gc_arzoo, get facts right

People did not vote for partition......moslems did.

Unless, in your perspective, people=moslems....and others do not count.

As for the rest of the things you said, .....what else can one expect from a paki? It should be no surprise.
Now are we?

From your Postings:

1. I thought Moslems/Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Parsis were/ are part of India or you in you infinite wisdom think that India is the homeland of only Hindus. So my point was that People(Moslems wanted/want to live separately) and hence voted for it.

2. I am not a Paki but then again what do I know. Not that there is anything wrong in that.

3. May be a million don't think like me but of course millions do and growing.

4. What a Paki to say : Well that is lack of immagination. One has to look at the merits of the argument instead of hurling run of the mill comments.
Silly Man.
If I were to follow your advice in you disclaimer I should not believe you. But I believe you.
Thanks for clarification


Thanks for clarifying that you consider people=moslems.

And people wonder why there is no peace in indian sub-continent.
Key Long you know -----

Well caustic you might be but I understand, its ok. The reason I think that the minority which I am afraid could be(i.e christians, hindu, jews,muslims, sikh etc in alphabatical order) are cause of all the bellicose, war mongering and hardships of people.

PS:I didn't start all this I was just providing a counter view point.

That is what I said and I stand by my words. You can believe whatever you want who am I to tell you what to believe or think. The rising tide of change with time will determine what happens. Its the will of the people, the silent ones that will eventually matter. I am hopeful.