Passport application mistake


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I applied for a US passport yesterday at my local post office. On the DS-11 form, I checked the boxes for both the passport book and card. However I put in a check of $75 only (I didn't realize that the card was $20 extra until last night).

I went to the post office first thing this morning and told them about it. I was told there is nothing that can be done now, since the application was mailed out yesterday evening. They said that I will probably just recieve a passport book as that is what I included a check for.

Is there something I can do to get the passport card now without having to fill out a new DS-11 (and an extra $25 processing fee)?
Unless you can track someone down at the passport application center it was sent to and have them track down your application, I doubt there's much more you can do.
give the NPIC a call, and tell them the issue, i believe they are glad to help you out, i believe they take credit card,
What do you need a Passport Card for anyway?

Good point. I can't think of a reason, and so am not overly concerned about it. But given that it would last 10 years and cost $20 more, I thought it wouldn't hurt to get it. I won't spend $45 ($20+$25) for a new passport card application unless I had a good use of it though.
One possible use for the passport card is using it as proof of citizenship (instead of the natz certificate) to replace a lost passport. If the passport card happens to get lost in the mail, it's only 20 bucks to replace it. Replacing a natz certificate, on the other hand, costs $380 and takes several months.
give the NPIC a call, and tell them the issue, i believe they are glad to help you out, i believe they take credit card,

Thanks a bunch! I just called them and was told to call back a week after the passport application submission date (to let the application reach them through the mail). They will be able to look up my application by SSN and take a payment over the phone with a credit card.
Thanks a bunch! I just called them and was told to call back a week after the passport application submission date (to let the application reach them through the mail). They will be able to look up my application by SSN and take a payment over the phone with a credit card.

That's good news, I believe the card will also be valid for travel to Canada and Mexico.