NSC/Columbus(Ohio) N400 Timeline

Questions for NSC/Ohio folks that have completed recently

How long after FP can one expect the interview letter?

My DO is Cleveland as per the jurisdiction map of USCIS. But I was asked to goto Columbus (I am closer to Columbus than to Clevelend) for FP. Does this mean that my case will be handled by Columbus office?

Appreciate your responses.


Time Line:
Sent N400 application on 8/5/05. Check cleared on 8/11/05
RD: 8/8/05
PD: 8/8/05
ND: 8/15/05 and received it in mail on 8/18/05
FP Notice : 8/23/05 and received it in mail on 8/27/05
FP date: 9/9/05 at Columbus
Columbus is cool

Trust me guys, an office where you can get through over a local line, where people fax you forms if you live out of town, and where they joke and smile
is a good office.

Even the policemen at the door seem to have a way to make even the littlest and most afraid Somali (nono, not Starvin Marvin for South Park fans here) child smile.

I remember how my wife and i met the officer by chance when we came for the second interview for the GC stamp, and he just grabbed our passports and 3 minutes later met us in front of the elevator with the stamped documents.

This, compared to the Puritanical Pilgrimage Boston, MA JFK Building office man hating Massholes :( was a breath of fresh air and truly restored our confidence in the system.

Now i have had my interview four months after the application and ceremony in 1 month. Wife's papers got lost but we are working on it.

So now you can see why i take issue with anyone criticizing these people:)
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Kandiru said:
Trust me guys, an office where you can get through over a local line, where people fax you forms if you live out of town, and where they joke and smile
is a good office.

Even the policemen at the door seem to have a way to make even the littlest and most afraid Somali (nono, not Starvin Marvin for South Park fans here) child smile.

I remember how my wife and i met the officer by chance when we came for the second interview for the GC stamp, and he just grabbed our passports and 3 minutes later met us in front of the elevator with the stamped documents.

This, compared to the Puritanical Pilgrimage Boston, MA JFK Building office man hating Massholes :( was a breath of fresh air and truly restored our confidence in the system.

Now i have had my interview four months after the application and ceremony in 1 month. Wife's papers got lost but we are working on it.

So now you can see why i take issue with anyone criticizing these people:)
Can you post your timeline please?
Columbus timeline

Hi, everyone!

This forum has been very helpful to me, and I'm impressed by the knowledge and helpfulness of those who have posted replies to questions.

I would like to contribute to this thread by giving my timeline. (Columbus DO.)

I have found my experience with Columbus to be very pleasant indeed. The people I dealt with for both the fingerprinting and the interview were very professional, but at the same time, they were courteous and friendly. Even the security guards were friendly. When I arrived for my 8:00am interview, they wished me well, and said they hoped the interview would go smoothly. I guess I kind of expected the staff to be impersonal and distant (like the stereotype!) but I have to say, they really put me at ease. Great people!

The interview lasted not more than 15 minutes. I was put under oath, and asked to take a seat. The officer went through the application, and asked about any absences during the last five years. (There were none.) He asked me to confirm various things I'd stated on the forms, and then printed out a list of civics questions. I answered six correctly, so he didn't ask me the remaining questions. He asked me to read a simple sentence, then asked me to write down a sentence he dictated. I shall be changing my name to include a middle name, so he made sure the spelling was correct, and I had to sign a few forms with my old and new name. He told me that he was going to recommend my application for approval, and that I should be getting the oath ceremony letter in the mail in around two weeks.

Last Thursday (two weeks to the day from the interview) I received my letter to attend the oath ceremony. I can't wait to finally be sworn in as an American citizen!

I was wondering if children are allowed to attend the oath ceremony? The letter I received said that everyone (including guests) must show a photo ID. My three youngest children don't have a photo ID. Is the photo ID requirement only applicable for adults?

Also, I was disappointed to read on the letter that cameras are not allowed. It will be such a big day. I have read that at some oath ceremonies, a picture is taken after the ceremony. Does anyone know if they do that at Columbus?

Good luck to everyone here who is still going through the naturalization process! :)

PD 3/27/05
FP 5/19/05
ID 9/15/05
OD 10/18/05
My Oath is tomorrow :) They lost my wife's paperwork though, so a Congressman is in the loop on her case.


NSC received N-400 05-03-05
FP 07-10-05
Interview 09-09-05
Oath (God willing) 10-04-05

Thank you all.
PD = 4/18/05
FP = 6/02/05
interview letter received = July 6/05
ID = 9/29/05
Interview went fine now she waits for the oath taking letter
the interview was pretty quick about 4 or 5 mins

to all . .. good luck

God Bless America
Kandiru said:
My Oath is tomorrow :) They lost my wife's paperwork though, so a Congressman is in the loop on her case.


NSC received N-400 05-03-05
FP 07-10-05
Interview 09-09-05
Oath (God willing) 10-04-05

Thank you all.


Hopefully, by this hour, you're a new U.S. Citizen. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D

I hope that the congressman is able to help sort out the problem with your wife's paperwork. (What an awful thing to happen!)

Did you notice if there were any children at the oath ceremony? We would like to bring our children to my oath ceremony, but aren't sure if they will be allowed in.

Anyhow, hope you find a great way to celebrate today!
PD = 4/18/05
FP = 6/02/05
interview letter received = July 6/05
ID = 9/29/05
Interview went fine now she waits for the oath taking letter
the interview was pretty quick about 4 or 5 mins
Oath Taking = 11/08/05
Few Q

Hi Guys,

I am in Cincinnati. I filed my papers on 10th Oct 2005, FP is going to be on 8th Nov. 2005. Q is

Do I need to take anything for my FP ?


Your Green Card, Driver's Lic and passport to be on safer side.
Also do not forget to take along the original notice of FP that you have received.
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Can you get your fingerprints before the process starts and use those for the filing of the N-400?
N-400 Columbus Ohio Timeline

And here is my info thus far:

Application sent:10th October
Application received 17th October
Cheque cashed: 21st October
To be fingerprinted: 16th November

I'll update in due course.
Identical Appointments

Interesting - you actually submitted your application ahead of me by a few days but we both received notice of the date for finger printing on the same day and we're both to have the FP done on the same day. They must have sent the things out in bulk or something...

Whereabouts in Ohio are you - central Columbus? Me = Dublin.

Seems to be zipping along thus far - fingers crossed it continues this way.

Turned up for the fingerprinting and had to wait 2 hours...

Guess the next step is to hear about an interview date.

Fingers crossed for a date soon :)
Hi DreamChaser, natmcg

I too am jumping into this discussion going forward, as a resident of Columbus metro. area.

My PD is Oct 25, and have just received FP notice for 11/30. Unfortunately, I will be overseas on that day. Fortunately, my notice says that I have until 2/22/06 to get the FP done !

Will keep updating this thread as I proceed.

All the best, Columbus-ites !
Anyone heard anything?! I'm getting impatient! Perhaps given the time of year, we won't get Interview Dates until late January... Boo. Oh well.

I think it took about 2 1/2 months for me to get my interview notice in the mail after the biometrics appointment. (I went for fingerprinting in May, and got my interview notice at the end of July.) However, things seem to be speeding up lately with processing, so maybe you'll get your letter sooner!