Oakland area FP waiters Thread

go ahead and do it at San Jose

I had mine done last Sat. no questions asked! If you have EAD, no other ID is required; otherwise take passport.
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Hi Apan,

I need a small favor from you, I read your post but not sure where did you did your FP is it SJC or OAK, I got my FP notice 02/03 schedule date 03/14, I have two questions

1. Can I go do my FP at Oakland before schedule..?
2. Can I do my FP at SJC too..?
3. Where did you did your FP.
Thanks In advance.
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I was reading on immigration portal only and found the followings:

1. FP was done at earlier date than scheduled.
2. FP was scheduled at OAK and was done at SJC

and his 485 was approved too.

I dont think doing FP at SJC (Even though scheduled for oakland)on or before schedule is a problem. I am also planning to do at SJC before schedule.
Why FP at SJC when scheduled at OAK.

Thanks for taking time to reply to my query. I was wondering why many people are doing there FP in SJC even when scheduled at OAK. Venu Reddy or Milli can you please eduate us.
Early FP experience at OAK and SJ

Here\'s some notes for Oakland FP waiters.

I got my FP notice two days back (2/5) after a long and
painful wait - three fax inquires by me and the attorney.

I am scheduled for 2/27 went to Oakland yesterday 2/6.
Went there around 2pm - there was only one person
waiting. I waited about 2 minutes.

Receptionist asked me why do I want to do early FP
Told her that I had to travel on business and I don\'t
know if I can make it on 2/27.

They gave me a number and I went upstairs. The guy checked
my FP notice and performed the fingerprinting.
First you do 4 fingers left hand together then left thumb
then 4 fingers right hand then right thumb
then they do individual fingers one by one.

There is a huge display of your fingerprints on the screen
and the machine tells it if it\'s correct or if there are
errors (breaks or too dark) when they scan individual fingers.

So the guy finished all the fingers (it took him about 10min)
and then he called QA. Another lady came and looked at the date.
She immediately told me that I am too early. I tried to tell
her that I am travelling on business - but she went to another
room to talk to a supervisor. He showed up - a guy about 40-45
with mustaches and yelled \'ABSOLUTELY NOT\'.
So they gave me my notice back and told me to come on my
scheduled date.

Today (Feb 7) I went to San Jose / Story Road (around 1:30pm).
It\'s just behind Taco Bell - small office in a L-shaped mall
between Taqerias and Hair Salons. The security guard just checked
the FP notice and sent me inside. There were some people waiting
but they called me immediately (maybe 1 minute wait).

The girl who did my fingerprints was much faster - it was done
in about 5 minutes. Nobody asked me about why I wanted to do it
early. Hope that fingerprints will turn OK. Planning to call
the FBI on Monday.

So I guess that if you want to do it early don\'t bother with
Oakland - go straight to San Jose.
Early FP experience at OAK and SJ...........Question????

I have the same case as yours and your inputs are great.

I have a question, what if some how the fingerprints don\'t reach FBI or INS from FBI...any reason. Then will there be any problem to follow up as you got it done from SJ that too early instead of Oakland.

Also, when you don\'t show up for FP at your appointment at Oakland, what report will they send to INS? Will this do any harm?

Please reply soon...urgent.

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Larry\'s Boy,
Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your experiences. Your case should be assigned to officer immediately after becoming ready for adjucation. I wish you good luck for your AOS approval.
- PCee
Talked to IIO yesterday about FP status

PCee - thanks for your wishes! I wish you good luck with your AOS
approval too.

Called FBI and then INS yesterday (Mon Feb 11) to check the FP status.
FBI said they have received FP on Thu Feb 7th and sent it
to INS on Fri Feb 8th. They could not tell me the status - the
lady said that I have to check this with INS.

So I called INS - from 2:00pm to 2:30 pm was busy on 3 line phone
redialing. Finally I got through. After giving my WAC number
INS lady said that they have not received anything from FBI
and that I can call back after 2 weeks.

Any of you guys know after how long will the INS get the FBI
results ?
Help me please....

HI Guys,
         Mine is applied thru vermont, FP scheduled in Oakland. I am planning to take FP in sanjose before schedule date. Is there any problem? Pl. advise me. I have to fly from Maryland.
Thank you in advance.
Going by experiences posted here

you should not have any problems in doing your FP in SJC. However going by current trend I don\'t think doing FP early is gonna help you anyway in faster approval. I guess your RD is Aug and right now they are processing Apr/May cases and it\'s long way to go for Aug cases....I know at least a few who applied in Aug did their FP as early as Nov but none of them got their approvals yet....

According to me, doing early FP helps in faster approval only in the following conditions:

if they are currently processing your RD cases
if yours is an aged-out case
if it\'s close to one year since you did your FP
some exceptions that get thru\' \'cause of INS\'s weird processing logic
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Larry\'s Boy,

When FBI sends back results to INS they can locate them on central system using your A#. After few days they will be transferred to INS CSC\'s local system. Only at that time IIO can locate your finger print related info using your WAC#. By then your AVM should say FP received and processing resumed.

Good luck
If AVM says processing resumed -

does it mean it has been cleared by the FBI??
Can anyone help?? I completed my FP before
appt ,at Oakland,and my avm at NSC was updated saying
"processing has resumed" - does this mean that it is with FBI,or it is back with INS - can anyone help?
Question for Sdey: --Oakland FP Notice....need your expert advice!!


My FP is due in first week of march and received the notice around Feb 1. I thought to go by my turn as per appointment.

Now I have to travel outside US in that week. Do you think I should go to Oakland a week before and request for early FP. I have seen some messages re- people tried early FP at Oakland but were turned down but you got it done early at OAkland.

Please advice me which day and time to go and what was your experience and advice.
for Greenmon_oak - no advice dude - just experience

Well..my husband also travels,so we decided to try our luck.
We reached there on a Tuesday at noon(we went there by BART) - and it was empty
the security guy asked us why we were early,etc and we told him my husband has a travelling job..
he said ok..and asked me why I was here..and I said..well I am his wife..and he joked around..and we finished FP in abt 10 mins
but we were prepared to go to SFO/San Jose,in case these guys turned us down
so ..try ur luck,but make some time provisions to go to another ASC ,on the same day,as that\'s what we had planned,as we dint want to spend another day on this stuff.
also,stay cool and relaxed when u talk to the guy..dont get antsy ..or anything..I see a lot of postings on - "wash hands - put cream,go early,etc" - We dont think so much - it\'s not a battle or something :) ...we went there on r time,prepared that they might turn us away,and stayed cool..
so ...I guess try ur luck..and then go to San Jose/SFO in case they turn u away
plus u have ur ticket,so u can tell him u have to travel early
hope this reply helps
finally - all the best for ur GC !!!