PERM - Chicago vs Atlanta

smajeti said:
My employer did call the DOL yesterday and they have asked him to wait until the 28th of july. They told that they are still updating the software and that the staus will change at least from Audit Review to something else. God know whats happening.

I like this explanation and I hope they are right at least this time and we can see some changes on 28th.
Is it really true about that approval from Chicago in 7 days? Hard to belive, mostly that you cannot even see the messages on Murthy forum now, since there is a delay in posting them for 48 hs. Maybe we have some news from Cabal and Rajabi.
Yeah I filed on June 22 and is in final review since then. Atlanta. EB-3.
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irinastaicu said:
smajeti said:
My employer did call the DOL yesterday and they have asked him to wait until the 28th of july. They told that they are still updating the software and that the staus will change at least from Audit Review to something else. God know whats happening.

I like this explanation and I hope they are right at least this time and we can see some changes on 28th.
Is it really true about that approval from Chicago in 7 days? Hard to belive, mostly that you cannot even see the messages on Murthy forum now, since there is a delay in posting them for 48 hs. Maybe we have some news from Cabal and Rajabi.

This news is some consolation. May be they will start certifying/denying after that. Once they start that process, we can start a new thread; namely "certified, but waiting for hard copy".
07/25 updated list for Chicago FR

Rajaabhi --final review -- 06/24--Chicago
irinastaicu--final review -- 06/24--Chicago
psam123 --final review -- 06/28--Chicago
AnilMI --final review -- 06/29--Chicago
knowDOL--final review -- 07/01--Chicago
Prats --final review -- 07/08--Chicago
titu1972 --final review -- 07/12--Chicago
einmanninus--final review -- 07/14--Chicago
gsn--Final review - 06/28--Chicago
sd_guy--Final review - 06/24--Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
Gc_Reform--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10
Cabal--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
coolz -- Final Review 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
Jay 2005 -- Final review since 06/24; filed on 06/02 -- Chicago
PERM believer -- Filed 6/15 .... Final Review 6/24 ... CHICAGO
hi, could you tell me which number your employer called? Mine was filed in early May in Atlanta. It has been in final review since then. I called DOL for a few times, but there was always a voice mail. I left messages but nobody called back. Thank you!

smajeti said:
My employer did call the DOL yesterday and they have asked him to wait until the 28th of july. They told that they are still updating the software and that the staus will change at least from Audit Review to something else. God know whats happening.

If noting happens I am going to ask my app to be refiled.
Stuck in Final Review since Jun 24th

My company filed three cases, one in Mid of May, and two, including mine, on June 2nd. All went to Chicago.

The first one was too lucky to believe, it was approved even before mine was filed. (Already got EAD approval :mad: )

Both mine, and other was filed in EB3.
Both stuck in Final Review since June 24th, was in Audit Review from Jun 12.

Any guess what happened to the Chicago Center b/w May 15th - June 2nd ??

:mad: :mad: :mad:
There is nothing wrong with the cases stuck in Chicago after 6/24; simply, they were sitting there without anybody working on them.
Here is what somebody got in reply to inquiring about the case. I guess each of us should call and make sure that our case was not forgotten, by mistake, like this one, that I am quoting:

Here is what my employer got from DOL regarding audit review status inquiry. My case was filed on March 28, the very first day of PERM. And it's been in audit review since May 9. Over 4 months!!!

Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 09:13:12 -0400
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 19 Jul 2005 13:11:19.0238 (UTC) FILETIME=[5A2B8660:01C58C63]

In response to your previous e-mail of June 21, 2005, the application
was sent into the Audit Review stage; however, it now appears this was
an error. Cases in this category are being assigned to an analyst and
the goal is to review and complete these cases within the next 2 weeks.
This case has not yet been assigned to an analyst; however, it should be
within 2 weeks.
Jay2005 and irinastaicu

I think smajeti was talking about Audit Review status. on 28th there may be another run on Audit Review status cases and may not be on Final Review status. there is no need for us to be happy or relieved about. I still think we may not be out of this FR status soon. How much time I don't know but hoping that I will get approved or denied by AUgust 15th atleast.

jay2005 said:
This news is some consolation. May be they will start certifying/denying after that. Once they start that process, we can start a new thread; namely "certified, but waiting for hard copy".
What does your HR and attorney say? any update? My attorney told to just wait and indicated that they do not know for how long to wait basically no specific information about FR cases from Chicago. May be they will just hold until September and approve after that.

deshu77 said:
My company filed three cases, one in Mid of May, and two, including mine, on June 2nd. All went to Chicago.

