PERM Filing - Audit/Review Status

hi, all

I am thinking of refile, but there are two answers, how i am going to deal with this Q H12?

flip a coin? i think my ads is good through aug.2nd, i think

iampppqqq said:
R check NO to H12, meaning not normal (final review)
GCR checked YES to H12, meaning normal (final review)
NNing checked YES to H12, meaning normal (denied)

Myself checked NO to H12, meaning not normal (waiting for lawyer)
GCR, i wouldn't think the ad date would have anything to do with the rerun. At least lets hope that way.
Corrected Summary

GCR: Checked NO to H12, meaning not normal (final review)

iampppqqq said:
R check NO to H12, meaning not normal (final review)
GCR checked YES to H12, meaning normal (final review)
NNing checked YES to H12, meaning normal (denied)

Myself checked NO to H12, meaning not normal (waiting for lawyer)
GCR, i wouldn't think the ad date would have anything to do with the rerun. At least lets hope that way.
Between the first time and second time all we did is make sure all the employer and employee address etc are consistent to what have been registered.

Regarding Business neccessity thing both time we said that this position requires nto regulat skills and we will be needing the "Business Necessity" .
H12 Questions reads like this
" Are the job opportinuity requirements normal for the occupation".
To this question we answered NO.

Our lawyer was not very sure why it got rejected first time, there was one discrepancy I am not sure which one. I will dig that out..

Yes this was the thing...

To Q H-10 we said Yes and gave # of months of experience as 0
Then corresponding to this in J20.. we said NA.

we suspect this killed it first time. But of this was the case then the first application would not have passed on rerun..

I am not sure what to make out of all this, All I can say if some one write a pseudo code considering what normal error a coder can do they will find what not to do.

I am sorry to hear about you case nning. I am just waiting for the next week . If this rerun has caused so much trouble my guess id they may revert all this back..

Hold on friends.
hello, everyone here

has anybody's case been converted to denied from audit review after this rerun?

I did check the Onet of Electronics Engineer position, as well as the detail job description, i really do think my lawyer did a right thing, since that job can be master degree holder as well as more than 5 years experience, SVP is greater than 8.0, so my lawyer checked Yes to this H12, seems like i am the only person checked Yes to this question. am I the only unlucky guy?


rajaabhi said:
Between the first time and second time all we did is make sure all the employer and employee address etc are consistent to what have been registered.

Regarding Business neccessity thing both time we said that this position requires nto regulat skills and we will be needing the "Business Necessity" .
H12 Questions reads like this
" Are the job opportinuity requirements normal for the occupation".
To this question we answered NO.

Our lawyer was not very sure why it got rejected first time, there was one discrepancy I am not sure which one. I will dig that out..

Yes this was the thing...

To Q H-10 we said Yes and gave # of months of experience as 0
Then corresponding to this in J20.. we said NA.

we suspect this killed it first time. But of this was the case then the first application would not have passed on rerun..

I am not sure what to make out of all this, All I can say if some one write a pseudo code considering what normal error a coder can do they will find what not to do.

I am sorry to hear about you case nning. I am just waiting for the next week . If this rerun has caused so much trouble my guess id they may revert all this back..

Hold on friends.

too much speclations during these days. Mine requires Master with 2 yrs. and Was " Audit Review " since the day I filed. Last Friday after they updated the system, Mine was changed into " Final Review ". About H-12, mine was "YES" just like yours. I watched most of your guys post. Just like what my lawyer said " we just don't know very much about this PERM system " Really sorry to hear your case and I am 100% with you even I have been there for just 10 days. Wish you all best. BTW, mine is the same job zone as yours. First, DOL has no right to put guideline on what your job requires. Second, Engineer per my lawyer said engineer shall not have problem if requires Master degree. You just hanging there and wish best for you. Let's pray hard this time.
Final review

mine has changed from audit review to final review. Any idea if EB2 will retogress in august? somebody in perm filed today forum has mentioned that the DOL wanted recruitmemt reports while his/her case was in final review stage. So, may be they might ask for documents or may be not. Let us wait and see.
To NNing

If your requirements (Education + Experience) matches with O-NET description, then H.12 should be YES, because it is indeed normal. May be I was wrong and H.12 might not be the reason for denial. I appologise if I have confused you.
Infact jay2005 also has normal requirements and he moved to Final Review. This system is beyond anybody's comprehension. I would say discuss with your lawyer and see if he is able to point to something different. Remember denials have more do with Syntax checks and Check Box combinations and less to do with the actual merit of the case.

Good Luck.

nning said:
has anybody's case been converted to denied from audit review after this rerun?

I did check the Onet of Electronics Engineer position, as well as the detail job description, i really do think my lawyer did a right thing, since that job can be master degree holder as well as more than 5 years experience, SVP is greater than 8.0, so my lawyer checked Yes to this H12, seems like i am the only person checked Yes to this question. am I the only unlucky guy?

