PERM Tracker - Chicago

Updated Sheet

Attached is the updated sheet with info. Feb seems to be a slow month for applications but a good month for approvals.

Congrats to gpaladi

Filed on 10/19/05 Chicago. In Process from day one. Never received verification email because the email address on 9089 is wrong. No calls either. Good luck to you all.
PERM Applied on 02/23

Hi All

My HR sent me an e-mail that my PERM LC has been filed on 02/23 and the status is Sponsorship. I am not yet sure if it was filed as Eb-2 or EB-3.

Can some one please tell me the different status possible in the PERM process?
Is there any other means to check status apart from the PERM account login created by employer. Generally the employer and attorney are reluctant in giving login details.
Perm status

Got it from google.

Sponsorship means the employer will receive an email from the DOL asking 4 questions. The email will direct the employer to a link to answer 4 questions:

Are you, or do you work for, the employer referenced above?

Are you aware that an Application for Permanent Employment Certification was filed on your behalf?

Do you have an opening for JOB TITLE in CITY, STATE?

Are you sponsoring FOREIGN WORKER for this position?

The employer should check YES to the above questions then click submit.

Audit Review means the PERM Center analyst has some questions about the information in the application and will be sending the employer a letter asking for an explanation.

The employer will receive the Audit Letter from the PERM Processing Center.

The employer should follow the instructions in answering the Audit Letter and return it to the DOL.

In Process means that they are still working on the case (or rather they are not working on it and it is just sitting in the system)

Best of Luck
segio 01...if the email address is wrong, then your app is going to get rejected. This means that an email was sent to the wrong email address. And unless that email address existed and replied yes to all questions, you should withraw your app and file afresh with the correct email address.

The status should really never be in sponsorship. Within minutes of filing your app, your HR should receive the sponsorship questionnaire and one they reply, the app should go into "In Process". So check the email address on your ap for your HR contact and hve your HR contact check his/her inbox for the DOL email.
Vivek Singh
SWA response is always delayed (so what's new). If your attorney is rasonably confident that the wage offered in your job posting is going to be higher than the one that SWA determines, then you can file the advertisement at any time. However, if the SWA comes back with a higher suggested wage, you will need to file the advertisements again.
My PERM got denied

My PERM got denied 2 weeks back and my employer didn't get any reason or information about that. Its been 3 weeks now and we coundn't get exact reason to appeal. Is there any way to get the reason for denial? What could be the problem for not getting the reason in DOL site and email.

You should receive a formal denial letter from DOL explaining the reason for the denial. ONce your attorney receives it, have him call up the certifying officer who has signed the denial and clarify with him/her if he has any questions. Based on the reason and the feedback, it would be advisable to refile and not appeal the denial
creative10: HR already received a hardcopy letter saying that the case has been certified. The incorrect email address belonged to HR but it is outdated and no longer working.

creative10 said:
segio 01...if the email address is wrong, then your app is going to get rejected. This means that an email was sent to the wrong email address. And unless that email address existed and replied yes to all questions, you should withraw your app and file afresh with the correct email address.

The status should really never be in sponsorship. Within minutes of filing your app, your HR should receive the sponsorship questionnaire and one they reply, the app should go into "In Process". So check the email address on your ap for your HR contact and hve your HR contact check his/her inbox for the DOL email.
Perm certified

My wife's perm got certified today.
She filed perm on 12/12/05, got phone call from perm center one week later.
Certified today. EB2, MS+ 0 year experience. Michigan. Web programmer.
jjjun said:
My wife's perm got certified today.
She filed perm on 12/12/05, got phone call from perm center one week later.
Certified today. EB2, MS+ 0 year experience. Michigan. Web programmer.


What is her wage level? Is it Leve II ?

Is O*NET code 15-1031.00 for her occupation?

What did she answer for Question H-12? (Are the minimum job requirements "normal" for the occupation?)



My perm got approved. I don't know the exact date but they got the certified copy yesterday.

Attached is the latest sheet with information. Feb has been a good month.
Status Check of PERM Filing?

Hello - I want to know how can you check the status of a filed application in PERM?

Is there a URL that someone could please fwd me.


Thanks longwaitstate and creative10 for your inputs.
My PERM status has changed to In-process. It has been filed as EB-2 (MS or BS+2 in Industrial Engg). for a Job Title as 'Systems Analyst' with proficiency in Advanced Supply Chain Planning. It was filed on 02/23 and changed to In-process on 02/24. My company HR has mentioned that they will not create a PERM sub-account for me, and I can check status through them...Maybe most of the employers taking such a restrictive stance.

Thanks again for your inputs..and Hope there is much more greenery seen on the tracker sheet....Pls update my details as well on the tracker...

My perm has been certified.
Applied 01/24/06
Certified 03/01/06
I still haven't received the hard copy.
My case was MS EB 2 Protocols Software engineer.

All the best to all of you.
Finally got certified

Just got email from my atterney that he received the hardcopy of the approval of LC and the approved date is Febuary some day (that what he wrote in the email when I asked the approved date). My information:

submit 07/14/2005, then Final Decision-->In Processing-->Approval. (My atterney did sent information of my case to AILA on middle of January).
EB2 (ms +1 year) Mechanical Engineer.

Good luck for all the waitings.
Congratulations to all of you who got approvals recently..

Any one know how we can expedite long pending cases ?

I filed on 11/10 and it is still in Progress..