to be sworn in as the first Director of the new Office of Citizenship. As a
son of immigrants, I feel privileged that I have been given the awesome task of helping educate
our new citizens about the great benefits and important responsibilities that come with U.S.
citizenship,” Aguilar said. “Also, as a U.S. Citizen from the beautiful Island of Puerto Rico, I
accept this new challenge with great pride, remembering the great sacrifices Puerto Rican
Americans, particularly those in our Armed Forces, have made over the past hundred years to
protect and defend the values and rights that our citizenship guarantees."

The new Office of Citizenship will be introduced during a naturalization ceremony at a
Citizenship Day celebration on September 17. The ceremony, open to media, begins at 1 p.m.
in the O’Byrne Gallery of the Daughters of the American Revolution Continental Memorial
Hall, in Washington, D.C. Director Aguirre and Mr. Aguilar will available for media following
the ceremony.


On March 1, 2003, U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) became one of three legacy INS
components to join the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. U.S. CIS is charged with fundamentally
transforming and improving the delivery of immigration and citizenship services, while enhancing the
integrity of our nation's security.

Last Modified 09/16/2003

Maybe he can teach us something about Citizenship...Somebody should ask him a question about the Backlogs

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Office of the Press Secretary

March 3, 2003 For Immediate Release

Press Kit

FY 2003 Funding Fact Sheet from the DHS

In the past two years the President and Congress have nearly doubledthe funding for homeland security. This increase in funds has
significantly strengthened America's protections against terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security's top priority is getting this
money into the system to fund the programs and buy the equipment that will make America safer. These funds will create new
capabilities to protect against terrorism in the states and cities throughout our nation, at our borders and in our seaports and airports.
This investment improves our ability to prevent a terrorist attack, not just prepare for one. Following are immediate priorities the
Department will fund in 2003.

Border Security

The Department has begun to streamline the inspection activities previously controlled by INS, the U.S. Customs Service, and the
Department of Agriculture. To support this effort, in 2003 the Department will hire approximately 1,700 additional inspectors including:

460 land border ports-of-entry inspector positions focusing on the Ambassador Bridge/Detroit Tunnel and Santa Teresa and
Columbus ports-of-entry in New Mexico
615 airport inspectors and support staff and 85 seaport inspectors and support staff
202 inspectors for Securing the Northern Border and Terrorism Investigations Strategy
270 inspectors for Maritime Port Security Strategy Initiative
104 inspectors for Southwest Border staffing and technology

The 2003 funding includes $57.2 million for 570 new Border Patrol Agents.

The funding increases will support technologies that keep out potential terrorists:

$380 million for the development of Entry Exit information technology for tracking foreigners entering the country and
infrastructure upgrades
$45 million for Non-intrusive Inspection Systems including Rail Vehicle and Container Inspection Systems, portal radiation
detectors, tool trucks, isotope identifiers, and hand-held acoustic inspection systems
$313 million for the Automated Commercial Environment, including funds for the International Trade Data System-ITDS

The 2003 funding includes $10 million to help fund immigration enforcement needs, including additional staff to investigate and reduce
the backlog of more than 300,000 alien fugitives who have been ordered removed or deported from the United States but have failed
to comply with the deportation.

The 2003 funding includes $36 million to upgrade and strengthen border infrastructure to make it more difficult to cross illegally.

The 2003 funding will support the Container Security Initiative (CSI) launched last year that establishes tough new international security
standards for high-risk cargo containers before they arrive at U.S. ports. Currently, there are agreements with the top ports in the world
to screen sea containers destined for our shores. Nearly 100 foreign-port-deployed customs officers are being hired and trained over
the next year and a half to work with their foreign counterparts to use automated targeting techniques to identify and inspect potential
high-risk shipments before they are placed on vessels destined for the United States.

Coast Guard

The 2003 funding includes the largest increase for Coast Guard operating expenses since World War II. These new dollars will fund
the hiring of 2,200 active-duty men and women, including 160 Sea Marshals for armed escort of high-interest vessels. The increase
includes funding for enhanced Coast Guard presence and response, including support for 44 port security response boats, six
Maritime Safety and Security Teams, and increased armed boardings, escorts and patrols. Funding in 2003 will also support the
Coast Guard's Deepwater system that will help push our maritime borders farther out to sea.

Science and Technology

The Department's Science & Technology Directorate assumed programmatic responsibility of homeland security programs
transferred from the Departments of Defense ($420 million), Energy ($117 million) and Agriculture ($16 million). These resources will
be applied to the highest priority requirements for protecting the nation against terrorist attacks. These include:

Establishing a technology clearinghouse to engage the private sector in rapid prototyping of homeland security technologies
through a partnership with the Technical Support Working Group.
Significantly enhancing the nation's radiological measures to counter terrorism.
Accelerating the deployment of biological and chemical tools and technologies.
Working with federal, state, and local organizations to develop standards for first responder technologies.
Providing the scientific basis to anticipate emerging threats and protect critical infrastructure.

State and Local Funding

The First Responder Initiative in 2003 is intended to help state and local governments assess their needs and apply for resources
directly related to responding to terrorist incidents. While the bill passed by the Congress does not fully support the kind of broad,
needs-based grant program requested by the President, the Department has made it a top priority to quickly get the money to states
and localities. Part of this funding includes $745 million to help fund local first responders through the Firefighters Grant Program.

There is a much-needed $25 million for interoperability improvements, so that first responders of all types, including fire fighters,
police, and emergency medical technicians, can literally communicate on the same frequencies.

