Out of State Driver License at Interview


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I have an Interview for July.I noticed that most people get asked about Green Card/ID at the interview,does anyone have any experience with showing an out of state driver license?...
My interview is in Portland,OR and my license is from IL...

Your advice or experience would be helpful...
You will be screwed if you show them out of state DL; now you have two choices either change that DL into your new DO but it will red flag when they would ask for DL as why did you have changed it now. You can make new State ID and have them to look at it just for ID and besides it keep your lease handy that shows your current DO address atleast 90 days earlier you applied for. Be very watchful in this issue cuz they can deny your application right away if you don't have an ample proof of showing 90 days of residency in the DO you applied for.

I have an Interview for July.I noticed that most people get asked about Green Card/ID at the interview,does anyone have any experience with showing an out of state driver license?...
My interview is in Portland,OR and my license is from IL...

Your advice or experience would be helpful...
You will be screwed if you show them out of state DL; now you have two choices either change that DL into your new DO but it will red flag when they would ask for DL as why did you have changed it now. You can make new State ID and have them to look at it just for ID and besides it keep your lease handy that shows your current DO address atleast 90 days earlier you applied for. Be very watchful in this issue cuz they can deny your application right away if you don't have an ample proof of showing 90 days of residency in the DO you applied for.

As for prove of residency in my DO,I do have a lease as prove that i stayed for 90 days here before I applied..(I was aware of this which is why I waited till I stayed for 90 days at my new address)...I have also looked around USCIS and did not find anything about one should have the state issued ID when interviewing at their DO....
I think the best way is to do a state Issued ID,and also have my lease handy when go to the interview...

I would like to also hear from someone with similar experience...
I can also prove to them that my current resident is temporary since my employer letter states thesame thing that I will be a grad student reseacher staring...XXX till XXX dates...so it will not really makes sense to change driver license to every state you move to even though one will be staying there for 5- 6 months only and returning to school to home state...

So I think this would become an issue if I claim residency here,and have an out of state D.L...besides,if I could remember correctly,they never asked about Driver license # on the application,and one is even allowed to transfer cases from one DO to another,and I see an applicant being in thesame situation if they tranfers cases from one DO to a another state's DO...
You cannot have it both ways.

You are claiming residency of the state that falls with the jurisdiction of DO (atleast 3 months of residency required).

On the other hand you are claiming that you are a non-resident of the state and hence do not need local DL.

In most states, you have to get local DL within 30 - 90 days.


W. Virginia DOT.
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Be logical and don't provide anything voluntarily. Go their with your new state ID and lease and if they ask for DL then say you keep it in your vehicle. If they go more in detail then reveal all the info. That's for sure they ask for GC and another Govt/State issued ID and most likely they expect DL as a ID. In my IV they asked for both and also it's written in the IV letter. Be just and short in answer, NO explanation w/o asking but finally NO LIE.....

I can also prove to them that my current resident is temporary since my employer letter states thesame thing that I will be a grad student reseacher staring...XXX till XXX dates...so it will not really makes sense to change driver license to every state you move to even though one will be staying there for 5- 6 months only and returning to school to home state...

So I think this would become an issue if I claim residency here,and have an out of state D.L...besides,if I could remember correctly,they never asked about Driver license # on the application,and one is even allowed to transfer cases from one DO to another,and I see an applicant being in thesame situation if they tranfers cases from one DO to a another state's DO...
Do you have any other Oregon state issued picture ID?If not, can you obtain one before the interview?
Did you put your IL address (permanent address) on your N-400 since your Oregon is temporary address? You should have an interview in IL if your driver license is unchanged.

Well, in my opinion, it might delay your case if IO see your driver license. I don't know if the officer accepts other ID (govt-issued ID).
jumper8, please report back after your interview. I'd be very interested to hear how it goes as this is one of those questions which comes up from time to time, but there is no clearcut precedent.
Would it matter if its a DL or State ID?..

Thanks soo much Guys!...
technically,isnt a Govt issued ID(miliarty,state id,state D.L,e.t.c)a valid ID to present at the interview?...
But I will take you guys advice and get a local state ID..Because I would have to use my current DL to claim in-state tuition when I go back to school in illinois.

So would it matter if I get a local state ID or a local state dirver license...?
Dont they serve thesame purpose for identification purposes???(only difference is that license means one is certified to drive???)...

I think OK-BOY's/BoySmith's suggestion would be good to(because I dont loose my current state's residency)...

To answer USGC85's question..NO!...I did put down my Oregon's address as my permanent on my n-400 application...
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boatbod, you read my mind. This question is asked often, but I don't recall anybody posting what was the result of showing up to the interview with a drivers license from another state.

It might be fine for now, but I think under the REAL ID act I believe they are trying to clamp down on people having driver license from more than one state. I am not sure when, how or if they are going to enforce this. You could probably google up REAL ID and find more.

It seems to me that it is likely you'll have to explain yourself during the interview, but it would look to me like you have a good chance to succeed, as you have your lease to prove residency.
If you are going to school in state X and paying that state's in-state tuition rate (i.e. you are claiming to be, and being treated as a resident of X), your DL should be of that state and your interview should be in the same state.

If state X where you are attending school is just a temporary place for the purpose of your studies, then your real residence is in state Y where your permanent home is, you should be paying the out-of-state tuition rate to state X, and your DL and interview should both be in state Y.
If you are going to school in state X and paying that state's in-state tuition rate (i.e. you are claiming to be, and being treated as a resident of X), your DL should be of that state and your interview should be in the same state.

If state X where you are attending school is just a temporary place for the purpose of your studies, then your real residence is in state Y where your permanent home is, you should be paying the out-of-state tuition rate to state X, and your DL and interview should both be in state Y.


