NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

Interviewed Yesterday OK

Hi, friends, this Monday morning 8:30am I went in for the N-400 interview at Downton Columbus. It was pretty easy, only 15mins. The interview officer was very polite and courteous. She started with oath leading me only to tell the truth in interview, then she went over every single item on N-400 and my answer to it. as to police stop/arrest/detain, I put down 3 tickets in past 10 years - 1 speeding, 1 fishing, 1 red light - and added 1 more ticket I got on highway just 3 weeks ago. She said it is ok and then put it down on my N-400. I bring all the original docs: 5 yr tax return, passport, green card, Apt leasing docs, utility bills, salary paystubs, bank statements etc. she only checked my passport and green card and didn't bother asking anything else. but you better prepare to provide any evidence.

After that, she pulled out a printout of random 10 questions from computer, I answered first 6 all right and passed it. The questions are all from the INS website 100 Qs and As, if you read it one day before interview, you should have no problem :)

In end she said she would recommend approval on me and I will receive a written notice within 2 months. that sounds too long. I guess maybe I can get it in 2 weeks.

OK, wish you all guys good luck on your journey!
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Dream_Chaser said:
Interviewed Yesterday OK

Hi, friends, this Monday morning 8:30am I went in for the N-400 interview at Downton Columbus. It was pretty easy, only 15mins. The interview officer was very polite and courteous. She started with oath leading me only to tell the truth in interview, then she went over every single item on N-400 and my answer to it. as to police stop/arrest/detain, I put down 3 tickets in past 10 years - 1 speeding, 1 fishing, 1 red light - and added 1 more ticket I got on highway just 3 weeks ago. She said it is ok and then put it down on my N-400. I bring all the original docs: 5 yr tax return, passport, green card, Apt leasing docs, utility bills, salary paystubs, bank statements etc. she only checked my passport and green card and didn't bother asking anything else. but you better prepare to provide any evidence.

After that, she pulled out a printout of random 10 questions from computer, I answered first 6 all right and passed it. The questions are all from the INS website 100 Qs and As, if you read it one day before interview, you should have no problem :)

In end she said she would recommend approval on me and I will receive a written notice within 2 months. that sounds too long. I guess maybe I can get it in 2 weeks.

OK, wish you all guys good luck on your journey!

Hi, Dream Chaser!

Congratulations on a successful interview! I had my interview at Columbus last September, and I was also told that the officer had recommended my application for approval. He told me I'd receive the notice to attend the oath ceremony in about two weeks. The letter came in exactly two weeks to the day! Hopefully, your letter won't take as long as two months. What was marked on the form N-652 that you were given after the interview?
Thanks, Homeschoolmum! my N-652 was marked "a written notice will be mailed to you", the officer told me that she was going to recommend approval. I don't understand either why it would take 2 months.... hope it'd just be 2 weeks :)
Completed finger prints today in half hour, next step interview.

Mailed 12/20/2005
Receipt 01/23/2006
FP 02/15/2006
Interview Completed

Hi all,

Like Dream_Chaser, I had my interview on 13th February early morning - I spent longer in the waiting room than in the interview itself. All ran smoothly, questions were answered correct etc. and I was also told that I was going to be 'recommended for approval' and I should hear something in 2 months' time. I'm also hoping this will be more like 2 weeks' time however. I agree - 2 months seems a little on the lengthy side to me but looks to be the standard response in Columbus at the moment given two of us had it.

I'll update in due course... :)
natmcg said:
Hi all,

Like Dream_Chaser, I had my interview on 13th February early morning - I spent longer in the waiting room than in the interview itself. All ran smoothly, questions were answered correct etc. and I was also told that I was going to be 'recommended for approval' and I should hear something in 2 months' time. I'm also hoping this will be more like 2 weeks' time however. I agree - 2 months seems a little on the lengthy side to me but looks to be the standard response in Columbus at the moment given two of us had it.

