NSC approvals Tracking: Part VI


My friend got his approval sometime last week.
RD & ND: 12/17
AD: last week as our lawyer already got the notice.
I am sure NSC is doing more EB3 cases than EB2.
EB2 blues

Is this delay based upon regions, like IO, MN waiting and MIs getting through OR
US vs foreign education OR
determining work related credentials more stringently for aliens without prior NAmerican experience OR
is the wholesum policy for EB2 undergoing changes ?

For the first three there is the provision of RFE ( which is not forthcoming either ! ) and so I guess it may be just an one time flutter due to infra-structural problems within, since any change in policy would have got widespread publicity by now.

The EB3 cases ( now heavily outnumbered by EB2 everywhere ) are quite straightforward and probably do not tax the dwindling resources as much .... and lastly, to compound the beneficiary\'s woes ... some TSC cases are also here now !!

My 2 cents.
Priority when transfered to NSC from TSC

My case (I-140 EB3) was transferred on Feb 6th from TSC to NSC. It was received at NSC on Feb 11th. My original RD at TSC was early July. The message at TSC said that the processing time for I-140\'s is 200 to 275 days and then my case got transferred!! The processing time at NSC is 60 to 75 days.
Since my original RD is Early July and that is most probably much earlier than any other I-140 case at NSC, I hope I do not have to wait another 60 to 75 days at NSC. I had already waited for 221 days at TSC! I only had 54 days left.

Will my case be processed before any new I-140 cases sent to NSC?

Good luck to all, and speedy processing!!!
According to your LIN# the ND should be in 2002...

However, you provided a 2001 ND. Am I correct?
Anyway, how come your RD and ND are the same?
Greetings and congrats!

Hello my dear friends,

Happy V day to all and congrats to BADSHA and NEWDUDE. For all my old friends like dpic and Greencardaspire, Stevegeral and Jonnal I guess we just have to wait patiently for now. Our cases and dates are very close to each other and according to my estimation we should be getting some news end of this month. Now new friends who has join us, I wish you all the best.

Here\'s my view on EB situation, I tend to agree with DPIC. I think processing delays are cuase by primarily 2 things,

1.) Credentials. Education and experience are somewhat difficult to verify if they are not from N. America. Hence, more time need to study the credentials presented.

2.) In the advent of 9/11, INS is "trying" to "do things right". Hence, causes:-
a) Higher level of scrutiny on all cases and even higher on some cases from some countries.
b) Bad economy, causes INS to questions some credentials presented.

Somemore, transfering of cases from TCS does not help. I don\'t think EB2 backlog has anything to do with regional effect.

These are just my humble opinion.

SHURAZ : It is possible to have the same RD and ND, as with my case both are on 1/4/02.


You\'r right Tung Fong

Feedback from the attorneys of EB2 folks waiting from Nov - mid Dec will be able to shed some light on this stalemate. It\'s their posts that all of us are waiting for now.
good news :) Jonnal\'s I-140 got approved

hi guys,

I happened to check the NSC AVM, and Jonnal\'s I-140 got approved on feb 13th.

here are the details : RD 12/12/01 ND 12/14/01 AD 02/13/02 EB2...LIN-02-062-50***

i\'m gonna pray for all of you guys to get your I-140\'s cleared ASAP.

and even more sweeter news for EB3 folks, i think the PD has jumped to 12/21/01 , had seen a post by GCCRUSADER in the I-140 folder by him.

below is the post by him:

GCCrusader "NSC EB3 ND 21 Dec Approved 13th Feb" 2/14/02 8:48pm

checked NSC AVM today, my I-140 got approved on feb 13th.
RD:12/12/01 ND:12/12/01 AD:02/13/02 EB2,LIN-02-060-*****
Hope to see more approvals. Best of luck to all of you guys.
RD 12/12/02 ND 12/14/01 AD 02/13/02 ---EB2--- RIR Approved

hi guys,

damn it i was able to finally get thru this ordeal. With out this site my whole GC processing would have been in darkness(now either my Employer or the Lawyer can\'t fool me about the processing dates, approved dates....). You guys are great, i would welcome all the new comers, silent watchers to participate in the discussion forums and be as a team. I wish good luck to all of those who filed in NOV & still waiting.

I had opted for CP in chennai, but now i had changed my mind and i\'m filing I-485. Trying to get the documentation & medicals done in the next few days & file I-485.


special thanks to RaviPK, TungFong, New Dude, ......
greatlakes, did you get your approval yet?

We have the same R/D (11/23) and N/D (11/27).
I hope to get approval soon!!!! now, I am getting worried.
Great news.

After some scary moments, it\'s good to find the stalemate broken. Hope Ravi and others get cleared soon.
Still waiting (EB2 RD 11/23 ND 11/27)

Hey RaviPK: I checked this morning... no news yet. Can\'t understand why things have slowed down for EB2. Has your lawyer told you anything? I noticed there are some other around and before our RD\'s also waiting. I will start worrying in another couple of weeks, since there can be some fluctuation around the average time.

I have been through a much longer torture on LC (2 years), that has prepared me somewhat for the pain in the I-140 round (compare 2 months to 2 years...!)..... Le\'s pray that we see the light soon....

Regardless of the depressing situation, the forum is extremely helpful for all of us. Keep posting, folks
Greatlakes, I did talk to my lawyer, and she says,

INS has asked the lawyers not to call if the case is less than 90 days old. I am not sure if it is 90 working days or 90 calendar days.
I hope to get approval in the next week.....
Happy to join the I-140

My was filed 02/14/2002. When should I expect a receit? can you please tell me based on my sent date what would be my RD?
