Okay experts...urgent--please help...got a letter from USCIS today re: my son's N600/COC application

I think they prepared the CoC before seeing your response with the photos and green card, rather than put the case on while they waited for those things. Their decision is that the CoC has been approved based on the merits of the case, now it's just a matter of you supplying the photos and green card so they can send the certificate.

If you get there and they haven't yet processed your response (because it arrived on the 12th and the appointment is tomorrow the 17th), you'll find out nothing, and your trip would be a total waste of time.
That's completely dreaming. The CoC production is most likely done at another facility.

But they said they already made it. Now it's just a matter of them acknowledging the green card and photos you sent, followed by delivering the certificate to a USCIS office for you to pick it up, or mailing it to your house. I doubt they would have done all of that in the 5-day span (including a weekend) from the 12th (when your response arrived at USCIS) to the 17th (Monday).
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Hey I wanted to update. The infopass appointment went great! Everyone was so nice! They produced the COC for me while I waited and were just wonderful. So I have the coc!
Thank you everyone and I'm sorry for all questions, I didn't know what to expect but it went great.

Thanks again!
Wow, you certainly put us in our place :)

Glad it worked out.

I seriously appreciate the advice of everyone here, you guys know a ton more about all this than me. Today was a combination of a couple of nice people who wanted to go above and beyond to be nice, and the good Lord above. Thanks for putting up with my questions.