NVC sents DS 3032 to beneficiary or petitioner?


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NVS sents change of address form to beneficiary or petitioner?

Does beneficiary get the form from NVC in any case?

Please reply.
For the 3rd stage the NVC consideres you and you'r attorney as
the main parties to the process.

They should send all communications to you or your designated

Look and see if any member who has actual experience in this
matter will post his/her first hand account.

Attorney of Record - DS 3032 issued to beneficiary only if no attorney handling the case. If an attorney then no DS 3032.

Hope that helps
Info on representation letter

Originally posted by Raju595
For the 3rd stage the NVC consideres you and you'r attorney as
the main parties to the process.

They should send all communications to you or your designated

Look and see if any member who has actual experience in this
matter will post his/her first hand account.


Hi there,

Got a question after terminating my representation with my previous lawyer. She states I need to send a letter to the NVC explaining I will represent my self. Do any of you knows anything regarding the content this letter should have and to who and where am I supposed to address this letter?

Also I don't know if there is already a form to do this...

Thanks and good luck
My HR did the same

In my case my HR manager wrote letter to NVC. You have to write that you want to remove the attorny of record (name) thus all the communication should be sent to the following address.

NVC will ack. and sends ds 3032 to beneficiary's address. In this form you have a choice to change the attoney, or specify yourself to represent the case.

Hope this helps.
Re: My HR did the same

Originally posted by abihitesh
In my case my HR manager wrote letter to NVC. You have to write that you want to remove the attorny of record (name) thus all the communication should be sent to the following address.

NVC will ack. and sends ds 3032 to beneficiary's address. In this form you have a choice to change the attoney, or specify yourself to represent the case.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Abihitesh. Do I have to wait until NVC receives the I-140 or should I move proactively to send the letter?

Also I already have a DS3032 form (downloaded it form BCIS web site). Does this form works or should I wait again?
DS-3032 will come from NVC

You have to wait till you NVC receives your file, then send fax and mail to NVC the same day about address change. after 48 hrs call them and check if they have entered the change of address request in thier system. make sure subject of fax should be Change of address request. Provide EAC, name of benif, name of perti. date of birth of benif.

You cannnot use the form you downloaded from INS.

take care
Re: DS-3032 will come from NVC

More questions on DS-3032:

I sent the change of address letter via usps certified mail on 4/9/03 (The tracking number says it has not being delivered by 4/11/03). My case was entered to NVC system on 3/31/03.

Based on cptracker information it takes NVC between 2 to 5 days to generate the DS-3032 form. Assuming this to be true, does this form went to my lawyer or the NVC will send this form to my mailing address (the one in the I-140 form)?

Thanks everyone!:D
change of address

You should mention in your letter on which address you need communication.

Call NVC and let them clearly understand that you need 3032 on your home address.

They should send communication to your home address.
RE: what should I do if I need to change lawyer


Can someone advice me what is smoothy way to do if I need to change lawyer. My company requests to change lawyer. I have no chocie since it is company's policy. New lawyer has not much experience about CP. I guess I need to educate them. After reading previous post, my understanding is that I need to call NVC to send DS-3032 (agent of choice) to new lawyer address, right? Or I should provide NVC address, fax and phone number for my lawyer to call NVC to request DS-3032. I rather call NVC by myself cause it may be more efficient. Please give me some advice... Thanks!

Re: RE: what should I do if I need to change lawyer

Hi mlin144,

Here you have my two cents:

Do not call NVC. Instead send them a letter stating your previous lawyer will not represent you any longer and you're addressing Mr. xxx as your new lawyer. Also state in the same letter the address change for the henceforth correspondence (I think this will be the new lawyer's address). You can find more on the letter content and format on this newsgroup.

Send the letter via certified mail. Once you have the delivery confirmation you can follow up the letter with a phone call just to verify the NVC has enter the new address on their system.

NVC will send then the DS-3032 form to the new address.

Hope this help you. Anyone else to enter more input?

Re: change of address

Originally posted by abihitesh
You should mention in your letter on which address you need communication.

Call NVC and let them clearly understand that you need 3032 on your home address.

They should send communication to your home address.

Hi there,

Got a question: how long does it take the bill to get to the lawyer's office?

According to the NVC very kind person I spoke to, the bill was sent to my attorney on 3/31/03. My attorney claim she has not receive it!!

On the call to the NVC they told the letter for address change and self representation will have effect in 10 to 15 business days. This is quite a month!!!!!

Any help will be much appreciate
Re: Re: change of address

Hi there,

I received the bills today and the official check is on its way to St Louis.

I'm still confused (and bothered) on the fact I have not being able to get de DS-3032 form. Even tough I did sent the letter to NVC I don't know if the DS-201 will be sent to me or to the lawyer. I called NVC but the message says no operator are available.

Any input will be much appreciated!!


DS-3032 = Information Sheet

Please confirm whether DS - 3032 is the 'Information Sheet' that NVC sends.

If that is true, what should I do when the NVC (both AVM and operator) says that 'Information Sheet has been sent on 4/11/03', but the lawyer and HR say that they haven't recieved the form. I asked the operator to issue another form, but I amconcerned on the time wasted due to this.

Any comments?


It took 3 weeks for me to get the DS3032 form. Wait for some more time and call back NVC to check again.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your reply.

What is the role of an attorney once the case is transferred to the NVC? Is there a need to get legal assistance after this stage? Are we depending on them only to have a permanent address? The reason for this question is that, if we change the address in DS 3032, we can avoid wasting time in getting mails from these folks in future.

If everything in NVC depends on the information we give, will it be a good move to take the lawyer out of the loop?

That's exactly the reason for myself using DS3032. Technically you don't need your attorney once when the case reaches NVC. As long as your employer is cooperative, the isn't any need for attorney.

Hope this helps.

Here is my experience: I sent a plain letter (you can find the details in this same trail) with all my contact information: case number, dob, phone number, I-140 case number, informing my decision to the remove the attorney from the case as well as for the new address to received all the mail. I send it via USPS priority mail and it took almost 15 days (4/9 to 4/24) to the NVC to process the letter. Yesterday I received a confirmation letter from the NVC stating my letter was entered into their system, that the attorney was removed from the case and that all the correspondence will be sent to me. There is one thing we need to have: lots of patience!!!! :) it takes time!!! Good luck!
Better still, I called up NVC and said I need to remove the attorney from the case. They asked me to send a letter stating the same so that they could send the DS-3032 forms. I asked whether I could fax a copy before I post the letter so that the process could be expedited. The lady said I could and gave me the person to fax to (it was herself) and faxed it and got the DS-3032 within next 10 days.

You could do the same once when you get the DS-3032 forms. Call NVC, ask them, fax them, and then post it.

Hope this helps.
