"Oath Ceremony" by Uncle Joe

Uncle Joe

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Here is my today's oath ceremony experience.

Oath ceremony was held at Western Kentucky District Court.

From start to finish 2 hours. I parked my vehicle at the parking lot right across the street. Went to the Court House at about 9.30 am, The Oath Ceremony was scheduled at 10.00 am. We gathered in small room and around 9.45 Clerk told us, that they ready. One by one we walked to another room, where
we talked to nice lady and she crossed our name from the list and marked our oath letter with numbers and she took away my green card and travel document. :D:D:D:D After that I went to another room a little bit bigger than room before. I found my chair that matches number on my oath letter and sit. There were few books on the chair - The Citizen's Almanac, Declaration of Independence and something else, I think I lost that book :(:( After about 10-15 minutes of waiting in that room, court lady turns TV and DVD/VCR with President Obama speech. At about 11.00 we've been told that we going to the Court Room on second floor. When we enter the Court Room, USCIS or Court Clerk took away our oath letters with questionnaire on the back and gave us little booklet with Oath of Allegiance on it. We were sitting for another maybe 5-7 minutes. Then U.S Marshal opened the door and announce - All rise. Judge entered the room and told us - please be seated. He said that he glad to see us, and start joking - I see you guys smiling, I used to see upset people in this Court Room. He talked for another 7-10 minutes, and introduce to us Senior Security Officer who sang National Anthem. That dude he did the best, that was awesome. He sang better than Mariah Carrey:D:D:D After the National Anthem, US Attorney's Assistant began his "Petitioner's Motion for Admission" speech. Then passing microphone one by one we introduce each other (Name Country of Origin, and place of residence in US) The total of 63 candidates from 36 countries, but I might be wrong:)confused: After our "introduction" was concluded we took the Oath of Allegiance. Then Field Officer Director, USCIS pulled his speech and gave microphone to representatives from the House and Kentucky Chamber of Commerce. After that Judge gave us speech about his military service and asked us if anybody from the military in the Court. He invited us to the middle of the Room, it was only 5-6 of us including myself and we took the Pledge of Allegiance in the middle of the room. The Judge honored us for our service to this country, our country. After that they start give away certificates and voters registration forms. We we taking pictures with Judge and USCIS Filed Director. After getting my Certificate i went to the Social Security Office (same building), and was disappointed - 63 new citizens already were in the line with another 50-60 regular people(( I didn't had enough time to wait, I gotta get back home and drive 210 miles, so I decided to update my SSN after I came back home and get my passport. So I went to the Post Office and ordered my first US Passport. Im planing to go to Canada on Thanksgiving. On the way back home I was happy, you don't have to worry about your status, you don't have to filled up forms everytime you changed your address. You don't have to carry that plastic Green Card in your wallet at all time and worrying that you can lose it. And you don't have to wait 3 months to get your 1 year Travel Document or 2 year Reentry Permit.

It took only 87 days for whole process. I appreciate USCIS for their effort and possibility to make it happened. It was a hassle free process! I am US Citizen now!
Congrats! You are in the military if I read correct? Was the process different I.e more faster you think?

Thank you!!!!

Yes I'm in the military, almost 3 years in the infantry.
Process was, I think the same. except they waived residence requirements, I was outside US for 12 continuous months (OEF deployment). But IO told me that time I spend outside US on military orders don't count as an absence.
It took me 87 days, I think it's normal nowadays, almost everybody have their Oath dates within 3 months +-10 days.
Interview was kind of nervous, I was worrying too much)
Bro, you almost there too. Get your stuff together, keep you head up, hope you will join the Citizen's Club anytime this year.
Uncle Joe,

Congrats!!! My big day is Nov 19. I am not a US citizen just yet, but neverthelesss I salute and support you. God bless and godspeed to you.
Congratulations again!
Isn't it great to wake up being US citizen!

I have to wait till January 28 for my Oath, but it does feel like a new chapter in life!