NVC->St Louis->NVC->Consulate Part 2

My PCC experience

PCC from CGNY takes one day only if your passport was issued within the US by the Indian CG. Otherwise, they take between 30-45 days for them to process. When you apply for PCC through CGNy, dont give them your passport, instead make a photocopy of every single page on your passport and fill out the from.

The form can be downloaded from

Once you apply for the PCC, they will give you a recipt/slip and on the back there is a phone number. Call that number to inquire whether your PCC has been generated
Thanks for PCC info desert_boy. Is this something I can apply now or

should I wait for anything, like packet3 received at Consulate in
India etc.

No Title

Did anyone whose P3 got accepted by the NVC after review use an Indian address in Part #13 - Present Address ?
No Title

I was going to enter India address in DS-230 #13 (Present Address). But I am not sure if NVC will issue an RFE for it, since we are living currently in the United States.

Appreciate your help on this.
I put US address in item #13.

As soon as P3 reaches Chennai, I am going to send an e-mail to the consulate, giving indian address for P4..
This is what my attorny suggested...

She asked me to put present address as US address.
In the covering letter she said that she will add that i want to have my PKT4 delivered to Indian address and that is what i did.
same with me

I put my present US address and I will actually call and ask the consulate to mail the packet4 info to my relatives in New Delhi
here u go.

---- from chennai web site: -----------------------------
The best thing you can do is provide the Consulate with a
local address (most likely that of a relative living in
South India) to whom we can send all the necessary paperwork.
You should include this address when you send Packet 3 to the
Consulate. If you do, all paperwork, including applications and
medical forms, will be sent to that local address.

If you have already sent in your Packet 3 and wish to provide
a local address now, or if you need further information, please
email chennaiiv@state.gov.

this is what i did, i enclosed a cover letter with my local
address and also i am going to follow it up with email.
Desert_boy... You have done wonderful job to put togather all the Information.

I checked the forum after 2days and found this part - II.

I got PCC done for self and wife from Chicago and It is has the issue date as the day, when I collected that. Took 45 days.
I have sent my P3 on 11th March and still waiting to hear from NVC.

I also have 2 questions if any of our Guru brothers can answer..

1. What are the issues involve if I prefer USA Address for P4?

2. Birth Cert. for my son issued from Municipal corp, but his name is not mentioned there insted it says \'SON\'. What are the supporting docs I need If I don\'t get it corrected by Municipal Corp. ?

Thanks in advance

PCC at Chicago

Chicago do not issue the PCC in 1 day. Even if the Passport is isssued from Chicago , they do the varification on the basis of old pssport. As I understood, they may issue the PCC based upon varification or 30 days are over.
GO_ON Here is my suggestions...

1. What are the issues involve if I prefer USA Address for P4?

This is from faq section of chennai Consulate website
Indians citizens living and working in the United States -- most often on H1-B and H4 visas -- often run into problems getting the paperwork for their appointment in Chennai. The best thing you can do is provide the Consulate with a local address (most likely that of a relative living in South India) to whom we can send all the necessary paperwork. You should include this address when you send Packet 3 to the Consulate. If you do, all paperwork, including applications and medical forms, will be sent to that local address.
If you do not include a local address, then a complete Packet 4 will not be mailed to you. You will instead be sent just your appointment letter. mail is often unpredictable, this letter may not reach you in the US for many weeks and not until after you have it in hand may you appear for your medical examinations. Therefore, it is advisable to provide a local address. If you do not have or do not wish to use the address of a relative in India, you may download all the necessary forms from this site. As stated though, you will need your original appointment letter (mailed to your US address) in order for the Consulate to process your case.
If you have already sent in your Packet 3 and wish to provide a local address now, or if you need further information, please email chennaiiv@state.gov.

2. Birth Cert. for my son issued from Municipal corp, but his name is not mentioned there insted it says \'SON\'. What are the supporting docs I need If I don\'t get it corrected by Municipal Corp. ?

 I had the same problem with my BC. I got it corrected and as a precautionary measure i got affidavit from my parents. My kids BC did not had his lastname so as a precaution we had his affidavit of BC prepared here in USA.
 Since it is for your kid you and your wife can prepare a affidavit in USA itself.

Hope this helps you out.!!!
Ssuresh - Thanks for your valuable inputs

Thanks for your inputs on my concerned issues.
I would Appreciate if you can provide me a link where layout of affidavit is already posted.

Did you get your PCC from Chicago?

:) go_on
Here is the sample i used for affidavit...

This is what i used for affidavit. Check with your attorney.
I (NAME OF RELATIVE), being duly sworn on this ___ day of ________, 1999, deposes and says that:

1. I am the (MOTHER/FATHER, ETC.) of (ALIEN’S NAME).

2. I am years old and reside at (ADDRESS).

3. (ALIEN’S NAME) was born in the City of , State/Province of ___________ in (COUNTRY) on (MONTH/DAY/YEAR).

4. (ALIEN’S NAME) is the son/daughter of (NAME OF MOTHER & FATHER).

5. We have always celebrated (ALIEN’S NAME) birthday on (MONTH/DAY).

        I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the U.S. that the foregoing is true and correct.
                                        (SIGNATURE OF RELATIVE)
Hope this helps you out!.....

Chicago consulate has not received any info from chennai RPO. So consulate office said since it is past 45 days they can issue the PCC if i send my original passport and i will be doing so in next week.!.
I called consulate today.....

I called Delhi consulate today to check whether my file reached there or not. Its still in transit.
My case forwarded to consulate on Mar 19.
Howlong to get interview after sending packet3 to St.Louis?...Any idea please.

Can some one please tell me how long it will take to get the interview from sending packet 3 to St.Louis -> to get the interview.

CanIgetgC, my Pkt 3 was mailed to the Delhi consulate

too. I checked the DHL site, it says 3 days transit time total. It doesnt wait for more than a day at customs at NEW Delhi. My parents will start calling the embassy from wednesday..