NVC->St Louis->NVC->Consulate Part 2


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Guys, I would like to start a new thread as the last one was getting too large.

I have compiled as list of FAQ\'s. I hope this helps(please note: I am not attorney so, please consult your attorney prior to following any advice posted here)

What is this new NVC St Louis process? or My I-140 got approved, now what?

Once your I-140 gets approved by the INS and you have selected Consular Processing as your choice when you applied for your I -140, INS automatically sends your case to the National Visa Center. The NVC then recieves your case and generates a case number for you.
Once this is done they mail out Packet3 documents to your mailing address. In most cases this Packet 3 is sent to your attorney. This packet 3 doc contains a bar coded envelope and some instructions,
depending on your choice of consulates. For India, specifically, it is a single sheet of paper that needs to be filled out and mailed along with the 260 dollar application fee to St Louis. If your specific case is different, follow the instructions to the letter (PERIOD) or consult
an attorney.

After St Loius, recieves your application, they desposit the check and forward the documents back to the NVC. NVC recives these douments and reviews them. Once the review is done successfully the case it is sent to the consulate. The consulate then schedules your interview and generates Pkt4 and mails it over to you.

What documents should I carry to the consulate?

-3 Immigration photos (1.5in by 1.5 in. Sign on two copies at the bottom front. Do not sign on the 3rd copy)
-OF-171: Appt letter from Consulate (original letter) This is sent by the Consulate, Packet 4
-OF230 part I(photocopy) & II Visa application (part-II UNSIGNED) This is sent by the Consulate, Packet 4

(Ignore if you are happily single!)
-Marriage Cert. Orig
-Marriage Cert. copy
-3 Wedding photos (in a clear plastic envelope)
-Wedding card
-Birth Cert. orig
-Birth Cert. copy
-Employment letter (orig- notorised)
-3 months bank statements
-last 3 years tax returns (1998, 1999, 2000) (Take 2001 as well if you have filed them)
-Medical reports (4 sheets total, no X-rays) (These will be done by an approved doctor prior to attending the interview, more instructions are available in your Pkt4)
-IRS 9003 form
-4 latest pay-stubs
(Ignore if you are happily single!)
Folder 2 - Spouse
-3 Immigration photos (1.5in by 1.5 in. Sign on two copies at the bottom front. Do not sign on the 3rd copy)
-OF230 part I(photocopy) & II Visa application (part-II UNSIGNED) Consulate, Packet 4
-Marriage cert copy
-Wedding card
-3 wedding photos (in a clear plastic envelope)
-Birth Cert. orig
-Birth Cert. copy
-Affid of support for spouse I-134 (org-notorised)
-Copy of primaries employment letter
-Medical reports (no X-rays)
-IRS 9003 form
-3 months bank statements copies

 Folder 2 - Child (
- Passport
-3 Immigration photos (1.5in by 1.5 in. Sign on two copies at the bottom front. Do not sign on the 3rd copy)
- OF230 part I(photocopy)& II Visa application (part-II UNSIGNED) Consulate, Packet 4
-Birth Cert. orig
-Birth Cert. copy
-Affid of support for spouse I-134 (org-notorised)
-Copy of primaries employment letter
-Medical reports (no X-rays)
-IRS 9003 form Not needed
-3 months bank statements copies Not needed

****CARRY THESE ****

Folder 4 : Primary (H1+I140+LC+Edu)
-Latest H-1 approval notice (my visa in passport had expired)
-originals + supporting docs of all H1, F1, I-20\'s, H4\'s etc.
-copies of Labor cert (AEC), I-140 application, I-140 approval etc.
-originals + copies of work experience certs
-Degree certs, transcripts, marklists + copies

Folder 5 :
No Title

Folder 5 :Spouse (H1 + Edu + Emp)
-Latest H-1 approval notice (my visa in passport had expired)
-originals + copies of work experience certs
-Degree certs, transcripts, marklists + copies

Folder 6 :Company docs (Alternate name, Payroll records)
-Reg of alt name ( Since my past docs have another name that the company was using)
- Payroll record and paystubs ( to establish past employment)

Folder 7 :Extra copies of all of the above

What are the TimeFrames for each step?

These are approx times, you case may be different

I-140 AD - NVC recieve date -2-4 weeks
NVC Case Recieve/Case Create/Pkt3 Generate - 1 week
NVC Sent Pkt3 to Attorney/you -> 1-2 weeks
You -> St Loius (Up to you!!)
St Louis ->NVC Recieve date -> 1-2 weeks
NVC Case Reviewed -> NVC says 4-6 weeks but for me it took 3 weeks
NVC Sends Case to Consulate -> 2-4 weeks, 1 week for most cases so far, they Use DHL to mail the packet information over

Consulate -> Pkt 4 -> Interview Date : Unknown right now

What is NVC phone Number?
603 -334- 0700

What docs do I normally have to send to St Louis?
In most Cases, you have to send out the bar coded envelope, DS230 Part 1, and the 260 dollar check, unless otherwise instructed
NOTE: ITEM 20 must be filled out very very carefullly, no gaps in the timeframe must be provided for Item 20. Triple check everything
before you send it and them make sure your attorney reviews it as well.

What are the consulate WebSites?
New Delhi: http://usembassy.state.gov/posts/in1/wwwhint.html
Chennai: http://madras.sphynx.com/index.html
Mumbai: http://usembassy.state.gov/mumbai/
Calcutta: http://usembassy.state.gov/calcutta/

If yours is not listed here goto

http://usembassy.state.gov and lookup your consulate website

What is the link to the OLD thread?

What are some approximate timeframes for fellow CPers?
You can lookup

I wanted to consolidate all this information into one central place and I\'m hoping it will help everyone.
Question regarding DS230 item 12 ..

do we put the job title as in LC as the Present Occupation??

desert boy ..

Can you change the name little bit from
NVC - st.louis.....
It will be very clear for all...!
Thank u
Yeah your are right.. It took me 4 days.. But I want to overestimate

when I generalise rather than give an exact number.. But es.. It took exactly 4 days for me.. 7 days for KMS, umm 5 days for dodda I think
PCC question

Where should this PCC be taken ?
Can I do it in CGNY. (Consulate General New York)
Will they give it on same day.

Is is relatively easy to get this done in India ?

Thanks !!
