
Registered Users (C)

I could't help my self cracking up after this news was posted at VSC board. Though this joke will bring cheer in dull CSC board.

Paki puting a paki news form paki paper for a paki persons .

It reminds me old hindi saying

Khysani billi khamba nooche. ( frustated cat can only scratch the pole)

:D :D :D :D
It is a shame to see, that 50+ years later, we (Indians and Pakistanis) are still fighting the same fight that the British endowed us with. I see every single day Timesofindia making a big deal about pakistan struggling to get itself out of special regn. but Powell tells pakistanis "Obey the law". And dawn says, "Indians are next, just wait".

Media over there and here feeds you what you want to see. Zeroth law of thermodynamics, a system left to itself will lead to entropy. No watch over media, will propogate and paint negative news over positive, because thats what people want .. naturally.

I wish we would get over all this crap, and realize finally, that this special registration benefits no one but America. And yes, America has full right to do it. Also that sooner or later, India will be on it.

And really, this fight is nothing but divide and rule from 200 years back, except, this time, they aren't even trying to divide us. We are doing this for them. Have you ever seen MSNBC.COM mention pakistan trying hard not to be on this list?? Is that news even important??

200 years later, lots of blood and wars later, plenty of plundering later, we, people from this ancient civilization (supposedly very intelligent), have still not learnt this basic lesson. Plain Shameful.

Hopefully all Indians and Pakistanis reading this post will treat each other better than this.

If Indians and Pakistanis unite with one common cause of progress, none of us would be here dealing with this crap that INS puts in our lives. I just wanna see the day when India and Pakistan unite and Bill Gates and Larry Ellison stand in line at Indian consulate trying to get used to the taste of Samosa kachori.
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Indians and Pakistanis unite with one common cause of progress, none of us would be here dealing with this crap that INS puts
Very true. I like you even more, Silly Man!
Indian and Pakis unite.....Do u think its ever possible... not in our life time ...lets face the reality . I do't think we can trust them and they can trust us , forget about unity. we register thate national when they come to india and indans are registered there. Now when they r being reistered here in US they r trying t o clam there public with news wait indian r next lol.

I also know there might be time when everyone has to register but why cry all over for someone who's not there in list.
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ghost-rider you're missing the point. Also, various forms of marriages (example: economic) are possible. Back home, army buys a Rs 1 pencil for Rs 14, give or take. "Defense" is costly; takes enconomi resources away. Plus, on the back of "security" issues, politicians misuse their offices. Since this is slightly off topic vis-a-vis INS/485 I'm limiting my reply. But I agree with you, association of these two neighbors is easier said than done.
Originally posted by ghost-rider
we register thate national when they come to india and indans are registered there

I don't hate pakistanis. I just hate the fanatics there. I think essentially we are all brothers and belong to the same blood, and we shouldn't fight. I wish god gave us all some sense to see better.

And enough power to kick INS's butt.

The association is hard to acheive, but the least we can do is do our part, and treat every Pakistani or Indian we come across better than we would treat our own, and hope they will reciprocate. Knowing pakistanis, they do reciprocate well. Yea once in a while you run into a bad apple, but hey, nothing's worse than the INS and you putup with that .. don't you?
Conversation on this thread is moving slightly off topic, don't want to contribute but find it hard to resist. It is very difficult for people coming from India to resist Paki Bashing usually! :) It holds true to some extent for me as well.

First of all, SM, I agree with you on the fact that Pakistani and Indian citizens should learn to live together. Both nations need to understand that no matter how much the you hate your neighbour, they are still going to be your neighbour! No matter what you do, so it is better to live in harmony together as compared to live in enimity together.

Unfortunately, in real life the 60 year old prejudice, holds more important than any other. Sometimes I find it hard to understand the Indian stance on Pakistan, they are such a small country as compared to India, instead of competing with China in terms on economy and growth, they compete with Pakistan. It is like India is fixated on Pakistan. Not that Pakistan is that much better, with its entire ideology built around Kashmir, which is one of the stupidest philosophies one state can have, viz. lust after land that does not belong to you. But hey you see that all over the world, right from the US and Japan, to Indonesia and Australia, Greece and Turkey. But to forment terrorism, support insurgency, foster hate amongst the people. I think that is taking things too far.

While I don't have anything against a normal Pakistani, I pretty much loathe their political system. The average Pakistani, is pretty much flooded with false propoganda and a religious frevor. the people in power uses the poverty and illiteracy of the common man to keep themselves in power.

I guess the only solution is to actually build people to people contacts, but how can you trust a country that turns around and stabs you in the back, like the shimla accord and Kashmiri insurgency? Lahore declaration and Kargil? But I guess something has to be done! There is no way we can all live under a nuclear cloud. Pakistan must have a real working democracy! That is the only way to progress. We must make an effort to understand and explain our points of view to them, to show them we are all of the same blood! The differences are just created by the policiticians. *sigh* I doubt if that will happen in the lives of anyone on this board!
Ah Silly Man trying to bring the thread back on track? :)

C'mon you guys, what is this? I am being an optimist on the board today? I thought I was the pessimist, but here is my second "cheer up" mail of the day!

Silly Man don't you worry, a little more patience, a couple of months are you will be free of us! :) Think about it, you could spend your time coding instead of posting messages! You could think about the greater things in life, like use a black marker or green on your white board instead of INS processing speed and the (in)famous lifting of the freeze! :)

Chin up and think of Chicken Tikka Masala! :) Gonna marinate the chicken for 2 days, it is going to taste AWESOME! :)

:) Hi Guys, Sometimes I visit this section.

