OK, this is my calculation:
Departure Arrival Days outside the US
11/16/2006 01/20/2007 64
05/13/2007 05/25/2007 11
12/11/2007 12/27/2007 15
01/04/2008 05/13/2008 129
06/06/2008 08/07/2008 61
08/22/2008 03/09/2010 563
03/19/2010 05/20/2010 61
Total 904
Partial days in the US (namely the arrival and departure dates) are not to be counted as days outside the US. So in the spreadsheet, the number of days outside the US for each trip was calculated by Departure date - Arrival date - 1.
For the departure dates, I assume you know the date you actually left the US, and did not use the date you arrived in the other country based on passport arrival stamps, which could be a day or two after your US departure date due to the travel time and time zone. The system that USCIS would access has the dates you left the US, not the dates you arrived at your foreign destination. Because you are so close to the physical presence limit, it is important for the dates you list to match up with the dates in their system as precisely as possible, as it is very likely they will analyze your travel history in detail after the interview.
904 days outside the US is under the maximum 913, so go ahead and apply now! You don't need to accumulate any more days of physical presence.
If the IO tries to say that the 904 days outside the US is more than 30 months, you can fire back by pointing out that in the statutory period you have 922 days inside the US, which is more than 30 months.