Patel Motel

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the same logic

malbari menon should not have stepped out of kerela. how can you somethingis imported when it is in that region for 1000 years or more?
Where do we draw a line saying this is time limit and behind that everything is imported? islam and christianity has been india for over 1000 years so how is it imported?
Answer the question what are you doing in christian usa with your imported religion:p
good comedy

as long as it is good comedy, I like it, but for this , I don't like finger pointing some country or religion group by looking at one thing.


i agree. as for me i strongly believe what marx said religion is an opium for masses. The discipline d intellect doesnot require religion as a crux to answer the questions of eternity:eek:
Burning widows, child marriage, Parada/Burkha system(covering woman's head in front of men) have no basis in Hindu religion. Those were the reactions from local people to stop humiliation
of Hindu women from Muslim rulers.

Before Islamic invasion, nowhere in India you will find those practices. Of course British helped to stop these practices by law, but again those practices were already thrown away by most of the Hindus over time. Only illiterate were still practicing it in remote villages.

Hinduism is not a man made religion. They don't have one and only one holy book concept(which is the cause of major turmoil today). Hinduism is a collection of knowledge, wisdom gathered over centuries. It's like a flowing river. If you block the river, water starts contaminating.

Hinduism knew gravitation long before rest of the world came to know. Science is an integral part of many old Hindu books.
No wonder when scientist fail at finding any concrete proof to their theories, they look at the Vedas to find some clue. Many scientist have openly acknowledged that including Albert Einstein who said "We owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."

LANCELOT HOGBEN (In his book ‘Mathematics for the millions’)
"There has been no more revolutionary contribution than the one which the Hindus (Indians) made when they invented ZERO."

Best Regards
Originally posted by ssp_aks
.... Hinduism knew gravitation long before rest of the world came to know. Science is an integral part of many old Hindu books.
No wonder when scientist fail at finding any concrete proof to their theories, they look at the Vedas to find some clue. Many scientist have openly acknowledged that including Albert Einstein who said "We owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made."

LANCELOT HOGBEN (In his book ‘Mathematics for the millions’)
"There has been no more revolutionary contribution than the one which the Hindus (Indians) made when they invented ZERO."

Best Regards

.... and yet such a great nation missed the industrial revolution by lightyears.

BTW - how the hell does one "invent" zero? Is this moron LANCELOT HOGBEN the same one that claims that Newton "invented" gravity ?

Hinduism is not quite as kosher as one might want to believe, if you want to take Ramayan at face value, then hindus invented a flying machine, built a bridge across the Palk Strait and also referred to south indians as "monkeys".
If the bridge exists (satellite images prove it), then the rest must be true and thus Ramayana is in fact, the first racist text in the world. Actually it does make Mein Kampf look like a boyscout's handbook.

Monkeys, indeed .... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
waytoolong, give me a break man ..

Let me throw in my 2 cnts worth :

> .... and yet such a great nation missed the industrial revolution by lightyears.

We made it up by inventing the pentium processor.

>built a bridge across the Palk Strait and >also referred to south indians as "monkeys".

I really don't know about that. Ramayan also details local population living in southern part of India. Ramayan speaks in glowing terms about Sugreev / Vali. For crying out loud, we still pray to Hanuman and consider him a god. So how can this be even remotely racist ?

There is quote in Ramayana uttered by Hanuman when he looks at Ravana and his Lanka : " Aho Tejam, Aho Bhayam". Meaning Hanuman was stunned by the beauty and grandeur of Lanka.

As far as I understand Ramayana, it has always been a story of triumph of humilty and honesty (i.e. Rama) over pride and arrogance (Ravana).

> Actually it does make Mein Kampf look > like a boyscout's handbook.
Doesn't Mein Kampf discuss the "Final solution" to Hitler's so called Jewish problems.
Are you really serious when you say that it is like a boy scout's handbook in comparison to Ramyana ?
Originally posted by gatos
indian run hotels are by far the most hopless experience in this country; it is a total shame; not just the lack of professionalism but also that stinky curry smell and that dreadfull BO that they possess;

last week i checked into Best westren in Quakertown PA; it was 11:30pm in the night; doors were locked; i am ringing the bell; finally guy shows up with his dhoti/lungi (what ever) without a shirt on; it was a total freak show;

Top 10 list of why you are so jealous from Indians

1. Indians do not molest their children because they are not too alcoholic
2. Indians do not trade girlfriends in high schools
3. Indians do not have empty impersonal conversations
4. Indians do not have this sick independent self-detached mentality
5. Indians honor their parents and do not put them in nursing homes
6. Indians do not disrespect the elderly but they revere them.
7. Indians do not have children with ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder)
8. Indians do not consume pot at the same level fo consuming coffee or tea.
9. Indians gave you meditation to take a break from Birtney Freaken Spear.
10. Indians gave you the damn software that allows you to be such a stupid racist pig

Did you get it? Please stay away from your daughter tonight especially if you have so much to drink
Re: hey, SMenon, dude...