Correction to Previous Post

GC_Reform said:
If your requirements (Education + Experience) matches with O-NET description, then H.12 should be YES, because it is indeed normal. May be I was wrong and H.12 might not be the reason for denial. I appologise if I have confused you.
Infact stuck_in_tx (correction)also has normal requirements and he moved to Final Review. This system is beyond anybody's comprehension. I would say discuss with your lawyer and see if he is able to point to something different. Remember denials have more do with Syntax checks and Check Box combinations and less to do with the actual merit of the case.

Good Luck.
jay2005 said:
mine has changed from audit review to final review. Any idea if EB2 will retogress in august? somebody in perm filed today forum has mentioned that the DOL wanted recruitmemt reports while his/her case was in final review stage. So, may be they might ask for documents or may be not. Let us wait and see.

One quick question, when you post here about change in status of ur applicaition, how do u see it ? i mean does your HR person lets you know or you urself can log in and find the status. My co. hasn't told me any status yet so I am curious to know.

Hi, GC_Reform

Do you think I should request my employer to send email to PERM center to inquiry about my status issue? Since they run two times of the decision matrix on my case, and two results, I went to read an article in, and it sayes, if the two results are both denials, then the letter is going to sent out, but for my case, anybody knows what I should do since my lawyer is not back until next wednesday.


I have sent you a private message, please respond if you get time.

stuck in tx said:

too much speclations during these days. Mine requires Master with 2 yrs. and Was " Audit Review " since the day I filed. Last Friday after they updated the system, Mine was changed into " Final Review ". About H-12, mine was "YES" just like yours. I watched most of your guys post. Just like what my lawyer said " we just don't know very much about this PERM system " Really sorry to hear your case and I am 100% with you even I have been there for just 10 days. Wish you all best. BTW, mine is the same job zone as yours. First, DOL has no right to put guideline on what your job requires. Second, Engineer per my lawyer said engineer shall not have problem if requires Master degree. You just hanging there and wish best for you. Let's pray hard this time.
Looks like Decision matrix did pick up my case:
My attorney tried to file multiple times my PERM app on June 14th and got denials. Looks like my HR got two emails on Today asking to fill the questionaire online. My HR is waiting for attorney's advice before answering the questionaire. Now, I wonder how to get rid of the second duplicate case. I was not hoping that I can atleast get to sponsorship stage, this gives me some confidence now. Let me hope for the best.
Does anybody know when is the PD established in case of filings that initially are
denials and on the re-run the status went to sponsorship. Will it be the day of initial denial run or will it be day on re-run when the case is accepted? Also, one of my sunday paper ad expired on the day of re-run, will my case still be processed? Any idea how DOL treat this? If anybody knows any info please post.

GC_Reform, you were asking this question in your post, was that just your speculation for case status changing from Final Review to AuditReview or do you have some info, please post.
Audit Reivew

My application was filed on May 13th EB2 with Exp + Edu combination. My employer filled the questioanire on the same day and replied back onthe same day and since then the status is "Audit Review". I talked to my attorney today and he says its still in "Audit Review" status. Anybody in the same boat?
Yes. I filed MS+2yr, submitted to Chicago on March 29th

Still in "Audit review" ever since. There are so many approval or change of status for cases applied after mine. Have no idea why my case is like that.
filed on June 15th, got in Audit Review within minutes after my employer filled in the sponsorship my case is in Final Review,...

one of my colleages wasn't that "lucky" though, his case status now shows "denied"
That was pure speculation. Now I know for sure that Expiration of Ads has no affect on re-run, meaning if your Ads have expired on the day of re-run (or before) it will not affect the application in negative way. I hope this helps.

knowDOL said:
GC_Reform, you were asking this question in your post, was that just your speculation for case status changing from Final Review to AuditReview or do you have some info, please post.
Mine filed on 25-May and lawyer says still pending audit review and mentioned that there was an unofficial notice that DOL is doing review on the software glitch reasonable for auto denials..
Do you have a pending case in BEC? Or a pending case that is yet to be recevied by BEC. Did you apply to keep PD or not to keep? If not to keep PD, did you send withdrawal notice to DOL for the old case?

iampppqqq said:
Still in "Audit review" ever since. There are so many approval or change of status for cases applied after mine. Have no idea why my
case is like that.
Hello smajeti,

When you say Exp + edu combination do you mean Bachelors + 5 years as required or MAsters + 1 year as required. Please confirm. Looks like your case is affected by either the old decision logic or by the new decision logic so I want to know the job requirements.

smajeti said:
My application was filed on May 13th EB2 with Exp + Edu combination. My employer filled the questioanire on the same day and replied back onthe same day and since then the status is "Audit Review". I talked to my attorney today and he says its still in "Audit Review" status. Anybody in the same boat?