Packet 3 awaiting thread

Thank you!!


Thanks for the info. It is already 18 days since the fee bill is generated. It should be any time.


MTLGC said:

It took 18days to get fee bill from NVC to Attorney. I hope you too get your fee bill soon.
Whay NVC issued RFE before even they generate fee bill?

I hope you will get fee bill soon. Did you call your attorney? I did call everyday to check. I don't think they care about your case, for them your case is one of the many.

"NVC raised RFE for DOBs of dependants in Mar, 2005"
Why NVC issued RFE before even they generate fee bill?
Can you explain, what happened more detail.
NVC generated fee bill for kid born here, but I am not sending any payment for that. I think thy mistakenly send that bill.
NVC fee bill-not yet received

My fee bill was generated April 18,still have not received it.

rkrishna 22 or anyone in a similar situation?

simonx said:
My fee bill was generated April 18,still have not received it.

rkrishna 22 or anyone in a similar situation?


NVC is pretty slow with sending the fee bill and getting notified bout it from st louis. This is probably the only rate limiting step once your I 140 has been approved. You must get it soon...check with your attorney.
peter_guest5450 said:
This is probably the only rate limiting step once your I 140 has been approved.

Not really.After lots of headaches,my case file reached NVC almost 160 DAYS AFTER my I-140 was approved.

Call NVC and tell them you have not yet received the fee bill and ask them to look into it.
My fee bill was generated on 4-Apr-05 and I got it on 18-Apr-05

I sent the fee on 21-Apr-05

Still waiting for P3

Anyone in similer position?
gca2405 said:
Is it ok to call NVC and check if they received the money from St. Louis?

Sure you can. The person you talk with usually has no control over when ST louis notifies the NVC. ONce the fee bill is received, they usually update their AVM the same day or so. Can take upto 4 weeks for the NVC to be notified about the fee bill. (this is what the operator told me when i called the NVC about the same situation)
STL usually notifies NVC within 2 weeks. However, if you check on cptracker, there was considerable delay in March and April 2005.
gca2405 said:
My fee bill was generated on 4-Apr-05 and I got it on 18-Apr-05

I sent the fee on 21-Apr-05

Still waiting for P3

Anyone in similer position?

You can expect to receive Packet 3 around 30 May.
gca2405 said:
Is it ok to call NVC and check if they received the money from St. Louis?

Actually there is no reason to call NVC to inquire about this.

Your check would most likely get cashed around 20 May.

However,if you have sent a cashier's check, inquire with the Issuing Bank. They can tell you when it was cleared.Keep calling them every 3-4 days.

The NVC-AVM will get updated within 1-2 days from the day you know from your bank that the check has cleared.
MTLGC said:
I hope you will get fee bill soon. Did you call your attorney? I did call everyday to check. I don't think they care about your case, for them your case is one of the many.

"NVC raised RFE for DOBs of dependants in Mar, 2005"
Why NVC issued RFE before even they generate fee bill?
Can you explain, what happened more detail.
NVC generated fee bill for kid born here, but I am not sending any payment for that. I think thy mistakenly send that bill.


I don't know the exact circumstances that made NVC raise the RFE. But, here is what my company told me.
"USCIS transfers the I-140 approval to NVC with all the details. In transmitting that info, USCIS could have given the Dates of Birth of dependants incorrectly. My wife's date of birth was given as 01-JAN-1901 and my elder son's dob was 01-MAY-2005 (by then, he was not even born, as per their info). So, NVC got suspicious and sent an RFE (The good part, NVC is actually reading the info)"

So strange, isn't it? It is like one more hurdle in my quest for GC.

Hope all works out well!!

Calling Attorney

simonx said:
My fee bill was generated April 18,still have not received it.

rkrishna 22 or anyone in a similar situation?


Hi Simonx,

I have not called my attorney. But, I would do so today and update you all.


Approximately after how many days after the NVC gets notified by STL about fee received, can we expect the P3?

gca2405 said:

Approximately after how many days after the NVC gets notified by STL about fee received, can we expect the P3?


See the post above in which I have given the approximate date of the arrival of your Packet 3 which is around 30 May.

One can expect to receive the Packet 3 in about 10-14 days after NVC gets notified by St.Louis.
fee bill not received nearly 4 weeks later

Fee bill generated April 18,not yet received.
rkrishna 22 did you get yours?
Anyone in the same boat?

Fee bill received

simonx said:
Fee bill generated April 18,not yet received.
rkrishna 22 did you get yours?
Anyone in the same boat?

Hi SimonX,

I just got the confirmation from my attorney that fee bill has been received and forwarded to my company for payment.

I think we should be able to send this by end of next week.

Is anybody waiting for packet 3

Please update, if anybody is waiting for Packet 3.

My fee bill generated on April 18th and paid and sent off on May 6th,
Waiting for Packet 3
gca2405 said:
My fee bill generated on 4-Apr , recd on 18-apr and sent 21-Apr

waiting for p3


Have you inquired from your bank if the cashier's check has been cashed?

You can expect it to be cashed anytime now.Keep calling your bank from tomorrow.It should get cashed around May 20 for you.