PENDING ADMIN PROCES: visa status, plz help


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Dear Forum members,

I'm going thru a very difficult stage understnading how this visitors visa works. My folks went for a visa interview in chennai, my dad answered all the q's and they said fine, and gave my mom the visa but said my dad's status is under PENDING ADMIN PROCESS. After many follow ups they gave me a case # to check on chennai consulate's web site.

It's been very long now and even now the case # has the same status. Did someone have a similar experience or has any suggestions that i can use, please help me.

What excatly constitutes on Administrative processing, i checked all the web sites and they said the USCIS will return the finger prinitng and background processing with 2 weeks.

I'm totally confused... :(
sometimes some cases are referred to admin processing, and may take longer than ususal to process. Check the consulate website there was a press release about this and the procedures to follow.

and define long time,
Thank you for ur response waitin_toolong. It helps to hear from someone. Actually i've read all teh documentation on the consulate's website and on other sites too, but they r not much help.

Thier interivew was on Jan 31 2006 at chennai consulate. So to define long time it's about 5 months in my case. Totally sucks !

For about 4 months they held on to the passport.

while talking abt this to freinds we sensed that sometimes the ppt could be misplaced, so we followed up with consulate to let us if the ppt is safe. then they returned the ppt with a stamp "Passport returned" and nothing else with that.

so, i dont what the hell to make out of this darn process, really.
what was the reason they gave for the admin process?


what was the reason your dad was sent to admin process? .. My dad used to work for the Dept of Atomic Energy and he needed to send additional information about his research ... I am trying to find out if there is any pattern..

Hi Srican,

I would have been so much at peace of mind, if they'd have told us why they r sending it for pending admin process, basically they gave no reason. What seemed more strange was that they didnt tell us right away, they told after 3 months and then gave us the case no. My father retired as a judge for Commercial taxes dept, so i dont know what flagged them to do more digging and waht exactly r they doing for all these days baffles me.

Have u heard anything....

thats crazy

I have no clue what they are upto .. and why they are putting people through this process .. i guess since the process is new .. we have to serve as the guinea pigs. I ll try and hunt for some more information on this .. and post it to this thread when i do ... the whole thing seems pretty arbitrary right now.
You are right on about it, since it's new, we r being guinea pigs. What bum me out is they say that the more we contact them the more delayed the proces will be. It's like a scare tactic they r using. Few people who misuse the visa process dont realise how it effects others. Look forward to see what u'll find.
I contacted the Dept of State and the Visa specialist there said, all the clearance papers have been sent back to chennai and there's a message here that " Your father needs to send DD and contact consulate". She also added that an email will be sent to my papa's email id, and only after that anything can be done. It has been 2 weeks since then, my dad hasnt received any email, nor is the status changed on the consulate's website. I'm so inclined to call the chennai consulate to find out, but as the website says,
if the status reads as still pending not to contact them.

so, i'm totally confused if i should call the consualte and tell them about the msg the Visa specialist at dept of state told me about. PLEASE ADVISE....

Pending process”: Your case is still pending administrative processing. We CANNOT issue the visa prior to completing this processing. We CANNOT waive this processing for any applicant. This is not a matter of missing documents and is in no way related to the number of times an individual may have been able to obtain visas or enter the U.S. in the past. If your case is “Pending Process”, please DO NOT contact the Consulate or you may risk delaying the administrative processing of your visa.
Did your dad recieve the email?


I hope your dad has received his email by now. My dad got his email two weeks after I approached the Senator - It really works !! The senators office also provided me with a copy of the consulates response to his enquiry regarding my dad's case -- For once It felt mighty good that the consulate officials were being attentive and responsive with respect to your case .. and have it all processed by next week.

I am going to Vote for Senator Menendez Big Time when I become a citizen.

My dad needs to send the passport and DD now .. so he should have his visa pretty soon.

They apparently have sent the email, I beleive. But we never received it, so I've called them and they said, send us an email and we'll give u all info u need. So, i did my part now and hoping by mid next week, i should get something form then. This is really pathetic, to the core. I wish i was in UK or Australia. My friend in uk sponsored her mom and got the visa in 1 week.

Keep us posted, when your dad got the visa and for how long.

my parents attended in us consulate in chennai for visitors visa in dec 2006. my mother got the visa but father's visa is set to pending process.he was asked to send some additional documents which we sent the very next week from visa date.we even got the acknowledgement mail also
my father works in atomic department.
if we check the status its still pending process .

what should i do now???????????
should i contact them regarding this....
please try to help me out.
anyone with similar problem...

I assume your father was given a 212g slip? That basically means the consulate is not ready to make a determination on the case. Seeing his background, I am pretty sure the consulate needs a name check clearance from Washington DC.
I hope it is a short wait for your dad.
What if the case number is totally skipped in Admin processing?

Hi, Similar case of Admin processing!! My Mom got 10 yrs, since she declared herself as housewife. She is a lecturer in real. And my dad's is in Admin pro..since he was retiring in two weeks as a BioChemistry Professor. That was in mid Feb 2007. It's been more than a month and his case number doesn't show up along with a few hundred that series! The latest update on Mar 20, has more than 150 case numbers after my dad's. What does this mean?

- His visa rejected and should we re-apply? Do we get any correspondence saying that the visa is rejected?

- Should he contact the consulate?

- Did you notice that yahoo messes up the txt attachments we sent (Try BCC yourself and open the attachments again. They are all unformatted. Is that confusion a reason for the visa delay?)

My Head is aching with all these unanswered questions. These US consulate people act superior to god with their - "Do not contact consulate and risk delay" fear tactics bull SH**!!

Any how long the wait should be for the case number to be appearing on the site?