Patel Motel

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jay karandikar

i like your argument but i can take a bet you and i would still be here. all this people gone back there are more people outside the usa embassy wanting to get in. usa still is a craze most of the guys go and get better brides just on one qualification from usa.
Look at this jayesh becomes jay swaminathan becomes sam:D :p rajinder becomes roger etc. If that is not adapting usa what is it?:rolleyes:
Family values -some years ago one of the leaders of BJP(now the bi**h is dead) said sati is a good practise. This is like couple of years back. We still have bride burnings and femali infactiside the highest in bihar and rajasthan. Being a female in india is becoming equal to second class citizen. Even till today the womens bill is pending. Backward caste guys cannot become pujaris and we still have riots.(which is a shame; irrespective who started) Look at the way gujarat govt acted --irrespective of who is right or wrong the blatant bias was so tribal and justified. (as if modi is cm for hindus) Rule of law has scant respect in india. Can you dare to critise thackeray in bombay and be alive? here you can bash bush or pat robertson and be alive and kicking? do what moore did in oscar?
USA as a democratic country is far ahead of us and family values and all that is a fig leaf. Devadasi system in temples is also part of our culture remember.
tombaan, but what is the percentage of population practising sati or whatever in India ? We are country of 1 billion people and counting. A lot of people not from India cannot imagine how many people that are.

Sitting in my home in India, if and when I read such news, they were as distant to me then as they are now.

Ritualistic practises are followed in rural parts of every country, including US.

Obviously, Indian democracy lags the US, but at least we are headed in the right direction. Didnt we start about 150 years late.

Yes, everybody is crazy to come here and be here. But no one is going to cry if they have to go back. Its like not getting admission into an IIT. BTW how many countries can boast of IITs or IIMs ?
that is the problem

iits and iim. our founding fathers wasted their energy on that instead of universal education. hence we have goons ruling the country while middle class wants to desperately get out.
look at a country like malaysia or singapore they are far advanced in terms of universal education while laging in terms of the higher education. IITS AND IIMS are for elite few while majority of the people dont have basic education and sanitary living conditions. have you seen the number of street children and how our attitude is towards this kids?
we have people like laloo prasad, mulayam singh, thackeray deciding our future while people like manmohan or arun shourie will always be a minority.
Sati u said is not practised but can believe a significant leader of the ruling party rajmata scindia was saying sati is not bad during roop kumari incident. What about dowry and bride burning or female infacticide? Is that not happening to? We all still want sons..dont we?
Or riots we go in mass and kill people just because they are hindus or muslims. Is that sign of progress? How different are we in this day and age govt taking sides during riots instead of acting as an impartial judge? Govt is not supposed to take sides. When a sardar was killed in arizona bush or others were not protecting him. While we have the entire govt protecting criminals during the bakery case. If that is not tribal instict what is it?:eek:
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