Permant Residence approved but still waiting for the GC!!


No my message did not said what you had in your post...

For almost 9 months it was that your case has been approved etc etc etc..
Then I called them and they updated my status with as I had reported few posts earlier in the same thread ...and now the new message....

I hope this response makes sense....if not let me know and I will post in more detail..

PR Card has Arrived

Finally the card has arrived .... It is backdated one year so one less thing to worry about .... The card looks a bit different (I must not have seen a new card for some time if this has been around) At the back of the card it seems there is some information in the central area which resembles a chip or magentic surface.... and I did not knew that these cards now come with their own personalized protective envelope....

Well thanks for all the wishes during this journey...and I do plan to keep visiting this online gathering .....Best wishes...

Previously (before 1999) they used to have a laminated pink card which used to say "Resident Alien". That pink card had been continuing for about past 20 years. In late 70's, early 80's they used to have a card WITHOUT expiration date (there are still few people left who use that card because it never expires). In 50's and 60's they used to have a "green colored card" and at that time it was first called "A green card" (sometime after world war II)

IN 1999, they came up with this totally redesigned - hi-tech card and it first time in history removed the word "alien" and now it says "Permanent Resident Card".

It sure does say "Category A06"
hi RAsylee,

Can you please tell me your exact approval date? I was just wondering if it was begining or the end of the month of november.

Yup - the new cards are biometric and all your information is in the 'scannable' back.

jaime00 - I hate to sound negative, but the printing of the card has absolutely nothing to do with when you went for signing or your approval date (for that matter). It depends on how fast your local CIS office sends the form I-551 we fill out when we go for stamping. I too got approved in Nov. 2003 and got stamped on Nov. 17 2003. I got my plastic card in May 2004. And believe me, that was a surprise - because I was anticipating waiting for almost 1 year. In fact, the day I went for stamping there was this Asylee in front of me who was upset because his temporary (white card) greencard was expiring and he hadn't received his plastic card yet. I personally don't see why it is so difficult to print a card!
i took me exactly 12 months to get the card ... but from what i read on this bb .. sometimes INS refuses to stamp again .... so everythin is possible
hi RAsylee,
Congratulations!!! You are the one old buddies in this forum. Not many of us left.