Pet peeves


Registered Users (C)

While I wait for USCIS to act on my case ;) I'd like to start this thread so people come vent what their pet peeves are about this forum. For me a few things come to mind:

1. The single poster. This is a guy or gal who posts a rather urgent sounding message claiming that the sky is falling down. Good folks in the forum rush to answer the questions to the best of their abilities, and the single poster never cares to come back to bring closure to the issue or an update. There is a subtype of the single poster which is the doubly single poster, i.e. only posts a message in the thread and it is the first and last message ever posted in the forum.

2. The contrived case: Some posts look artificially created. Corner cases, with subtle twists, with enough details to make it believable, but overall they throw a stink of somebody posting it as a bait to get people work and spend time in solving it. In the past there were several cases on the adjustment of status forums of people clearly posting this type of messages. Many of this are single posters too.

3. The meandering thread: The thread starts with good intentions, but then it takes a detour and starts either a personal flame war, or just changes subject completely and starts discussing how nice the weather is in such or such part of the world.

4. People like me: Who some times take themselves too seriously, and can become judgemental, patronizing or dismissive with novel posters, even against our best intentions ;)

Anyway, kudos for having such a great forum to exchange information about immigration. This forum has been very valuable for me in the past and continues to be so.

My 2 cents.
Add to the list:
- people asking how to do something clearly illegal/dishonest in order to circumvent immigration law. e.g. "I've worked overseas for 27 years, but have entered the US every 179 days and stayed for 1 week. Will I qualify for continuous residence if I list my first cousin's parents address as mine?" :mad:

- double posters, who think pressing Submit twice will help them get an answer quicker.
The list continues..........

-Posters who think it is easier to ask first rather than do some forum-search before asking.
i mainly read/post on the lawsuit thread....

- posters who keep asking for the following addresses:
- dept. of justice
- dhs
- local district office of local us attorney

- certificate of service (there are over 7,000 posts, i'm sure several hundred deal with this question)

- posts where the poster is basically asking other members of this forum to do all the case/research work for them. it's not that hard to get a pacer account.

- i think a lot of people are in way over their heads. if you want to file pro se, you need to know english and have a basic understanding of how the legal system works and common sense. just because you file a case doesn't mean uscis will approve your application.

- pm's asking for legal advice. it's illegal to advise someone if you're not a lawyer. i can't tell you what to do. i can only tell you what i did and why it was best for my particular case.
In the case of those whose only post is a last one ..."I have been a silent member.....I got my citizenship... good luck... let me know if you need help".
The one and only one posting is not to help anyone, but their pride and vanity goading them to do that one post.

And then those who have a "friend" who did something illegal or was arrrested. He is asking if it is OK to lie!

Over the years, I have seen them one and all! I never bite the bait. But there are always newbies who are eager to help.
Lazy posters

Another one is the poster who clearly knows what he/she is asking is easily researched on the forum and can actually be deduced from reading the Naturalizaton booklet but choose to ask anyway because they need validation of some sort.
Here's an example:

I got a speeding ticket in 1995 and the cop who stopped me gave me a warning and let me go. Do I have to include this on my N-400, I am afraid if I lie they will deny my application.

I mean come on, why even think about lying and then come on here hoping someone is going to say its ok to lie?
The folks who ask questions answered in big type in either the Guide or the instructions (what should I include with my application?).

By the way, I see nothing wrong with "lurkers" who refer to this forum for information, never posting anything until the day after their oath (when they post their time line). That seems like a good way to use this.
Another one:

Posters who create a thread with a title like:

I need HEEEELP!!!

Then you go in and read the message and it was neither urgent, nor in need of much help. I believe thread subjects should reflect what the nature of the post is. No need to make it perfect, but something like:

What documents do I need to bring to the oath ceremony?

or anything that gives meaning to the thread. It is frustrating to go to this urgent and important threads to see that they are neither.

I am also ok with lurkers. Single posters for some reason I always treat as suspect. I prefer when people have posted a few messages to build trust.
There are people who don't know the answer, but are compelled to respond with something like

"I'm not sure what you should do in that situation, you better consult a lawyer"
In some cases, the right answer to what folks have posted is:

Geez, you are screwed and are in danger of getting deportated. No one on this list can give you an adequate answer. Get a lawyer, NOW!

Some folks have dug a pretty deep hole for themselves
Best ones "Where do I go to file for citizenship and find form"If you can come to this website,register and post your ad.You are really dum or lazy not to know where to file for citizenship. :rolleyes:
a little off topic but, when i went for my interview, pple were waiting for aos interviews wearing jeans, tees and sneakers and looking unkempt. here they sit practicing where they met and when they got married,they remember their lawyers and stacks of documents but cant comb their hair for one of the most important interviews of their lives.meanwhile the interviewer who comes to meet them has a shirt and tie on. At my oath, a girl showed up wearing sneakers and the most wrinkled cargo pants i ever saw. I am sitting there reading the oath letter for the 100th time with big bold letters, PROPER ATTIRE.
my rant is done
Dress Code

I got my employment based green card through consular processing. Thus, I never visited a USCIS office, not even for finger printing. I am thus curious. Did you guys go for your interview in formal wear (tie and suit)? What about the oath ceremony?
My working enviroment is informal. I rearly wear formal clothes to work. Just curious what the scene is like at the USCIS office. I will be filing my citizenship in the next few months.
For my K-1 interview(Montreal), AOS interview(Boston), N-400 interview and oath (both Chicago) I wore the following:-
Dress pants, dress shoes and a full sleeved dress shirt.