Chicken Tikka Masala - I eat this regularly at
Akbar Restaraunt on Fair Oakes avenue near Colorado Blvd Pasadena and really

mooh mein paani aa gaya

Another of my favorites is the Chicken Tikka Lunch special at the All India Cafe on Fair Oakes avenue near Colorado Blvd next to the Cheese Cake Factory.

This weekend gonna watch Super Bowl with friends and
lots of food !!!!!!

Guys, You must be thinking that I am a food freak weighing at least 300 pounds - No No I just weigh 160 pounds but yes, I love good food. :cool: :)
Chicken tikka masala ..
Whose mouth does't water rsrgc. But unfortunately i still to find a good one in orange county does anyone know . The best place i had was Nizam in delhi , Mugal ay edison NJ , rasoi ay Jackson hights and Bombay palace at SFO. Tried at couple of places at Artesia and some OC places but did't like that much . Can cook much better at home then those places but what to do Anyone with any ideas.
Just for the sanity of this thread i will mention 485 in this post LOL .
Hey ghost, I've tried all those places. I really miss playing footsie with cute Delhi girls @ Nizams. Remember Kathi Kabab? Wonder how much it costs now, when I was there it was Rs 20 per kabab.
Kathi Kababs were Rs 40 in Nizams (as of Aug 2002) but the Taste didn't change a bit.

Anyway, talking about Pakistan, India, INS etc.. I thought I should share my 2c with the board.

If Pakistan and India Start thinking about living peacefully, very soon the thining would be why do we need 2 countries, we can live as one... that is dangerous to the very existence of Pakistan itself.... So from Pakistani side it won't happen...
try reading Roedad Khan.. he is one of the brilliant People pakistan ever had.

All those people who think we should live like brothers.... I'm sorry to say.... you should look at our history more closely... the reason we are talking on this board today.. I mean waiting for a GC of a country that has nothing in common with India... is only because we neglected to learn from our history... too many mistakes repeated regularly.... even Kargil happened because we made similar mistakes that PrithviRaj did long long ago... anyway.. for all those who are interested to know why we are in the state that we are in today.... please read the facts about our history... not the lies written by Nehru or Romilla thapar or AL Bhasham... I can give you references if you want.... May be someday some of us will wake up (like Mahatma) and change the scenario for good....

If nothing else, I wish there is someone who can influence the Indian Railways to get there act together and put some basic thought into hygene... find a solution to the open lavatories in the trains where 5-10 million people defeacate either on tracks or in stations every day.... most of the presumably intelligent Indians dont even think about it.... I brought this up only to show how we talk about really big things and ignore the very smallest issue that is lying right in front of us.... no wonder we are all talking in this forum.... ya... it includes me too.....

Sorry couldn't stop myself....

Delhi - a city with so much contrast,

from cycle rikshaws to the new high-tech metro.

Again, about India, Pakistan,etc. I recommend reading Sunil Khilnani's India...

A more realistic view

I saw the post and although I would say that I should have resisted the temptation and I know I would be taken to arms for what I will say but none the less I have to say it.

British didn't just divide the country on thier own whim -- people voted in favor of the partition. That is a historical fact. Whether it was a good idea or not that remains to be seen and validated.

1. I think there are fanatics in both India and Pakistan.
2. Both political forces/military use the Pakistan/India factor.
(Neither Pakistan or India can stand on a moral high ground and accuse the other of wrong doing).

3. When one talks about Kargil one cannot forget about Bangladesh and Mukhti Bhani and the role of India in the separation of Bangladesh.

4. Kashmir was and still is disputed territory at least UN sees it that way. Insurgency/terrorism etc are different matters. However no country can justify the killings of 50,000 of their (own)civilians by their security forces in Kashmir. I am not including the (terrorrists/infiltrators).

5. India never existed in its current form in the past. There were always hundreds of states before the British came. Even the mughals never controlled the whole of what is now known as the sub-continent.

6. Given the recent events that have happened in India in the recent past in Gujrat and the rise of RSS/VHP jingoism and their fantatical popularity it would be naive to assume that muslims in India will not be vary of what is happening to them as the largest minority population. I suppose I don't have to go into details.

7. Other thing that most people overlook that East Pakistan(Bangladesh) when it broke away from Pakistan did not join India. It did maintain its identity as a separate country.
(Well I have heard it from People who want Pakistan to be part of India say who wants Bangladesh --- poor country with the highest poverty rate and per square mile population) --- Ah my question then is "What is so speacial about the rest of Pakistan?".

8. There is nothing wrong in living in separate countries as long as one doesn't harbor animosity towards the other and the whole politics and everything else is based on accusations/lies/threats/spying/fear of the other country.

9. I believe on the contrary that masses on both sides are oblivious to what is happening around them but the jingostic bullies are the ones who control their reign. MMA in Pakistan. BJP in India. Its the hate mongers who instill fears in the masses to support them.

10. I for one is for peace and prosperity of the region. Perhaps living side by side in a friendly and neighborly manner with open borders could bring the people to live in peace side by side and close together but that wouldn't bode well now would it .....

The chances of that happening anytime soon .... . ah would be 1%. But you know things change and so will the attitudes and everything else. I do see hope though minuscule as it may be.
Let's not misuse this forum

The administrative rule for misuse is that what's misused is taken away. Let's not misuse this forum.

Things u said is what u feel noone else feels like that so i will say Who cares what u think . Certainly i do't and there may be billion more like me . Face the reality what is there and weather it will change in ur life time . varna intazr he karta rhega sari zindgi isi arrzo main .


Shut the F up and go to some other thread if u do't like it.