I'll update in due course... :)
natmcg, your response is 2 months too? that is the same as mine! maybe that's the standard mail reply now in Columbus. I know in Columbus the oath ceremony are usually on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, yes, it's twice a month. in March it would be 3/7 and 3/21. I think most likely we will get 3/21 for oath. Hope we will get the oath letter on 2/27 :)
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When will the Last Updated Date will change in INS records after we go for finger printing?I gave my prints 2 days back.
Dream_Chaser said:
natmcg, your response is 2 months too? that is the same as mine! maybe that's the standard mail reply now in Columbus. I know in Columbus the oath ceremony are usually on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, yes, it's twice a month. in March it would be 3/7 and 3/21. I think most likely we will get 3/21 for oath. Hope we will get the oath letter on 2/27 :)

Hi - yes 2 months also - standard stuff I'm thinking. So you reckon 21st March eh? I was thinking 28th March actually. Or possibly even as early as the 7th looking at other people's timelines. Fingers crossed. I'll be in touch!
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great news, natmcg! your oath letter is only 1 week after the interview, not 2 months as officer said, good to know, thanks! hope I will get it soon too :)

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Good to see the Oath is pretty close to the interview date (assuming no name check issues). Sweet.

My interview is 4/14... Fingers crossed for 5/15 oath... :D
I received oath letter today

I just got the oath letter in mail. it was printed on 2/17, received on 2/24. the oath will be on 3/14 Tuesday, natmcg, we will meet at oath ceremony! see you then, cheers!
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Dream_Chaser said:
Hi, friends, I just got back from Oath ceremony today. I'm a US citizen now! wowwww! since I started applying green card, till today, it has been 10 years - 5 year H1B to get a green card, after green card in 2000, waited 5 year till today to get citizenship! what a journey! ok, here is the oath ceremony:

-11:00am. started. fillout forms and sign. officers hand out citizenship certificates for you to check spelling.
-11:30am. return the form back to officer and sign the citizenship certificate in front of officer
-11:30-12:30am 1-hour lunch break
-12:30pm fill out Voter's registration form
-1:00pm ceremony starts. judge walk in the door..... all rise, raise hands and say "I do", voila! I'm US citizen now!
-1:50pm hand in Voter's registration form and have a receiption cake!

there are about 50 people from 29 countries...

Got to have a party tonight to Celebrate!

Good luck to you all!


CONGRATULATIONS on your first day as a US Citizen!!! I know how it feels, as I became an American in the same courthouse as you last October. (The proceedings were carried out in exactly the same order as yours, too!)

Oh, and did you rub shoulders with Natmcg?

Enjoy your party tonight...you've waited 10 years for it!!! :D

thanks, homeschoolmum. I couldn't figure out who's natmcg in the crowd. We didn't contact each other before oath...we should have :)
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Hi and congratulations!! ...didn't see you either - looked for you though. Lots of Africans in the crowd I noted, one Australian, one Brit. Do you remember seeing a tall British guy there?
natmcg said:
Do you remember seeing a tall British guy there?

I think I saw him... and also there are a few from Canada too... anyway, congratulations to us all, and go have a fun party this weekend!! :)

Have a great life to us all!

NSC Columbus, Ohio
N-400 mailed: 10/11
Check cashed: 10/17
PD: 10/13
FP: 11/16
Interview Letter Received: 12/08
Interview Date: 2/13/2006
Oath Letter Received: 2/24
Oath Date: 3/14
Does Coumbus have a set schedule for the oath ceremonies? Where can I find the schedule?

Wish me luck... My interview is tomorrow... 4/14... :eek:

Mailed N400: 12/12/2005
Priority Date: 12/15
Check cashed: 12/16
Receipt Dated 12/27, received 12/31
Got FP Notice: 1/9/2006
FP Date: 1/20
Got Interview Notice: 2/4
Interview Date: 4/14
Hope all goes well!


I haven't browsed the forum for quite a few days. I'm glad I checked in today and saw your post.

Hope your interview goes well tomorrow. I've said it many times; Columbus is one of the BEST offices, and I'm not the only one to have said that! I hope you have a really pleasant interview experience. Please let us know all the details afterwards!

As far as Columbus having a schedule for the oath ceremony dates, Dream_Chaser wrote earlier (and I quote): I know in Columbus the oath ceremony are usually on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, yes, it's twice a month.

My own oath ceremony was on a Tuesday, so she's probably correct.

All the best, Scruit! :)