The first one was too lucky to believe, it was approved even before mine was filed. (Already got EAD approval :mad: )

Both mine, and other was filed in EB3.
Both stuck in Final Review since June 24th, was in Audit Review from Jun 12.

Any guess what happened to the Chicago Center b/w May 15th - June 2nd ??

:mad: :mad: :mad:
please advise

hi, gurus, My file in Atalanta has been in final review since mid May. All my attorney told me was to wait. I called atlanta help desk for a few times but could not get hold of any human help. I left messages to the voice mail but nobody called back. Would you please give advice what I should do at this point? Any advice is appreciated.
Urgent question about job order

Since most of you guys have already applied, I am hoping you would be able to answer this question.

- According to the PERM documentation, you have to place a Job order for 30 days, then wait for another 30 days before you can file through PERM. My genius employer didn't put an end date on the Job order when they created it. Now, I found out today that it has been running for 45 days, from June 10, 2005 till today. My question is, can I file for PERM on Aug 11 (which is 30 + 30 days from the date the job order was opened), or can I only file 30 days after the job order has been closed (which will be Aug 26 in my case) ????

Thank you in advance !
HR and Attorney are sitting idle, waiting for some miracle i guess.
Both are as clueless as u and me.
God help us all.
knowDOL said:
What does your HR and attorney say? any update? My attorney told to just wait and indicated that they do not know for how long to wait basically no specific information about FR cases from Chicago. May be they will just hold until September and approve after that.
Any updates from Chicago?

Going by the silence on this thread, it seems that no one has heard or seen any updates to their cases in Final Review at Chicago - correct?
After I called the Chicago PERM Center on July 21, I have also not heard back from them. It seemed from some posts that an update could be expected on July 28. I will wait until then and am planning to write an email to them if there is no news after that.
Have any of your HR managers or attorneys contacted the Chicago PERM Center and found anything? In my case, they are hesitating to contact them. So, I may just have to write to them myself.

Are any of you in EB2 - and likely to be affected if there is a retrogression in September? I know that I am and therefore getting really impatient.
Can anyone think of anything else that we can do in the meantime?
If there are a number of us in that situation, can someone from Rajiv's office please provide any update if they have some information? Or will someone from Rajiv's office be so kind as to call the Chicago PERM center on our behalf and let us know if there is any useful information on why all cases are held up?
It seems that Atlanta has been moving along all the time and have also started sending out the hard copies now - but there is no update at all on Chicago.

sd_guy27 - did your company (hr or attorney) do something to help out?

Please write with any ideas or suggestions that anyone can think of.
Thanks and good wishes.
Applied for labor on june 23rd(chicago), got sponsorship email on the next day and it went in to audit review status after replying to that mail.Got audit letter on July 23rd .The audit letter they r asking for the copy of the NON_RIR labor application form ETA-750 filed earlier since it is a conversion and signed copy of the perm labor form and recruitment report.Preparing to respond to this audit letter and hoping for the best
Another soul stuck in Chicago

I ahve been checking this forum for sometime. I also applied in Chicago on 05/24/05. I cahecked my status only on July 3rd as I was on vacation. Its been in "Final Review" ever since. I applied it in EB2 category and hoping to get the hard copy by end of next month. All we can do now is sit and pray.
No updates on my status. Still in Chicago Final Review. My lawyer is optimistic and does not recommedns to call DOL office or write them an email. Yes my case is EB2 and I am worried about the retrogression and uncomfortable with this hung status.