Jumper8 - why the contradictions? What Jackolantern says above is correct.
I am sort of aware of your explanations about how residency works,my situation here is strictly to proving identity (with a govt issued ID)during the time of interview,without running into the risk of delaying my application because of residency issues.......Here are my questions...

1.Can I present a State issued ID(not driver license at Interview??)...
because not all people who apply for citizenship can drive,and if driver license should be the required Govt ID to present,then thousands will be ineligible...

2.I will be getting a State issued ID(from Oregon) this evening to present at the interview as a Govt issued ID....instead of my home state(illinois) driver license(since I;m moving back there after Summer)...Should this serve as a Govt Issued ID..?..my guesses are that it should 100% fine...???--remember,they're not verifying if I can drive+identity...(but only my identity...!!!?...I bet they could care less if I can drive or not!!)

Based on these questions,dont you guys think I should be fine with presenting a State issued ID?...

- I stayed at my current address 90 prior to submitting my application
- I still would like to maintain my residency from Illinois...(and dont want to change my D.L back and forth!!)
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I am sort of aware of your explanations about how residency works,my situation here is strictly to proving identity (with a govt issued ID)during the time of interview,without running into the risk of delaying my application because of residency issues.......Here are my questions...

1.Can I present a State issued ID(not driver license at Interview??)...
because not all people who apply for citizenship can drive,and if driver license should be the required Govt ID to present,then thousands will be ineligible...

2.I will be getting a State issued ID(from Oregon) this evening to present at the interview as a Govt issued ID....instead of my home state(illinois) driver license(since I;m moving back there after Summer)...Should this serve as a Govt Issued ID..?..my guesses are that it should 100% fine...???--remember,they're not verifying if I can drive+identity...(but only my identity...!!!?...I bet they could care less if I can drive or not!!)

Based on these questions,dont you guys think I should be fine with presenting a State issued ID?...

- I stayed at my current address 90 prior to submitting my application
- I still would like to maintain my residency from Illinois...(and dont want to change my D.L back and forth!!)

OK, what if somebody doesn't drive and doesn't have a drivers license?
Why not to bring GC and passport as valid IDs and a lease contract as a proof of residence?
OK, what if somebody doesn't drive and doesn't have a drivers license?
Why not to bring GC and passport as valid IDs and a lease contract as a proof of residence?

>>OK, what if somebody doesn't drive and doesn't have a drivers license?
My answer is: they would present their State Issued ID as prove of identity(whic h is a Govt.issued ID..right?)

>>Why not to bring GC and passport as valid IDs and a lease contract as a proof of residence?

If you got the interview letter,they as for GC and Govt issued ID...(I assume they wont be accepting a ("foreign govt issued ID") as prove of identity..My guesses are that they ask for passport just to see if one have documentation that they were administered at the port of entry into the US,(plus other length of stay requirements as a GC holder/if you over stayed out of the US...)...

from my knowledge so far,I dont think they ask for prove of resident in a particular state(or District office) that has jurisdictions over your case...it think it will just raise questions when and at the time of interview if one present an out of state driver license as their photo ID....
>>OK, what if somebody doesn't drive and doesn't have a drivers license?
My answer is: they would present their State Issued ID as prove of identity(whic h is a Govt.issued ID..right?)

>>Why not to bring GC and passport as valid IDs and a lease contract as a proof of residence?

If you got the interview letter,they as for GC and Govt issued ID...(I assume they wont be accepting a ("foreign govt issued ID") as prove of identity..My guesses are that they ask for passport just to see if one have documentation that they were administered at the port of entry into the US,(plus other length of stay requirements as a GC holder/if you over stayed out of the US...)...

from my knowledge so far,I dont think they ask for prove of resident in a particular state(or District office) that has jurisdictions over your case...it think it will just raise questions when and at the time of interview if one present an out of state driver license as their photo ID....

This being the case, one should not present an out of state DL as their photo ID. :)
I might be wrong, but I think passport even issued by a foreign coutry will be accepted as photo ID.
1.Can I present a State issued ID(not driver license at Interview??).
The real question is if you can get a state ID without fraud. They normally issue state ID's only to actual residents of the state. Some states will issue an ID for students and military personnel who are "long-term temporary" in the state, but the ID will have a notation that reflects that.
- I stayed at my current address 90 prior to submitting my application
- I still would like to maintain my residency from Illinois...(and dont want to change my D.L back and forth!!)
Then state your residency as IL and get an interview there. What you are doing is bordering on fraud and opening up yourself to having your citizenship denied now or revoked later on. Believe it or not, they have gone after people who weren't fully forthcoming with their state and district of residence.
This being the case, one should not present an out of state DL as their photo ID. :)
I might be wrong, but I think passport even issued by a foreign coutry will be accepted as photo ID.

I think one could present out of state license but it will raise the question if the applicant is a bona fide domicile of the state...?hence,might result to the officer asking for more prove of resident....

>>I might be wrong, but I think passport even issued by a foreign coutry will be accepted as photo ID.

I might be wrong too but I really doubt if the US govt would accept foreign issue ID as prove of ID(for govt related matters) in the US...
I think one could present out of state license but it will raise the question if the applicant is a bona fide domicile of the state...?hence,might result to the officer asking for more prove of resident....

>>I might be wrong, but I think passport even issued by a foreign coutry will be accepted as photo ID.

I am might be wrong too but I really doubt if the US govt would accept foreign issue ID as prove of ID(for govt related matters) in the US...

Passport issued by your home country is accepted when admitting you to a foreign country, applying for a visa etc. It's a government issued ID recognised by foreign countries.
For the interview I think passport + GC will be enough.