Patel Motel

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patels aalso contribute to fundemental

organisations like vhp and rss which commit genocide. Even the local govt supports it. An example there is a govt cover up is the supreme court s recent judgement.
Then when they come to usa they expect equality and complain about anything and everything.Back home they still want to continue the same crap by supporting this fundamental organisations. The rise of this orgs the main reason is funding from usa:eek:
Not only vhp and rss , there are more hardcore organisation which even refuse to accept Supreme Court Verdict.

Do you know what happened after Judgement from Supreme Court on Shabano Case? Those things are the root causes , demanding for uniform Civil Code in India which is already in US.

uniform laws are good. but no seperate laws for say hindu undivided family in tax has to be uniform all over and not selective;)
It should be same for everybody.
I don't know why they don't make simple and uniform law for all.
May be Civil, tax etc. any law..

Actually we are the responsible for all this.
Uniform civil code is opposed by largest religious minorities in India. This will prevent them from marrying four times or god knows how many times. These imported religions are a curse to India. All these converts who lived there for generations have their loyalties elsewhere. They will learn their lessons very soon.

yeah, on the whole, burning widows on the dear departed hubby's funeral pyre is much more preferable.

by the same token, why are you trying to contaminate the u.s. of a. with your imported faith?
We have seen who is contaminating US of A on 9/11/01.

Burning women with dead husbands is illegal in India and the law prohibits it. This is practiced by a small tribe in some corner of the country which now is not prevalent. This doen't represent the major religion practiced there. Where as some of the countries who exported a religion and converted people at gun point, there is a law to stoning to death of women even today. It is written in their holy book it seems. This is much more preferable.

Their days are numbered.
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I suppose it is necessary to be able to freely express one's opinions in a public forum like this and I do not concur with the others that have referred this thread to the moderator asking for it to be deleted from this board. Censorship of views and voices is counter-productive except in the rarest of rare circumstances. However, can we just make an attempt to keep it civil so that if there are valid points being made, they are not lost in the vitriol?

Pure water ....... I liked that one :p

Jokes apart Menon u circumvented Cyrus question about importing faith to US of A .
burn them or stone them to death... an americanism i have picked up from my coworkers: same difference!

as some sage said (i paraphrase): it is astounding that more have been murdered in the love of god...
hey, SMenon, dude...

you misunderstand me... i definitely do not favor "stoners-unto-death" over "widow-burners". what i am implying is, you are no better or worse than them: if widow burning is outlawed in india today, it is thanks to the civilizing influence of the british.

widow burning is part of your heritage, just as burning witches and heretics at the stake is christendom's, and stoning adulterers to death is islam's and judaism's.

as a corollary to what pork chop said: how 'bout we just kill god once and for all?
Let's put a stop here

Let's put a stop to it and close this thread. There is no advantage of discussing this irrelavant topic here.

Pork, my friend, where were you ? You are the most sensible guy around here.

Stop this topic now. We had enough.
Guys, offcourse, lets try to keep this within civil limts. (though I am enjoying reading it) and I wouldn't mind if the moderator removes it too.

But if people do not want to read whats going on in this thread, why do they they still click the link, read everything, and then say "stop this thread .. ".

That's the million dollar question .
So keep on reading (and enjoying it)......Shh... I am also enjoying..

hi, pal! i've been around infrequently, though i have been a mostly silent lurker in the shadows. most of the EB immigration-related questions posted in these forums are being very admirably answered, and i haven't felt that i need to butt in. the AOS process is long enough to make experts out of most of us :(.

about this thread, if most people feel that it should be killed, then so be it, but i confess that i am enjoying it, too. while it obviously has no place in this forum, i think that as long as spam threads like these don't overwhelm the board, a couple of them might be allowed to stay, where people could just blow off some steam, even if with a generous dollop of vitriol.
Hi guys, use caution while you read the following excerpt. if you don't like it, remember that it's just one man's/woman's way of "blowing off steam", with or without "getting lost in the vitriol." Keep cool, express angst and anger, but let's not slander each other whatever the outcome.

"...Without our role of active emancipators from the horrors of religion, we are silent criminals no better or worse than the ones who brought down the skyscrapers one September morning. Thus far we have all turned a blind eye - either by being shyly courteous, or unerringly pious - to the elephant living in our room. More than once, we have tasted the putrid scum of Religion on our piece of toast - and neither grimaced nor relished at its displeasing constitution. Like a serial killer, Religion has made dreary ruins out of thriving kingdoms, mangled bones out of able kings. No amount of logic - not even absolute faith - can account for Religion's misadventures, its continuing downward spiral into impractical garbage. Is it about time we bury this primitive beast deep in its own dirt? Most definitely! What else could one do with a system that is philosophically punctured, operationally maimed, intrinsically stupid, and shamelessly murderous?"
and also...

"...Where Science is precious, Religion is specious. Whereas logic dictates Science, excuses make up Religiosity. While the galloping horse that is Science reaches escape velocity, beliefs continue to keep people jaundiced, and Religion in its perpetual sickbed. Their intermittent dialogues can hence lead to no good, barring some occasional migraines. Physical chemist Peter Atkins ridiculed the lugubrious idea of a lazy God, doing nothing after initiating a Big Bang; Religion, to him, was armchair speculation for adipose brains. To Richard Dawkins, the Almighty is a pervert. Let me, at some risk of indignation, propose this more plausible scenario: it just might be, that in His glutton and melancholy, the all-powerful Deity has eaten Himself for breakfast. Thank God, He hasn’t defecated since then. At least, not yet!"
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