petition against Mr. Lou Dobbs

250.... Do I hear 300

Guys we are fast approaching 300 mark on signature!! That is just after the first full day of signature....

We are also No 15 in activity among the thousands and thousands of active petition in the site.... Kudos Guys!!! Great work!!!

It might get tough for us to maintain the momentum because of the oncoming Thanksgiving holidays. But if each one of us can rope in just 4 other friends/family members we could ealisy reach 1000. Also please try to popularize it among Indian-American organizations.

Would this petition have any effect? Well it would at least show CNN that a large number of people are united and would not tolerate such shows. And CNN surely would not like to lose viewership among one of the fastest growing and one of the richest immigrant community (Indian-Americans) and one of the fastest growing markets (India).
At least they would sit up and take note
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Lou dobbs's failed internet venture

Just found some interesting information about Mr. Dobbs. It seems he founded an internet company :D :D :D ..... and of course the company crashed into a black-hole... which is when he decided to host "Lou Dobbs MoneyLine":(

Wish I had known it before - I could have added someting about this in the petition
I spoke with few green card holders and they do not have a job since 6 months to 1 year, they said their jobs have gone to india and they are worried about their family.
If you cant find a job how does it matter what other people did to this country and how much profit the company is making. The bottom line is your income! Yes the company will make more profit and the top 10% (executives) will be getting richer and richer and the rest 90% will get poorer and poorer, their expneses are not going down instead it is going up in all aspects. I agree it will turn around in few years but can you survive until then?

Please change all references from "MR." lou dobbs to just lou dobbs.

"MR." is a reserved word for respectable people.
American's comments...

mani66, I can't give a better answer then one of the comments left by an American ("American-American"). I don't know how they got to know about this petition. Must be because this petition is listed in the "Top 25" in the site the last couple of days. :)
Anyway his comments are:
It is not like Indians hit you over the head and say "give me your job", it is big business doing it. Sure I don't like it, and Indians would not if it was the other way around. That is a honest answer. All people try to protect "their own". So I support this (Indians protecting "their own")

Thank your sir. I knew most Americans are very reasonable.
So buddy we should stick to "our own". Lou of course is against both outsourcing and H1 visa holders. An average American of course can not distinguish whether you are a visa holder or green card holder or you are a second generation Indian-American
do a google search on Lou Dobbs petition

.....and see what comes on top now:D :D :D

When I had tried previously it was an anti-H1 site which showcased Lou Dobbs as of of their champions :(

Thanks Entry-GC & ihack1.. The petition is indeed now over 500!! That is a great acheivement in just over 3 days. It is surely the contribution of people like you which has helped. But we should surely try to rope in some Indian-American organizations.

bkd52, I will try to make the change....:D
Having a Green Card is not alone let us to live in this country comfortably but also need a decent society around. The efforts, to create or convey our feelings against polluting, the society come from various sources. This forum is doing every effort to address the INS backlog issue and at the same time to create a sound society around us to live after having the GC. I do not see any problem here. There are people with narrowed their mind just to get GC and others having a much broader views.

I fully support both efforts and like Jaykarandikar mentioned, this effort is not fully ruining the focus to reduce the INS backlog. Keep in mind, we want to live with respect in this country not like slaves.
what is the next step

on this online petition stuff? how long before we send it off? what is the action plan on this
Over 1000!!

As you may have noticed we are well past the "minimum" 1000 mark. Congragulations everybody for the great effort!! :)

But I propose we wait to have the maximum impact. The petition is picking up good momentum with 300-400 signatures each the past 2 days. We can now set aim for 5K to 10K signatures especially if we get the support of some Indian-American groups.

I expect the momentum to decrease a little but due to thanksgiving.

I would propose we submit the petition based on (whichever comes earlier):
1.1 month from the date of petition i.e. Dec 19th/22nd.
2.10 K signatures (maybe it is wishful thinking, but did we think we could get 1K in under 5 days)
3.The momentum decrease significantly (not holiday induced) and we have no hope of roping in any Indian-American groups.

Meanwhile continue the good work and enjoy the long weekend :) And hey, if you get some time spread the word around:D
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Here is a mail exchange with Lou posted by zero in another forum

Dear Mr.Dobbs,

Your view on Aliens taking over American Jobs, American Jobs being exported or "Stolen" prompted me to write this.

I wish you had the foresight of suggesting this during 1998-99 economy surge! Where were you then?
The Job loss scenario now is not the cause, but the result of a greedy and corrupt Corporate culture.
Besides Exported Jobs , please also start talking about the "Brain Drain", that was once brought in by the same "Aliens".

I am just appauled at your ignorance.

you misspelled "appalled"....all the best. lou

second e-mail
Thank you, Sir!

I actually sent the email so you would 'understand' - not spell check.

Would I also get some 'Actual' response from you?

I accept...perhaps if you had been so civil first, an "actual" response would have been warranted. all the best. lou
Breaking news......

Just got a mail from (which has led some succesful campaigns against CNN in the past) that they are currently examining our petition to see how they can support it.

We are within striking distance of 2000 signatures now. Please continue to spread the word and as we get more signatures, probably we might be able to rope in more Indian-American organizations and make the petition hard-to-ignore for CNN

thanks young16 for keeping the thread alive..

I sincerely applaud the efforts to shut the moron (i.e. Lou) up. A news caster has to be balanced in his/her articles.

But Lou has the right to say anything under "Bill of Rights First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

What he is doing might violate journalistic ethics. But it is protected by the First Amendment.

Besides, I am afraid this petition drive might actually make more people watch his show. Remember "Fox Network Vs. Al Franken's book" []. This petition would end up getting more publicity to his article (just like Al got free publicity for his book due to Fox's ridiculous law suit).

Just a thought ... Good luck.
Bajis...I respect your view

...but I am also getting fed up of answering the same question again-and-again. Please read my various replies in this thread.

Firstly we are not taking Lou to court (unlike the case you pointed out). We are just submitting a petition to CNN - which many other communities have been succesful in the past

Secondly "freedom of speech" has limitation - you can't spread hatred or use foul language to generalize a group of people. Can any American channel use the N-word against African-Americans and get away with it. Can any American channel say "all downtown crimes are commited by blacks"? Can they say "followers of Islam are terrorists"?

The only reason people like Lou are able to get away by making statements against the Indian community is because we are very meek

There is always a risk in trying something but "the greatest risk is not trying"

I request you not to make this thread a mega-thread by bringing up the same issues. You can e-mail me at