Perm Resident and student with RA/TA


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Do you have to pay social security and medicare if you are perm resident and a student with RA/TA ? I know F-1 students don't pay social/medicare.

Do you have to pay social security and medicare if you are perm resident and a student with RA/TA ? I know F-1 students don't pay social/medicare.

Of course you do. F-1 students are ineligible by virtue of their immigration status, not because they are students.
sorry for bring back a old post. I found my old post while I was searching for something and realized I didn't post an update on this.

Your immigration status status does not determine whether you pay FICA (SS/medicare). IRS regulations for 'safe harbor rules' (Revenue Procedure 2005-11) gives guidance for FICA.

Under the Revenue Procedure 2005-11 safe harbor rules, a wage payment made by the University to an individual who (a) is at least a half-time undergraduate student or at least a half-time graduate or professional student, (b) is not a full-time employee of the University, (c) is not a “professional employee,” and (d) does not receive certain specified employment benefits will qualify for the student FICA exemption.

So if you are Full time student and a RA/TA and not employed in another job where the position receives benefits like paid vacation/401k/..., you are qualified under safe harbor rules for FICA exemption.
In fact, paying SS taxes on meager stupid stipend is most efficient
way to earn enough 40 credits to estabish eligibility for retirement
benefits and other benefits.

It make no differences in earning credits whether you pay on your
a $90000 annual salary or a $10000 salary in a year because
both give you 4 credits.

Of course, you may think you'll pay (and wqill have to pay anyway)
enough 40 credits anyway so why bother now. But there
is always a chance you get disabled in 10 years.
I asked this eariler but didn't get any replies

My wife and I were on F1 before GC and making salaries as RA. After getting GC, in principle we should be paying medicare and SS, but since our status wasn't updated in time, I'm wondering how the unpaid medicare & SS can be repaid. (I don't think it's on the tax return.)
weakunix said:
My wife and I were on F1 before GC and making salaries as RA. After getting GC, in principle we should be paying medicare and SS, but since our status wasn't updated in time, I'm wondering how the unpaid medicare & SS can be repaid. (I don't think it's on the tax return.)

I'll say, if the time period in question is very short. just forget about