petition against Mr. Lou Dobbs

So why are we going after Mr. Lou Dobbs - isn't it every American's right to know what the actual cost of sending jobs off-shore is short-term and long-term - and what is the reason that the guy next door had been out of job for last 1 year. I am afraid we are doing this petition & stuff just to silence anyone who dare question moving American (our, yours and mine) jobs to other countries.

lets' all behave like grown ups - we are Americans and we must not lose sight of the fact that our kids and their kids and many generation will live in America - else we would not be here on "IMMIGRATION.COM".

You have the right to disagree with me - but please do not try to "silence anyone who dare question"your opinion.

My View...

I am a fellow immigrant, still waiting on BCIS. I have the same opinion as all of you when it comes to putting up with the inconsistencies and inefficiencies within BCIS. However, I’ve seen the Lou Dobbs reports, and I don't understand your outrage.
First of all, I don’t think Mr. Lou Dobbs is a racist. At least not based on his reports. A racist is a person who dislikes you solely because of your race. I think what Lou Dobbs is criticizing is mainly people’s attitudes.
It’s impossible to generalize anything, but it’s true that for some, H-1 is just a game played to stay in this country. Let’s not kid ourselves. Talking specifically about Indians, I’ve seen many that have come into this country hired by other Indians to do tasks that many other natives could have easily fulfilled, or have lowered salary standards in order to obtain similar jobs. At the University that I attended, the teaching staff saw this as a problem, as they had seen a sharp decrease in salaries within our discipline due to the high influx of Indians and their willingness to lower standards in order to stay in this country. It is my understanding that even a lowered salary here in the US is equivalent to a high salary in India. I therefore cannot blame ANYONE who wants to stay in this country for economic reasons, BUT let’s just be honest about it. Note, once again, I am not implying that this is the norm, but this does happen more often than not.
Furthermore, it is no secret that many IT jobs (among others) are rapidly migrating to India, where corporations can pay pennies on the dollar. Aside from the risks involved in doing this (different subject), the truth is that many US workers are losing work from two fronts: jobs going to India and Indians coming here.
Once again, this is not a generality, and I'm not trying to debate whether or not this is fair. That's not the point. On the other hand, there are deficiencies in certain areas that require a skilled workforce from abroad. So the US and the immigrant "can" benefit from immigration.
What we need to understand is that this is a very gracious society that embraces people from all backgrounds and allows them to enjoy a small slice of the American pie. What really drives me up the wall is when I see immigrants here demanding special rights (outside their country), or wishing to impose their culture upon a country that is so kind as to let them stay.
I don’t want to offend anyone, as I assure you that I share your plight. But just because a man makes simple observations on other’s actions doesn’t make him a racist.
May God bless....
For me the last 2 post sounds reasonable. Look at the following 2 scenarios.

1) 5/6 years back most of the US citizens and GC holders got replaced because of all H-1B's. At that time economy is good so no one felt that bad.

1) The place where I work all the jobs (US Citizens+GC holders+EAD's+H-1B's) with Tata consultants with L-1B visas who don't even pay US Taxes. This is happening all over US. Is it reasonable for US Citizens to loose jobs for the people who don't even pay taxes??

Do we need to take side of offshore companies as they are from INDIA?

If the above 2 incidents happen in India, imagine what we would have done.

I'm not against to Indian companies. I'm also an Immigrant and don't get me wrong. What I'm trying to say is think reasonably.
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For all the people who think Lou is just against outsourcing -here is the evidence. His program's transcript. You can see how Lou broadcasts a person "Daneil Soong" was receiving salary of 160K and was replaced by a "cheap" H1 worker. "Daniel Soong" himself later told CNN that he was receiving only 60K - which as you know is much lesser than what most H1s make!! But by broadcasting this outrageous exagerration, Lou succeeded in creating hate to H1 workers and starting the entire debate (as you can see this program was bradcast in May 2003 -when other networks really hadn't caught on to this). I didn't see Lou making any apologies for it, did you?
Lou further goes on in the program that the fact that "H1-B visa employees are taking jobs from Americans" as a "no-brainer"
Here is the link

With that I rest my case.


Who said L-1B visa holders don't pay tax. They pay the same way H-1B pay tax.

Only B1 visa holders don't pay tax.
Re: sairam4599

Originally posted by GCNC

Who said L-1B visa holders don't pay tax. They pay the same way H-1B pay tax.

Only B1 visa holders don't pay tax.

I have proofs with me that L-1B visa holders only get EXPENSES and Salary back in India. Which fine as long as they work at their L-1B sponsored employer's office. But they work as consultants like H-1B and do NOT pay any taxes.

For the people who are supporting "L-1B visa holders NOT paying taxes" in this forum might have their OWN reasons. They might be working on L-1B. All these TSC, Satyam etc.. offshore companies use L-1B visa to bring people to US claiming that they are going to work in their OWN US Branch office. But after coming to US they send them as CHEAP LABOR to replace the US citizens, GC Holders and H-1B visa holders.
One more advantage for the OFFSHORE companies is, spouse of L-1B holder will get EAD right away and OFFSHORE companies send the spouse(who never worked before) to the same client where the L-1B visa holder is working.

The offshore companies send L-1B visa holders as consultants for very low hourly rates. As they don't pay taxes for the L-1B visa holders the low hourly rates will work for them. Many of us will work for the same rate, if we don't have to pay taxes.

Some people here are supporting this unfair competition by OFFSHORE companies might be thinking that..."My job is I can talk anything I want". They will come to reality once if their job is taken by a L-1B visa holder who don't even know how to connect a printer.

My only concern is while we pay around 33% taxes in US and loosing the job to a L-1B visa holder who do NOT pay taxes.

Sorry If I hurt any NON - L-1B visa holders.
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I don't know that. But one of my friends is working here on L-1B. He is paying taxes. Last year he paid the same 30% of his salary.

PS: He is not working in TCS or Satyam
To the people here who are against this peition - Thanks for your nice views and also for not mincing words while expressing your opinions.

The whole point of this petition is not to say if outsourcing is right or wrong. But rather it speaks about the side effects. In simple words, the CNN program while explaining what is wrong with outsourcing, indirectly portrays that India and Indians (who come and work here) as the main culprits. The contribution of this immigrant community to the US economy is conveniently forgotten. This community is the most affluent of all the immigrant communites not because they steal jobs but because they work hard, innovate, obey the law, almost never commit crimes and contribute to the society.

The TVs in many of other countries portray America as a monster who is cunning, selfish and taking control of everything around the world. But those TVs never say or remind that this is the country where inventions and innovations thrive, where openness and tolerence are more prevalent than any other society, this is the country that contributes most to the poor countries in terms of aids and loans ( U.S. contributed $930 million to the World Food Program in 2002, four times greater than the next largest donor, and 51 percent of total contributions to rid the world of famine) and this is the country that leads all technological revolutions that help humans and so on. And because of these media's biased views, we are here as standing witness to the actions of those fanatics and lunatics who see one side of the coin based on those biased views and kill innocent people.

In short all we request is to ask CNN to avoid exaggerations, be aware of the side effects this program could create and balance the program in such a way it doesn't develop hatred towards the community. Period.

Let us stop here friends as Iam worried that someone while making their points, might spit venom and spoil the whole discussion.