Oakland area FP waiters Thread

PCee : RD 7/01 - Oakland - No FP yet.

Hi !

My RD is 7/31. My wife\'s RD is the same. She got her FP notice in Oakland more than 1 month ago. I have still not got my FP notice. My company HR says they have faxed an enquiry but they are asking me to just wait ! How long can I wait ?!
Any suggestions ?

AVM changed to processing resumed

FP Sched : 1/31 oakland
Fp Done : 1/12 Sanjose
Message changed : 1/23
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Why don\'t you go to your local INS and tell them that your wife got FP notice but you didn\'t! They may print and give you one on the spot. In the past it did work for couple of people. Read FP experiences at CIBA\'s site for more info...

Good luck
Wasn\'t the next batch scheduled for 1/25? Anyone checked AVM lately?

Wasn\'t the next batch scheduled for 1/25? Anyone checked AVM lately?
Pcee - Actually, I did try that.

Hi Pcee !

I tried that. The IIO told me that they used to do it a couple of times but are not doing it anymore. He said something about getting their hands slapped by the office in Laguna Niguel asking other Service centers not to do this. Maybe I need to go again and hope it is a different IIO ?

AVM changes after FP

FP schedule on 2/13 in Oakland
FP done 1/16 at SanJose
AVM changef to processing resumed on 1/23
tabs:spoke to FBI..they said we already sent ur FP report to INS electronically..means what??


I never talked to FBI.
What does your AVM says. If its already sent to INS then your AVM should either be "pending review .. or "processing resumed.."

My Wac# is 01-296.. Waiting for FP notice .. Anyone anyidea when can I receive it.. ND 09/17/01 (AVM date is 09/27/01)..which date should I follow ??? Thank you in advance.
When is the next FP batch scheduled? The last batch was on 1/17. Any ideas?

When is the next FP batch scheduled? The last batch was on 1/17. Any ideas?
I guess your ND is 9/27, when is your RD?

My RD is 8/21 with ND 9/18 (WAC-286). I received fp notice last week. You can expect sometime in Feb.
AVM says FP notice has been mailed

Thx Venu Reddy for your Reply. I just now checked the AVM & it says my FP notice has been mailed as of JAN-31. Hopefully should get it in a nother 2-3 days. I am sure my scheduled date would be around last week of Feb or 1st week of Mar. Can I get my finger printing done earlier.. any suggestion ??
No Title


I got FP notice on 01/31 schedule date 03/08 for Oakland, So Is it safe to go to SJC for FP before 03/08, Planning to go next week. What is your feeling, since you also had a similar situation.
