Parents coming back on a B1/B2 visa


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My parents, who hold 5 year M entry visa, will be coming back to the US for a second visit on March 7, Friday. They were here last Oct 2006 and stayed for 6 mos until April 2007- no extension. So, there is approximately 1 year in between visits. My questions are:

1. What are their chances that they will be given another 6 mos on this coming visit? Their purpose is to visit us 3 sisters here during the warmer season, and thus more pleasant for them.

2. Both of them are seniors (>65yo). Can they be suspected of immigrant intent (which they don't have) knowing that they have 3 PR daughters here? We still have 3 other siblings in our home country.

3. In their visa application, they stated that they will stay with my sister in Chicago. So in their first visit, they flew straight to Chicago and visited me and my other sister. Now on their 2nd visit, they are going straight to my other sister in Lubbock and then they plan to visit me later and my sister in chicago. Will there be any problem if they go stright to Lubbock and not Chicago?

Thank you and hoping for anybody that can help me clarify these things.
1.- Good chances, since they did not overstay last time, and did not file for extension. You should try to keep the visits to 4-5 months though, not the entire 6 months...

2.- Not really, since PRs can not sponsor them for a GC. But still, make sure they abide by the terms of their visas.

3.- It will be fine, it does not matter that much which port they enter. Just make sure they have their daughters contact information (Address, phone, etc) of all the places they will be staying at.
PraetorianXI has given you sound advice. However for #2, he missed out on one aspect. Every visitor to the US is presumed to have immigrant intent, regardless of whather they have relatives who can sponsor them or not. Just bear that in mind.
Thank you for the very helpful responses. My parents are now here and were given 6 mos. However, even though they were out for almost 1 year, they were questioned heavily this time. The questions were:

1.Why they are in the US again when they had just been here about a year ago and again here asking for 6 mos.

2. Are they going to take care of a child here under 2 yo?

3. What places they visited when they were here and what are they plans for this visit.

My parents are old and we are just being greatful to them that's why we invited them to visit us again (in the warmer seasons) while they are able. We are also three daughters (with families) here living in 3 different states, so I guess visiting us for 2 mos each is not unreasonable.

After this visit, they would not be back for a while though, they are getting fragile already and they would not want to travel very often. But I hope this helps other readers!