Passport Question

Anitha R

Registered Users (C)

Just recieved my husband's renewed passport and found that the part where they stamp the information about the old passport number, the number is wrong. The last digit is different from the old one. :mad:

Question: Would that matter when going for stamping the green card. We do plan to get that changed but just was curious if it matters even if we take the old passport as proof.


With best of my knowledge, I think it needs to be fixed. You could have problems in travelling too besides green card stamping. I have travelled extensively and in my experience people at airport check passport very closely. If they question you any time, you will have to prove it is an error but RIGHT NOW you have a chance to get it fixed.
Don't worry...

Don't worry about it. We had our old passports with us during stamping, but did not even show it to the officer. They don't care about your old passport. At least that was our experience...
Thanks for the response

i do intend to get it fixed. The reason i was hoping i could go for stamping before fixing it was because i either have to go spend a whole day in houston (still dont know if i will get it back the same day)....otherwise i have to wait for the camp in dallas which will not be till the 13th of March...

What a pain :mad: ...cant our guys copy a number down properly
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Dont bother about it. I went for stamping yesterday, and they did not even ask for the Old Passport. I have traveled a lot since my previous passport expired, not once have they checked the numbers.
chill out. nobody cares about the old passport number. even in airports they just flick through it on rare occasions to make sure u don't have any restrictions or endorsements. india (I am assuming from your name) may be one of the few countries that actually returns the old passport to you, and also changes the passport number on new one. a pain yes, but not a major pain. there are probably more indian passports out there than any other nationality, so forgive and forget! :D

Bunch of morons

Okay, we decided to get the mistake corrected so we dont suffer palpitations while going for stamping.Called and inquired the consulate if it would be a problem. they suggested i get it corrected immediately

Took day off from work, drove all the way to houston consulate. went to the consulate, mentioned the problem. Guy looked at me like i had lost my mind. Shrugged and said "It does not matter...It is not important"...Then when i insisted on correction, took the nearest pen and overwrote the wrong number with the right one


What a bunch of morons!:mad:
Re: Bunch of morons

Most likely you spoke with responsible officer and when you went to get it corrected, you spoke with the person sitting on the window....

Originally posted by Anitha R
Okay, we decided to get the mistake corrected so we dont suffer palpitations while going for stamping.Called and inquired the consulate if it would be a problem. they suggested i get it corrected immediately

Took day off from work, drove all the way to houston consulate. went to the consulate, mentioned the problem. Guy looked at me like i had lost my mind. Shrugged and said "It does not matter...It is not important"...Then when i insisted on correction, took the nearest pen and overwrote the wrong number with the right one


What a bunch of morons!:mad: