Online status changed


Registered Users (C)

My online status changed from received FP to

"On Feb 20th the document we made based on approval or registration is mailed directly to the person to whom it is issued."

What does it mean? Any body in the same boat? If so, once the status has changed how long did it take for you to recieve the document what ever it is?


RD 08/2001
ND 09/2001
FP 05/2003
AD ???
guess what

My lawyer called me just now and it turned out to be a change of address confirmation which I did about three months back.

Oh well, I hoped it would atleast be an RFE if not an approval. No such luck. The endless journey continues.......................
I can't believe it

I just posted the above message and went back to check my status and guess what, mine and my husband's online status changed to "This case has been approved on Feb 26th............"