Originally posted by CyrusD
"if widow burning is outlawed in india today, it is thanks to the civilizing influence of the british."

British were busy looting the country and deviding people for self gain, (took over where the Moghuls had left)...they didn't have time nor inclination to reform anything if there was anything to be reformed.....

Hindus were teachers to the world when the rest were still living on trees and in caves...Vedas and Upanishads (if you know what these are) were written when the rest were struggling with their bows and arrows....

Hindus withstood the onslought of Moghuls, Greeks and British when they tried to root out the identity of Hindus like they did to American Indians...

You guys should read the Hindu scriptures, if you are allowed to by your religious teachers,

Hindu way of life doesn't teach hatred, doesn't prohibit Hindus from believing in other faiths.

People talk of asylum...India gave shelter to Parsies, Jews and many others when they were forced to convert to Islam ages ago...they live in peace even today and made great progress there...

You have innumarable examples like this....

Everyone in the sub-continent should realise that they are the children of Hindus and their forefathers got converted to other religions against their will.

Hindus concentrated more on culture, happy families etc. rather than on anything else. This is the reason why we have more happy families than that of the so called industrialised nations..

Man...this can go on like this....please do some web search, read about India with an open will know the truth...
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As ssp_aks said
Hinduism is not a man made religion. They don't have one and only one holy book concept(which is the cause of major turmoil today). Hinduism is a collection of knowledge, wisdom gathered over centuries. It's like a flowing river. If you block the river, water starts contaminating.

That's true...

Across the sindhu river all people were called Hindu .
"S" is pronunced like "H" in that area. Still people in Kutch & Saurashtra (both in Gujarat) say "S" as "H" in their normal conversation. and that is how "Hindu" word was derived.

2. In Hindu religion whatever bad things are , like child marriage, Sati etc. are forbidden by law. and law should be supreme.

3. India is the only country in this world where all religion get their festival as National Holiday.

4. Check the history....India has never invaded any country. They were happy with their land.

5. Indians are peace loving, kind, intelligent but also were not united and so they were ruled by invaders like Mogul, Britishers.

6. As far as Ramayana is concerned . Yes we cannot say it is 100% true. Because things keeps changing their shapes when passed from generation to generation and particulary in those days where first people tried to remember and then started writing and everybody started to add their own version. But the Conclusion remained same.

7. During old Mogul days there were marriage between Hindu & Muslim (Akabar the great was son of Jodhabai) and so are many.

Dear friends we as a educated people should always oppose our religion if we find something wrong like Christians, Hindus do. We should interpret ourselves and not considered others as Kafirs.

My humble 2 Cents......
way beyond fun. I never thought a patel's motel (titile of this thread) would cause such a blast of opinions about religion.

:D :( :confused: :mad: :eek: :cool: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
if hindiusm and india is so great

what is everybody doing here wanting greencard so desperately?:rolleyes:
All said and done usa rocks and india is a developing third world and here we are talking in an alien language. What was gone in past is gone- reality india is a third world country with huge population and lot of poor people.
So let us wait for our gc so that we all can become americans let us see if they invent some chemical to change colors too:p

I would like to nominate this thread for "Off Topic Off Topic Off Topic Thread of the Year" award. ;)

Here are some predictions on the directions this thread will take next:

1. Discussion on why Indian movies have got no Oscars yet.
2. Discussion on Indian Cricket Team.
3. Discussion on India's population problem.
4. <Insert your favorite topic here>
5. Discussion on directions this thread will take next. :p

Crouching Tiger
Regarding Indian Movie and Oscar , i showed one of the hindi movies to our co workers here and their main question was that why there is MTV in the movie .. :p now how do i explain that :D and may be the judges for the oscar may have the same thought too....
tombaan, majority of India can be considered third world. But in most of the metropolisis, the land values are in a range which some of us here can barely afford.

Yes, a lot of us Indians here are trying for a greencard, but I am sure that all of us do not mind going back at all if it comes to that. Considering where IT service industry is headed. In fact a lot of my colleagues in my company actually have gone back to head or join subsidiaries of our companies back in India.
Hell, we Indians want to have the best of both worlds. Whats the problem with that ?

India, inspite of its problems, is still the world's largest democracy and headed in the right direction with a strong emphasis on education and family values among its populace.
In fact two centuries ago, British soldiers used to loot gold in India to finance building their homes on their island nation. Being a part of British Army in India, was similar to coming to the US on an H1. US of A was basically discovered in search of India.

Just because a counrty/region is behind times for the past few centuries, does not mean that it has no contributions in the past millenia or won't come up with any in the future. What goes up must come down, and what is down must come up, like a spoke of a wheel.
Now after jaykarandikar's explaination I think there is no question unanswered.

Right dravisha?

So let us see who starts this again.
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