Petition / Follow up / More activities


Registered Users (C)
Edison and others,

Did you get any response back from AILA or anybody else? Did you send the Petition to the President-elect? (guess, yes). Can we ask AILA directly or through our lawyers to PINPOINT the problem as they have done with various press-releases. See their latest letter to BCIS.
take a look at ALL the organisations listed.
Our petition can follow similar rules. Sent to Eduardo Aguirre (CC) and DHS Tom Ridge (CC).

Sign-On Letter Urges BCIS to
Restore Direct Phone Access to
Service Centers

Cite as "Posted on AILA InfoNet at Doc. No. 03090541 (Sep. 5, 2003) ."

September 4, 2003

The Honorable Eduardo Aguirre, Jr.
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services
Department of Homeland Security
425 I Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20536

Dear Mr. Aguirre:

The undersigned organizations write to urge you to restore direct telephone access to the
Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) Service Centers and discontinue the
recent policy change that prohibits this access and contracts out much of this function.

The prompt adjudication of applications and petitions is critical for American business, for
families awaiting reunification, and, most importantly, for our national security. In doing
away with direct telephone access to the Service Centers, the BCIS has exacerbated
already lengthy processing delays and made it much more difficult to obtain accurate,
timely information. And contracting out this function has lead to problems that range from
the frustrating to the tragic. Moreover, Congressional offices are being forced to fill the
information void, as individuals resort to contacting their elected officials with their
case-processing and informational requests.

As you are aware, until June 9, 2003, the general public and attorneys could contact
representatives at the legacy INS/BCIS Service Centers to ask questions about the status
of their cases, clarify and correct problems, and inquire about filing procedures. While this
system was infamous for the length of time required to get through to an Immigration
Information Officer (IIO), nevertheless, once connected with an IIO, problems and
questions, including emergency case problems, were addressed. Beginning on June 9, the
BCIS cut off direct phone access to the Service Centers and mandated that callers (both
the general public and attorneys) make inquiries through a 1-800 number system.

As structured, the new system does not provide a meaningful way to resolve problems. As
outside contractors, the 800 number operators are unfamiliar with immigration. They are
given very basic “scriptsâ€￾ from which to field calls, and have access only to information
already provided on the BCIS website’s case status inquiry system. In other words, they
cannot tell callers anything more than what callers can see on-line.

While the new system allows 800 number operators to transfer calls to a “Second Tierâ€￾
information officer, a BCIS employee who is familiar with immigration issues, or can take
information from callers in order to refer the inquiry to the appropriate Service Center,
these options have not helped to address problems and do not allow immediate action on
emergency cases, such as an aging-out child. Operators are restricted as to the types of
cases that they can refer to the Service Centers or to Tier 2, and often direct callers to
write a letter to the Service Center after informing them that there isn’t anything the
operator can do. However, letters to Service Centers often go unanswered or, at best,
languish for months before a response is received. In the event that a caller’s request
falls within the designated types of problems that can be referred, the caller is then told
to wait for 30 days. If no response is received within that time frame, the caller is
directed to call the 800 number again. In many cases, no response is received, or the
response is non-informative.

The 800 number system also cannot correct inaccurate information on an approval notice.
In the past, individuals could call the Service Center to request that such errors be
corrected, and a new approval notice could be issued the same day or within just a few
days. (Individuals who must apply for visas at U.S. Consulates or travel abroad and return
to the United States must have approval notices that are, for security reasons, 100%

Finally, 800 number operators have given inaccurate information to callers (which could
severely damage the foreign national’s immigration status) and many people have
complained that operators are rude and hung up on them.

The 800 number system is a failure. We urge you to restore direct telephone access to
the Service Centers so that individuals can gain the information they need and resolve
case processing problems directly with a knowledgeable Immigration Information Officer
Re: Petition / Follow up / More activities / PHONE SERVICE



National Organizations

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
American Friends Service Committee
American Immigration Lawyers Association
Asian Law Caucus
Episcopal Migration Ministries
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Immigration and Refugee Services of America/U.S. Committee for Refugees
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS)
National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium
National Council of La Raza
National Immigration Forum
Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees, AFL-CIO, CLC (UNITE)
United Jewish Communities
World Relief