$25 million will help states and localities modernize their emergency operations centers, and $20 million is allocated for CERT, the
Community Emergency Response Training Program.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

The 2003 funding includes $149 million for a new Pre-Disaster Mitigation Fund, allocated to programs that prevent risks to life and
property from natural or man-made disasters. Another $60 million will support the Department's Urban Search and Rescue Team,
including special training for weapons of mass destruction attacks.


Example of what some people decided to do.

Seems the INS is trying to hide the real reasons for the K visa processing delays. While they are implementing new security checking operations,
the real reason is that they are giving priority to the adjudication of I-765 applications and I-821 applications filed by TPS applicants from El Salvador,
Nicaraguans and Hondurans. TPS is "Temporary Protected Status." TPS provides nationals of certain regions or nationalities residing in the United
States a temporary stay of removal and work authorization due to armed conflict or other extraordinary conditions in their home country.

The Texas Service Center has completely shut down K visa processing, but claims they will be resuming those cases in about 30 days.

The California Service Center is giving priority to the TPS cases until the mandated May 9th. deadline, but are still processing a few K visa cases.
They claim a shortage of case workers.

The Nebraska Service Center is just overloaded with I-765 and other cases with mandated priority. They also suffer a shortage of case workers.

Apparently the INS has been silent about this as others suffering the delays would be outraged if they discovered the truth. It's bad enough that K visa
taxpayers not only suffer the financial burden, but also the delays while these TPS cases get priority I-765 work permit processing in an economy
where unemployment is already 6% and not going to get better very soon.

On Valentines Day, K visa petitioners gave protest demonstrations at The Texas Service Center. The idea was to draw attention to the delays and
force the INS to give some straight answers. The press showed up. The INS people tried to chase them away and even called the police. The police
in turn told the INS it was a civil right to protest. Finally the INS gave some answers but were generally very snotty about it. So the pressure is on to
get the K visas back on track.
Congress / Amendements

Congress at work..Dancredo is everywhere.

The following bills were recently introduced in Congress:

HR 3052, sponsored by Rep. Thomas Tancredo [CO-6], introduced 9/9/2003, to amend title 23, United States Code, to discourage States from issuing an identification card or driver's license to an alien not legally authorized to be in the United States. Latest Major Action: 9/9/2003 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

HR 3075, sponsored by Rep. Gresham Barrett [SC-3], introduced 9/11/2003, to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to bar the admission of aliens from countries determined to be state sponsors of terrorism, and for other purposes.

S 1609, sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch [UT], introduced 9/11/2003, a bill to make aliens ineligible to receive visas and exclude aliens from admission into the United States for nonpayment of child support.
More involvement

You are right Edison,

There is something fundamentally wrong and deep-rooted. EB-5 are needed for investment (even though don't think they poor the millions from their pockets - is an elaborate scheme), the same stands for the NIW and ALL of US.
Unfortunately, not a lot of people are listening and we hope we can change that.
Congress: It is unthinkable that even Congress is not aware of our plight. AILA is partly responsible as well as other organisations, like the freedom ride (sponsored by the AFL-CIO)for basically illegals, etc.

I encourage everybody to visit AILA's advocacy center and use it to make their opinions heard to the Congrees and the media (besides the drives we have here). In this advocacy center the one of interest is the Immigration reform, which refers ONLY to family-based backlogs. It can be edited though and one should ADD the Employment-based backlogs ALSO.
Immigration law

I read the stories in our petition...proof that we have NO STATUS..just slaves to our jobs if we can keep them long enough..

The following article explains why.


Where are we with the Congress?

I saw kashmir's efforts to some CA members of Congress. I think we can all send personal communication to select members, right??

and this is beyond the petition to Congress, right?

Originally posted by cinta

Where are we with the Congress?

I saw kashmir's efforts to some CA members of Congress. I think we can all send personal communication to select members, right??

and this is beyond the petition to Congress, right?

I'm planning to contact Congressman and Senators this weekend.
Yes, Everyone should contact the Congressman and Senator. Then only they will understand the seriousness of our problem.

Originally posted by Edison
I'm planning to contact Congressman and Senators this weekend.
Yes, Everyone should contact the Congressman and Senator. Then only they will understand the seriousness of our problem.
It takes only 2'45" faxing six pages.
For you, it takes less than 10 minutes even sending to one Congressperson and two Senators.

Even if 100 people would fax to a single Senator, it's only 3 x 100 = 300 minutes = 5 hours.
It does neither prevent their receiving another faxes nor break their fax machine.
for Edison


If you contact congressman and senators by writing, could you post your sample correspondence. I want to let my local congressman be aware of backlog reduction petition. Thanks.

Originally posted by Edison
I'm planning to contact Congressman and Senators this weekend.
Yes, Everyone should contact the Congressman and Senator. Then only they will understand the seriousness of our problem.


Are you referring to your senators and local congressman, or the whole COngress and Senate?
In one way or another we need to send to ALL. Please suggest/advise. If we are talking individual faxes or mails, e-mails we will miss some.
Re: Re: Re: EDISON

Originally posted by cinta

Are you referring to your senators and local congressman, or the whole COngress and Senate?
In one way or another we need to send to ALL. Please suggest/advise. If we are talking individual faxes or mails, e-mails we will miss some.

As always, I prefer mass campaign. I'll send to all Senators and Congressman, that's the reason I need weekend.