Oct-01-- RFEs


Registered Users (C)
Have I missed a thread for Oct 01 RFEs ?
If so please point me to it. If not, can We keep this thread alive with details of RFEs??
My RFE Issued on 11th October. Waiting for mail.
Details of 485:

RD : 31 October 2001
ND : 3rd December 2001
EB Cat : 3
State : PA
RFE Mail Dt : 11October 2002
No change of Employer, address; No complication or Medical Issues.
For Spouse and Kid: Message not changed: pending review

Please share your Information .
:mad: at INS !!!
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Alas !!!

Nearly 200 Visits and not one response.
I guess I am all alone on this.
INS Zindabad.
Re: Alas !!!

Originally posted by viraus
Nearly 200 Visits and not one response.
I guess I am all alone on this. INS Zindabad.

In one sense, you're unlucky. In the other, you are lucky since the INS has gotten to your case relatively early. Hold tight and pray your RFE is simple, and pray twice as hard that your response will be looked at quickly.
for "The real canadian"

there was a document which described how does ins follow I-485 processing paper trails. Can you please give me the link? I think it was you who had found it. I am interested. Thanks.

RD: Oct 1/01, Nd: Nov 21/01, Fp: Mar 6/02. NOT LUCKY YET. Loc: NJ, EB 3
Mine is sep RD, RFE.
Still have n't got any RFE details. IIO told that RFE is raised. No change in AVM either. Still shows fp received.
Thanks Canadian.

I am nort worried about the RFE; I just wanted to find out if I was the Only October RFE guy.
I don;t want to wate my prayers on a this INS ineffeciancy; The GC will have to be approved one day.. this is just a STOP Sign, my Engine is revving up to proceed further.
My prayers are reserved for more Nobler acts and tasks that encompass Global issues !!! why waste it on an issue like the GC which impacts only me ..
Thank you very much for your response. I will wait until INS decides to do away with my case.. any which way !!
You are not alone!!! Another Oct RFE

Hi Guys

RD Oct 25, 2001
PD Dec 03, 2001
Come to know friday evening RFE issued on Oct 11, 2002... AVM updated same day, Online was not updated... On Oct 14, 2002 checked online status... Online got updated.....
Wife application no status change... fp received... bla.. bla..
Lot of twists and turns in this GC mission of mine....
Let know everyone when time comes.... Until then be :cool:
Waiting for RFE details.......

God bless all!

Welcome to the October RFE Club; We are the Founder Members.
Lets lay out the rules:

1. No Whining
2. No blaming the INS
3. Be happier than you were.
4. Enjoy your stay at this Portal.
5. Be helpful to others wherenever possible.
6. Keep smiling and the Spirits up

Can you add to the List ?

Confucius was asked, "Is there one word that sums up the basis of all good conduct?"
And he replied, "Is not 'reciprocity' that word? What you yourself do not desire ,do not put before others."

Reply to Viraus

You said everything !!!

The one thing I would like to add is (well actually two)
1 Have PMA !!!
2 Don't Worry! Be Happy !!
Joining your club

My RFE Issued on 17th October. Waiting for mail.
Details of 485:

RD : 17 October 2001
ND : 29 th November 2001
EB Cat : 2
State : NJ
RFE Mail Dt : 17October 2002 Exactly One Year from RD
I changed Employer as well as address.

Waiting for mail, Will let you know Detail soon
More RFE now?

I found out from the on line case status that there are many RFEs these days. I tracked around 200 Oct. cases recently. And from 10/16/2002, I saw 10 RFE assigned and no one Approval case in my sample group of cases. This make me feel very uncomfortable, what's wrong with INS? Did their policy changed?

Need Help from Viraus


Checked online case status this morning, shocked to know that me and my wife got an RFE. Could you pls. let me know what was yours about ? How it took to reach you ? Help is highly appreciated.

RD 10/1/02
RFE 10/21/02

To: Gckosam

Neither My Attorney nor I have received the RFE. Usualy it is sent to the Attorney on Record. My Wife and Kid's case have not changed ( No RFE Message); so I guess the RFE is only for me.
Will have to wait and see the actual Notice.
I understand that there is a Back log in the Mail Room and Mailing of Receipts and RFEs are delayed.
Hang on, let's keep this thread alive.

Missman--> Thanks for your response; keep in touch.

GodblessGC02-> Have you got an RFE?? Thanks for the analysis.
Thanks Viraus

Thanks man, but in the online message it said that one could call and find out with IIO about the RFE. Did you try to call and find out ? Pls. respond.

There was no address change nor job change. Bit worried, why both of us got RFE, probably they need orig. marriage certificate.
What do you think ?


Of late theer are a few REFs generated bu INS asking for Marriage Certicicate in native language ( It is ludicrous)
but this may be a reson since, both of you have the same message; there is no other common document for a husband and wife in 485 filing.
wait and watch..
All the best.
RFE Recd

My RFE has been Received by Attorney; INS wants Current employment Letter and 3 pay stubs.

Attorney also told me that there are a lot of such RFEs of late because of the downturn in economy and lay offs.