Local Organizations

Alivio Medical Center (Chicago, IL)
Arab-American Family Support Center, Inc. (Brooklyn, NY)
Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Services (ACCESS) (Dearborn, Michigan)
Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California
Association House of Chicago
Association of the Jews from the FSU (Milwaukee, WI )
Carlos Rosario Career Center and Public Charter School (Washington, DC)
Center for Hispanic Policy & Advocacy, CHisPA (Providence, RI)
Center for Training and Careers/WorkNET (San Jose, CA)
Centro Campesino Farmworker Center, Inc. (Florida City, FL)
Centro Presente, Inc. (Cambridge, MA)
Centro Salvadoreno (Hempstead, NY)
Conexión Américas (Nashville, TN)
El Pueblo, Inc. (NC)
Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center, Inc. (Miami, FL)
Friendly House, Inc. (AZ)
Hispanic American Council (Kalamazoo, MI)
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Minnesota
Hispanic Democrats (Mecklenburg County, NC)
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (Chicago, IL)
Immigrant Rights Network of Iowa and Nebraska
Independent Monitoring Board (Chicago, IL)
International Institute of New Jersey (Jersey City, NJ)
Jewish Family Services (Milwaukee, WI)
La Causa, Inc. (Milwaukee, WI)
La Esperanza, Inc. (Georgetown, DE)
Latin American Community Center (Wilmington, DE)
Latino Health and Community Services Inc. (South Portland, ME)
Latino Leadership, Inc. (Orlando, FL)
Little Village Community Development Corporation (Chicago, IL )
Maine Rural Workers Coalition
Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA)
Massachusetts Law Reform Institute (Boston, MA)
Milwaukee Jewish Council (Milwaukee, WI)
Na Loio - Immigrant Rights and Public Interest Legal Center (Honolulu, HI)
Nebraska Mexican American Commission (Lincoln, NE)
Nevada Hispanic Services, Inc.
New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) (Jackson Heights, NY)
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Rhode Island Coalition for Immigrants and Refugees
SW Creations Collaborative (Albuquerque, NM)
St. Francis House (Boston, MA)
Shorefront YM-YWHA of Brighton-Manhattan Beach, Inc. (Brooklyn, NY)
Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations Coalition (Philadelphia, PA)
Southwest Iowa Latino Resource Center (Red Oak, IA)
United Hispanic-Americans, Inc. (Fort Wayne, IN)
Voces de la Frontera: Workers Center (Milwaukee, WI)
Washington Defender Association's Immigration Project (Seattle, WA)


SUGESTION: Let us try get the endorsment of some organisations for our petition and list them the same way.
Last edited by a moderator:
Originally posted by cinta
Edison and others,

Did you get any response back from AILA or anybody else? Did you send the Petition to the President-elect? (guess, yes). Can we ask AILA directly or through our lawyers to PINPOINT the problem as they have done with various press-releases.

I didn't get any response from AILA but couple of attorneys responded. I'll post the actual response today evening if don't have any problem with the mail servers (I have problem with the mail servers(hotmail and yahoo) for last few days especially during evening).

Yes, I contacted president-elect of AILA. Since we contacted lot of attorneys, I think they might contact AILA.

P.S: Please provide link to the article and just excerpt in the message, so that we might not miss any of our communications. Thanks.
Re: Re: Petition / Follow up / More activities

Originally posted by Edison
I didn't get any response from AILA but couple of attorneys responded. I'll post the actual response today evening if don't have any problem with the mail servers (I have problem with the mail servers(hotmail and yahoo) for last few days especially during evening).

Yes, I contacted president-elect of AILA. Since we contacted lot of attorneys, I think they might contact AILA.

P.S: Please provide link to the article and just excerpt in the message, so that we might not miss any of our communications. Thanks.


Can we submit the Petition to the Ombudsman shortly or wait? In case we do, can we keep the petition running?
Can we CC at least three other people? Eduardo Aguirre, Tom Ridge, Ashcroft?
Can we contact the organisations listed in AILA's letters for endorsment of our petition and list them also?
Re: Re: Re: Petition / Follow up / More activities

Originally posted by cinta

Can we submit the Petition to the Ombudsman shortly or wait? In case we do, can we keep the petition running?
Can we CC at least three other people? Eduardo Aguirre, Tom Ridge, Ashcroft?
Can we contact the organisations listed in AILA's letters for endorsment of our petition and list them also?

Rajiv showed us the way by contacting the India Tribune. Le us follow slowly but surely. We know the way.
Re: Re: Re: Petition / Follow up / More activities

We should CC the three people.

It'll be great if we can get endorsement from some of these organizations.

Originally posted by cinta
Can we CC at least three other people? Eduardo Aguirre, Tom Ridge, Ashcroft?
Can we contact the organisations listed in AILA's letters for endorsment of our petition and list them also?
Support for Petition - Response


Thank you for contacting the Immigration Law Center. Mr. Campbell is working through the American Immigration Lawyers Association in Washington, D.C., to promote a direct appropriation from Congress to BCIS in order to address the horrible backlog situation of which you write.
IMMIGRATION LAW CENTER, L.L.C. P.O. Box 11032 Montgomery, Alabama 36111-0032 Tel (334) 832-9090

We'll provide information on your cause in the News Bytes section of our next newsletter.
Good luck.
Regards, Greg Siskind Gregory Siskind, Attorney at Law Siskind Susser - Immigration Lawyers Telephone: 800-748-3819 or 901-682-6455 Fax: 800-684-1267 or 630-604-9306 Email: Web:

be sure we will post it on our web page...
Immigration Assistent Peter J. Jaensch Immigration Law Firm, P.A. 2198 Main Street Sarasota, Florida 34237 Tel: 941-366-9841 Fax: 941-951-0677