I will post to the site if any new development happens.

Good Luck to everyone "finished with the ride", "Stuck in the ride", "Joining in to the ride"
Here is the updated list. Anybody who is in FInal Review with Chicago please add your row to the end of this list.

Rajaabhi --final review -- 06/24--Chicago
irinastaicu--final review -- 06/24--Chicago
psam123 --final review -- 06/28--Chicago
AnilMI --final review -- 06/29--Chicago
knowDOL--final review -- 07/01--Chicago
Prats --final review -- 07/08--Chicago
titu1972 --final review -- 07/12--Chicago
einmanninus--final review -- 07/14--Chicago
gsn--Final review - 06/28--Chicago
sd_guy--Final review - 06/24--Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
Gc_Reform--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10
Cabal--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
coolz -- Final Review 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
Jay 2005 -- Final review since 06/24; filed on 06/02 -- Chicago
nhusson - Final Review since 06/24; filed on 06/15 -- Chicago
Added my info

Looks like I am the one who applied the earliest in this list. :-(

Rajaabhi --final review -- 06/24--Chicago
irinastaicu--final review -- 06/24--Chicago
psam123 --final review -- 06/28--Chicago
AnilMI --final review -- 06/29--Chicago
knowDOL--final review -- 07/01--Chicago
Prats --final review -- 07/08--Chicago
titu1972 --final review -- 07/12--Chicago
einmanninus--final review -- 07/14--Chicago
gsn--Final review - 06/28--Chicago
sd_guy--Final review - 06/24--Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
Gc_Reform--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10
Cabal--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
coolz -- Final Review 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
Jay 2005 -- Final review since 06/24; filed on 06/02 -- Chicago
nhusson - Final Review since 06/24; filed on 06/15 -- Chicago
abu2003 - Final Review; Filed on 05/24/05 - Chicago
Me left out ???

Rajaabhi --final review -- 06/24--Chicago
irinastaicu--final review -- 06/24--Chicago
psam123 --final review -- 06/28--Chicago
AnilMI --final review -- 06/29--Chicago
knowDOL--final review -- 07/01--Chicago
Prats --final review -- 07/08--Chicago
titu1972 --final review -- 07/12--Chicago
einmanninus--final review -- 07/14--Chicago
gsn--Final review - 06/28--Chicago
sd_guy--Final review - 06/24--Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
Gc_Reform--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10
Cabal--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
coolz -- Final Review 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
Jay 2005 -- Final review since 06/24; filed on 06/02 -- Chicago
nhusson - Final Review since 06/24; filed on 06/15 -- Chicago
abu2003 - Final Review; Filed on 05/24/05 - Chicago
deshu77 - Final Review; Filed on 06/02/05 - Chicago (1 more in Same Situation)

Good Luck to all
Rajaabhi --final review -- 06/24--Chicago
irinastaicu--final review -- 06/24--Chicago
psam123 --final review -- 06/28--Chicago
AnilMI --final review -- 06/29--Chicago
knowDOL--final review -- 07/01--Chicago
Prats --final review -- 07/08--Chicago
titu1972 --final review -- 07/12--Chicago
einmanninus--final review -- 07/14--Chicago
gsn--Final review - 06/28--Chicago
sd_guy--Final review - 06/24--Chicago (+4 others in Final Review 6/24)
Gc_Reform--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/10
Cabal--Final Review 06/24 Chicago, Filed 06/6, (Sent Recruit Let 7/18)
coolz -- Final Review 6/29 Chicago, Filed : 6/29
Jay 2005 -- Final review since 06/24; filed on 06/02 -- Chicago
nhusson - Final Review since 06/24; filed on 06/15 -- Chicago
abu2003 - Final Review; Filed on 05/24/05 - Chicago
deshu77 - Final Review; Filed on 06/02/05 - Chicago (1 more in Same Situation)
Goofy101 - final Review since 6/24, filed on 5/23 -Chicago (5/24 - 6/24 Audit Review)