parking ticket


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If you have a parking ticket do you have to mention it on the N-400. If not mentioned on the N-400, do you have to worry about it at interview. Thanks, folks if anybody knows the answer to this.
Don't mention if less than $500

As per N-400 application instruction, it says if the citation is less than $500, do not mention. But if it is more than $500 or DUI/DWI related, specify. also, it is a good idea to get a copy of driving records from DMV before the naturalization interview to show that all the citations are paid properly.

Parking tickets are issued against a vehicle and not against a driver in most cases. Thus they will not fall under "Have You EVER Been Cited?" in my opinion.
If you have a parking ticket do you have to mention it on the N-400. If not mentioned on the N-400, do you have to worry about it at interview. Thanks, folks if anybody knows the answer to this.
No need to mention parking tickets. I mentioned my moving ticket.
Also don't forget to mention the candy you swiped from the Mom and Pop store on the corner of the town you grew up in and made a confession in church because your Mom's busted you with your red tongue and forced you to go beg GOD for forgiveness
Parking tickets will never ever come to your driving records unless you pay it on time. So don't bother! However, if you have moving tickets, definitely it will appear on the driving record eventhough it is $1. So, my 2 cents are collect DMV record to prove in either case (got moving ticket or not) and if there are moving violation(s) listed, get certified copies from the corresponding county court clerk's office. Probably, examiner may not ask these, if I were you, I wouldn't take a chance!
As stated, unless the ticket is over $500 and or DUI/Drug involved you don't need to worry about it. This goes for speeding tickets and parking. Though I have never heard yet about someone getting a DUI parking ticket yet...
Actually, if you are drunk and fall asleep in a parked car (with the car keys in your pocket), it is a DUI in many places - since you have the keys and are in the front seat, you are considered to be in control of your car.

The question of reporting moving violations as "citations" on an N-400 is the source of much discussion. No one ever discusses whether parking tickets belong on an N-400 (as far as I know, they don't).
Yes but then it would still be a DUI / moving violation rather then a DUI/Parking violation wouldn't it?
Yes but that would be classified as a DUI/Moving infraction rather then a DUI/Parking one. I think it would be called PUI (Parked under the influence) in that case...