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Our interview is soon, need Help!


Registered Users (C)

I am a DV2013 winner, I have sent all forms to KCC (mine and those of my spouse and my 2 kids),
and we are expected to be interviewed soon.

But since I applied for DV until now, things are changed in our life, so we decided (me and my wife) to change our plan.
I immigrate alone and my family will join me 2 or 3 years later.

My questions are below:
Can I go to the interview alone, or do I have to accompany my family with me?
If I go alone, will it affect the delivery Visa decision or not?

Answers or any advices will be welcomed

Thanks in advance.
It is my belief that all people you have listed on your documentation must attend the interview, else it will jeopardize your chances of being granted a green card.

Hopefully another forum member will confirm this :)

In the meantime, might I suggest you contact the Embassy where you are having your interview, or perhaps call or email KCC directly, then you will be hopefully given the official word on this.

All the very best for you interview and what lies ahead.

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you have to go with your family to the interview, otherwise you will probably not get the visa,
but you can go to the US alone if you are the principal applicant.
good luck:)
You can go to the interview alone.
You need to prove you will be able to satisfy public charge requirement using your assets/income only, without using your spouse's. Other than that you are fine.
It might take longer than 2-3 years for your wife and kids to immigrate to you.
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Yes, you could tell them at the interview your family members do not want to immigrate, that is more than enough

I am a DV2013 winner, I have sent all forms to KCC (mine and those of my spouse and my 2 kids),
and we are expected to be interviewed soon.

But since I applied for DV until now, things are changed in our life, so we decided (me and my wife) to change our plan.
I immigrate alone and my family will join me 2 or 3 years later.

My questions are below:
Can I go to the interview alone, or do I have to accompany my family with me?
If I go alone, will it affect the delivery Visa decision or not?

Answers or any advices will be welcomed

Thanks in advance.

the dv rules are quite clear on this...any beneficiaries listed in the 2NL must be with you for the interview and must pay the visa fees,else its automatic denial.This is done to ensure that families are not split up because of the winning.

your second question....there is nothing like delayed visa,you and your family must travel within the 6 months validity of your visa(even shorter due to medicals expiry) else they forfeit the opportunity....

If you wanted them to stay while you traveled,you should have entered as single....hindsight is a bitch!
Families belong together. 2 to 3 years is a huge chunk of your children's lives.
Yes :(

It may take a whole lot longer than that. I'd suggest you get your visas as a family, come to US to pick up your green cards, then your spouse and children can get reentry permits up to 2 years. You'll regret to lose the opportunity to get green cards so easily if you don't get them now.