Dear <Zzzzz>,
What the immigrant community does not understand is that U.S. immigration policies and practices don't make any sense to intelligent, or even half-brained people. Of course, anyone with a smiddling of 'common sense' would be completely lost and confused. The delay you speak about, and good luck on the petition itself, is a result of BCIS and the overall 'homeland' security bureaucracy (including the FBI) being 'frozen' by the prospect of swearing in another 'mistake'; it is difficult for BCIS to differentiate and separate the normal processing of immigrant petitions (I deal almost exclusively with I-140/EB1 & 2, and applications, including I-485s, and the security issues involved, i.e., obtaining quick clearances. Today, every alien is a presumed terrorist or engaged in some kind of fraud/misrepresentation these days, including businesses, and those adjudicating cases at the Service Centers are not trained to 'approve' cases, but to look for and find 'denials'. In a bad economy and with terrorists around every corner, it is open season on immigration and that is what you are feeling and seeing. No one seems to understand that it is in our economic 'national interest' to steal the best and brightest who are attracted to our shores. Only Alan Greenspan has gone there, in relation to saving social security. He's thinking labor force. Even he has not made the connection to inherent brainpower and creation of jobs and future industry. To the Demos, the issues are asylum, humanitarian parole and refugees; to the Republicans, the issues are illegal immigration and deporting people. Don't hold your breadth; presently, there is no one in charge! Paul
"Paul M. Heller, Esq." <>
If interested, please visit our website: or call us toll-free at: 1-800-863-4448.

Good effort, Edison. Looking foward to seeing the petition being mentioned in their "NewBytes".
Originally posted by Edison
Check out .
It looks like big law firm. We should be happy that Gregory Siskind consented to publish about our petition in their news letter.


It took you sending the petition to 404 and myself and others searching all these people. It took so much to get three responses. That is how it is.

Le us continue with supporting the PETITION. try to increase the number of signatures. Suggestions.

I posted a lot of organisations from AILA's letters. Le us get in touch with them and ASK for ENDORSEMENT so we can list their names in our petition.
maybe as more ppl signed the petition

there wil be more response back from the lawyers..

great job Edison..
Continue discussion

Here is what Cinta posted in the Main thread :

Yjay, Edison well said. Let us concentrate on the following:
1: Increase Petition signatures. Maybe post it to other places as well.
2: Contact other organisations (see my postings as well as AILA's letters) and ask for Endorsment.
3: Start contacting the Media (Newspapers)by sending them the Petition. This requires a designated person to be our contact. Continue thereafter with TV/Radio.
4: Work on the Congress/Senate/Other Government agencies (like GAO)methodically. This means more people, possible modification of the letter and appropriate tailoring given recent developments with budget (87 billion),etc. The current form does not identify the problem (see response from greencard1 submited by Edison). In this respect we need HARD DATA, either from GAO, AILA, or from US. See questions posed by Operations..we need to have almost exact numbers: Number of pending cases, backlog figures, etc..
Here is Frantic's reply :
I don't have any problem if they have "zero tolerance" policy and I don't mind if they try to weed out suspicious cases from 485 applicants. I think it is very important in the post 9/11 world. But as someone said earlier they are taking that as an excuse and are delaying our cases.

I think the backlog is because of:
- incompetent officers working on our cases
- lazy workers because I think there is no incentive for them to approve more number of cases; what do you expect from Govt. workers
- antiquated system - they still use papers; it's high time they switch to computers.
Meeting BCIS officials

I feel that we as a group, should try to meet BCIS higher officials face to face. Our petition should help us for this. Let's communicate with Prakash Khatri through Rajiv and request him (Khatri) to arrange a meeting with BCIS. Let's question BCIS about what are the exact causes for the delay and let's offer our suggestions. If they say that resources and funding is the problem, then let's ask them to introduce premium processing. If they say Security checks is causing the delay, let's gather facts on that issue. I think that FBI sends FP results in 2 days and in 90% of the cases the Name check passes the auomatic test. So for 90% of the people , there should not be any delay in approving GC within 6 months. We can also ask BCIS, not to ask for employment letters if the case can't be decisioned in 6 months.
Even Rajiv once mentioned that he can try to arrange a conference call with BCIS officials (Prakash Khatri,...) .
that is nice!

really hope all the other lawyers could do the same...

hats off to Greg Siskind

hats off to Edison
Latest Signature Count

1373 as of 9AM on 9/11. It's increasing at around 150/day. So by Tuesday, we might get 2000 signatures.
Request to rupnet to email all its 485 registerers did not happen.
That's a big blow..Can few of you email or post suggestions on that site...It would bring in more attention, rather than the single mail/post of mine..! This way the petition comes more 'visible' to a wider crowd..!