OCI - Houston Tracker

I am finally done. Here's my Timeline

App Received at Houston : 26 June '08
Date of Acknowledgement: 29-July '08
Photo/Signature Scanned : 28 Aug '08
Granted : 03 Oct '08
Printed : 04 Oct '08
Date Dispatched : 07 Oct '08
Date Papers Received : 11 Oct '08
Passport Received at Houston : 16 Oct '08
Passport Received back on : 27 Oct '08

It took 4 months.....
OCI Processing Times at CGI Houston

Anyone have recent experience with CGI Houston OCI Processing?

It's been more than three months since I sent in applications for my parents. USPS delivered application on Jul 30, 2008.

As previously posted:

USPS Delivered OCI application to CGI Houston: Jul 30, 2008

From online status:
Date of Acknowledgement: 27-AUG-2008
Photo/Signature: Scanned On 24-SEP-2008.
Documents Printing Status: NOT PRINTED
Documents Dispatched: NOT DISPATCHED

How long is the average processing time at CGI Houston? Online status page says it takes appx 30 days from Date of Acknowledge. It's more than 2+ months since Date of Acknowledge. Am I unnecessarily getting impatient?

I am also in the same boat.
Mailed application: 8/2/08

Date Of Acknowledgment 06-SEP-2008
Photo/Signature Scanned On 30-SEP-2008
Documents Printing Status NOT PRINTED
Documents Despatched From Delhi On NOT DISPATCHED
Documents Received at HOUSTON NOT YET

No clue as to why all of a sudden no update for more than a month.

My brother has a date of ack of 22 JUL 2008..Scanned on 14 AUG 2008. No movements yet. People who have submitted after that have theirs granted too. I am not sure what order they process. He even drove down to the consulate and after much persuasion was allowed to meet the consular officer who asked to submit another copy of the paperwork. He gave extra sets of appln, passport copies and extra photographs. The officer said he will grant it ASAP. One week has passed and yet no updates. It's really sad. It looks like a whole bunch of applications acknowledged around that date are stuck.
No update since 10/07/2008(Photo/Signature was Scanned)

OCI Application
Online Regisration, Form A:===07/27/2008
App Mailed To Houston:=====08/02/2008
App Delivered To Houston:===08/04/2008
Recd at Houston:========?
Passports mailed:========?
OCI received;===========?
No update since 10/07/2008(Scanned Photo & Signature)

OCI Application
Online Regisration, Form A:===07/27/2008
App Mailed To Houston:=====08/02/2008
App Delivered To Houston:===08/04/2008
Recd at Houston:========?
Passports mailed:========?
OCI received;===========?
My parents have applied for OCI. CGI Houston received the printed applications and copies of documents on July 30, 2008.

Checking online status, I see:

Date Of Acknowledgement: 27-AUG-2008
Registration Status: UnderProcess
Photo/Signature: Scanned On: 24-SEP-2008
Documents Printing Status: NOT PRINTED
Documents Dispatched to Concerned
Mission/Office on: NOT DISPATCHED
Documents Received at HOUSTON NOT YET

Looking at the CGI Houston OCI web page, I quote "When the online status indicates that documents have been received at CGI, Houston, the applicant should send the original passport of citizenship and the valid/expired Indian Passport/PIO Card held by the applicant."

The status says Documents have been received at CGI Houston, but other details on the status page as mentioned above confuse me. Based on what just posted above from the online status page, should I send my parents US and Indian passports to CGI Houston or do I still need to wait further? Thanks.

Any good news on your parents OCI...
No acknowledgment even after 12 weeks.

I live in Kansas and come under CGI Houston jurisdiction.I am afraid I might have registered the online form with Chicago jurisdiction. I mailed all the documents with the fee to CGI Houston.
It is almost 12 weeks since we mailed our OCI forms to CGI Houston and there is still no update on the online tracking site. I tried more than dozen times to get in touch with CGI Houston , either the line is engaged or no one is picking up the phone. I sent couple of e-mails as well still no response. Appreciate if someone could let me know what is next best course of action to pursue.
Thank you

App Mailed To Houston:=====08/18/2008
App Delivered To Houston:===08/20/2008
No update on my parents OCI application at CGI Houston. Status has not changed since Sep-24-2008 when Photo/Signature were scanned. Please post here if anyone in the same boat have any update. Thank you.

Some movement related to Houston CGI.

OCI app mailed - 08/02/2008
Delivered - 08/04/2008
Acknowledged - 09/06/2008
Documents Printed On 12/03/2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Documents Despatched From Delhi On: NOT DISPATCHED

Hang in there. There is light at the end of tunnel, even for Houston CGI.

Last edited by a moderator:

Some movement related to Houston CGI.

OCI app mailed - 08/02/2008
Delivered - 08/04/2008
Acknowledged - 09/06/2008
Documents Printing Status PRINTED
Documents Printed On 03-DEC-2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Documents Despatched From Delhi On: NOT DISPATCHED

Hang in there. There is light at the end of tunnel, even for Houston CGI.


AFAIK your's is probably the best timeline I have seen for this consulate. Less than 40 days from sending to printed. A record

Documents Printed On 03-DEC-2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Acknowledged on 06-SEP-2008

Close to 3 months form Ack to printed.


Documents Printed On 03-DEC-2008 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Acknowledged on 06-SEP-2008

Close to 3 months form Ack to printed.


My bad..i read the time of mailing to acknowledged as printed. Houston is still 3 months then
Finally 'Granted'

Online Regisration, Form A:===08/02/2008
App Mailed To Houston:=====08/07/2008
App Delivered To Houston:===08/09/2008
Scanned:============== 09/29/2008
Granted:============== 12/06/2008
Recd at Houston:========?
Passports mailed:========?
OCI received;===========?