parallel n400 applications, OK?


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Can I file another N400 while one is still pending? After my interview, "A decision could not be made" result was given to me. At the time of my application, i had a trip in the at very beginning of the last 5 years that lasted over 6 months. At this time, the long trip is not within the last 5 years, i.e. if I apply today, I would be clearly ok, not border line. I don't want to wait for another 3-6 months without a decision or be denied and then apply again.
So I am thinking about applying again now. if my first application is denied, I would the 3 months. If the first application is accepted, I would just withdraw the second one.

I haven't seen anything that prohibits filing multiple applications. My motivation is to save myself sometime. Any thoughts experience with this?
Since you were already interviewed, you should wait.

Did you have a good bit of evidence to support your application? HOW much over 6 months was it?
The officer did not ask anything went thru all paper work, test, sign photos and oath. I thought i was going to be approved, but the officer said they will send me a letter with the decision, as they need to review travel record. I guess technically i still can be denied and i dont want to loose another 3-6 months. I was out 8 months. But that trip is not within the past 5 years today, it was when I filed

Why do you say I should wait? What is the disadvantage of filing another application? I don't see any thing that says you can't do that. The way I see it is that I will have to spend another application fee, which for me is a lot cheaper than loosing another 3-6 months
The officer did not ask anything went thru all paper work, test, sign photos and oath. I thought i was going to be approved, but the officer said they will send me a letter with the decision, as they need to review travel record. I guess technically i still can be denied and i dont want to loose another 3-6 months. I was out 8 months. But that trip is not within the past 5 years today, it was when I filed

Why do you say I should wait? What is the disadvantage of filing another application? I don't see any thing that says you can't do that. The way I see it is that I will have to spend another application fee, which for me is a lot cheaper than loosing another 3-6 months

While I don't know of a written rule explicitly forbidding filing a new N-400 while another one is still pending, I highly doubt that such a thing is allowed (and I have never heard of anyone doing that). It seems likely to me that if you try to do that, USCIS will consider your previous N-400 as having been withdrawn. There are internal processing mechanisms within USCIS that are likely to prevent USCIS from being able to process two N-400 applications for the same person simultaneously. When an N-400 is filed, it is first handled by the National Benefits Center, which gets the applicant's A-file and orders various background checks, including the fingerprint check and the FBI Name Check. The results of those checks are recorded in the A-file, and it is only after the background checks are completed that the NBC is allowed to transfer the A-file to the local USCIS office where the interview will be conducted. Your A-file is already at the local office. If you try to submit a new N-400, it is likely that the NBC will call your A-file back and terminate the processing of the previous N-400. This is my guess, but it seems to me a rather likely one. If you really want to submit a new N-400, I suggest that you call USCIS first and ask them about the effect that submitting a new N-400 would have on the already pending one.
I haven't seen anything that prohibits filing multiple applications. My motivation is to save myself sometime. Any thoughts experience with this?

You can file as many applications as you want, but only one application for naturalization will be processed and adjudicated. Any concurrent applications will be denied on the basis that the original application is still pending adjudication.
You must first withdraw an existing application before filing a new one.
The officer did not ask anything went thru all paper work, test, sign photos and oath. I thought i was going to be approved, but the officer said they will send me a letter with the decision, as they need to review travel record. I guess technically i still can be denied and i dont want to loose another 3-6 months. I was out 8 months. But that trip is not within the past 5 years today, it was when I filed

Why do you say I should wait? What is the disadvantage of filing another application? I don't see any thing that says you can't do that. The way I see it is that I will have to spend another application fee, which for me is a lot cheaper than loosing another 3-6 months

Ever heard the expression "shooting yourself in the foot"?

That is what filing multiple applications and petitions does. Yes, there are situations when a variety of forms are filed concurrently and processed together BUT this situation is NOT one of them. Don't cause an internal struggle for the file. Don't cause your file with a nearly completed case to be misdirected into the void of "mindless clerical processing" by people who don't understand the underlying importance of the pending application.
Sounds like uou wanna give yrself unfair advantage of getting two shots at approval of a border line case. I dont know the details, but I believe they will know about it and would not like it