Now or Never!!, choices:::take out 5 min now/GC wait 5-10 years/go to your country

meg_z said:
Please list members from the House here. Thanks.

Republican & Democrat
1. Jim Nussle, IA, Chairman
2. Jim Ryun, KS
3. Ander Crenshaw, FL
4. Adam H. Putnam, FL
5. Roger F. Wicker, MS
6. Kenny C. Hulshof, MO
7. Jo Bonner, AL
8. Scott Garrett, NJ
9. J. Gresham Barrett, SC
10. Thaddeus G. McCotter, MI
11. Mario Diaz-Balart, FL
12. Jeb Hensarling, TX
13. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
14. Daniel E. Lungren, CA
15. Pete Sessions, TX
16. Paul Ryan, WI
17. Michael K. Simpson, ID
18. Jeb Bradley, NH
19. Patrick T. McHenry, NC
20. Connie Mack, FL
21. K. Michael Conaway, TX
22. Chris Chocola, IN

1. John M. Spratt Jr., SC
2. Dennis Moore, KS
3. Richard E. Neal, MA
4. Rosa L. DeLauro, CT
5. Chet Edwards, TX
6. Harold E. Ford Jr., TN
7. Lois Capps, CA
8. Brian Baird, WA
9. Jim Cooper, TN
10. Artur Davis, AL
11. William J. Jefferson, LA
12. Thomas H. Allen, ME
13. Ed Case, HI
14. Cynthia McKinney, GA
15. Henry Cuellar, TX
16. Allyson Y. Schwartz, PA
17. Ron Kind, WI
Nozdam, the link doesnot work though, may be try writing as text in lieu of the link

nozdam said:

Republican & Democrat
1. Jim Nussle, IA, Chairman
2. Jim Ryun, KS
3. Ander Crenshaw, FL
4. Adam H. Putnam, FL
5. Roger F. Wicker, MS
6. Kenny C. Hulshof, MO
7. Jo Bonner, AL
8. Scott Garrett, NJ
9. J. Gresham Barrett, SC
10. Thaddeus G. McCotter, MI
11. Mario Diaz-Balart, FL
12. Jeb Hensarling, TX
13. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
14. Daniel E. Lungren, CA
15. Pete Sessions, TX
16. Paul Ryan, WI
17. Michael K. Simpson, ID
18. Jeb Bradley, NH
19. Patrick T. McHenry, NC
20. Connie Mack, FL
21. K. Michael Conaway, TX
22. Chris Chocola, IN

1. John M. Spratt Jr., SC
2. Dennis Moore, KS
3. Richard E. Neal, MA
4. Rosa L. DeLauro, CT
5. Chet Edwards, TX
6. Harold E. Ford Jr., TN
7. Lois Capps, CA
8. Brian Baird, WA
9. Jim Cooper, TN
10. Artur Davis, AL
11. William J. Jefferson, LA
12. Thomas H. Allen, ME
13. Ed Case, HI
14. Cynthia McKinney, GA
15. Henry Cuellar, TX
16. Allyson Y. Schwartz, PA
17. Ron Kind, WI
A nice note, I found on immigration-law, which can be effective in fax to modify..

the nation and the members of the Congress should bear in mind that the pending visa number recapture legislation has nothing to do with the "reform" of the immigration system. This legislation proposes no "reform" of the exising immigration system. This legislation just proposes to rectify the past failure of the government to properly implement the laws and issue the immigrant as well as nonimmigrant visas timely and in disregard of the spirit and legislative intent of the immigration statutue. Neither this legislation is related to any issues of legalization of certain segment of undocumented immigrants. The issues of Comprehensive Immigration Reform and Visa Number Recapture are completely two separate and unrelated issues and the Congress and the upcoming Conference Committee should not be distracted by another critical immigration legislation that lie ahead of them. The Congress and the Conference Committee should continue to focus the nation's mandate on the needs for rectifying its past failures and resolving the pressing issues of retaining the international brains in this country and recruiting international brains to assist the high tech and research industries to retain the brains and maintain cutting edge under the environment of growing international competition. The nation cannot afford keeping its growing trend of outsourcing the high-end resources to her competitors, potentially weakening her strength and power over the long haul.
Here is one more interesting note on

Congressional Contact Assistance

Businesses, no matter how small or large, and other profit and nonprofit corporate entities should spare their time to contact the Congressional delegates either via fax or via e-mail. AILA will provide links ( fax or e-mail) to these contacts to assist the corporate America. CompeteAmerica.Org provides abundance of materials to prepare your support letters. If you are small entities, will provide such access to the Congressional delegates via fax.

The AILA link for email but the header is H1-B and retrogression which gives the H1-B emphasis, however the big plus is contents can be modified or your own letter can be posted[/COLOR]
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Done my part and also help many of my co-workers do their parts (LOL they are so lazy and ask me to do since I make it a big deal and they don't really care. It costs me a lot of time after work). Hope It will be worth for my extra work.
Please contact senators/congressmen directly or/and thru corporations/churchleaders

The story in washington post tells us that there are other important issues, other than immigration that are being discussed at the congress currently. The issue of immigration will be debated as a very brief 'yes' or 'no' affair. I do not think the conference committee members will have a lot of time at their disposal to debate in detail over the immigration provisions.

So, it becomes all the more important for us to contact congressmen/senators directly and/or through corporations/church-leaders

Please fax, call over the weekend.. Meet churchleaders.. Urge your respective corporation on Monday to contact the congressmen/senators. The contact phone/fax #s is available in the files section of the 'techworkers1' yahoogroups.

pdakwala said:
There are several sources. Few things I have heard on the cspan and few things I found it on the Internet. I have some recording and would like to post here but this web site does not allow .wav file. So check following link. Blunt on Deficit Reduction Bill.wav

From now on I will post the link on this web site also. Things that I have heard on the cspan won't be available in full though .

Also check this site for latest news.
You will have to read between the lines by the way. Also if you call your Senator's office or House of Representatives office they some times will be able to give you some good information.
Did my part

Great Effort and easy to do .. I sent 2 from my side and one sent by my wife. Will start sending from few friends side.

Good work guys
Jaagte Raho...Fax Karte Raho...Nahin to GC bhulte Raho....

Must Do it Now........Last Chance....or wait for years.........
Link to contact Senators for Companies/Individuals

Hello Guys,

I've send faxes few times on my wife's behalf and myself. Can someone post the link for companies to send the faxes to Senators?

Just a confirmation, individuals should still use the webfax facility from ISN America when contacting the senators, correct?

Please let me know if I can help in any other way...

Need to be positive.

thank you!
It is on the same page as individual fax.

Just one line above. One has to log in to have access. Thanks.

thecipher5 said:
Hello Guys,

I've send faxes few times on my wife's behalf and myself. Can someone post the link for companies to send the faxes to Senators?

Just a confirmation, individuals should still use the webfax facility from ISN America when contacting the senators, correct?

Please let me know if I can help in any other way...

Need to be positive.

thank you!
The best way is to do lobbying as IsnAmerica.Org planned to come out of retrogression

The best way is to do lobbying as IsnAmerica.Org planned to come out of retrogression

The best way is to do lobbying as IsnAmerica.Org planned to come out of retrogression

Initially IsnAmerica.Org was having lobbying plans and even did some effort to have channel established with RickScwartz who did immigration lobbying earlier in getting few fruits like working on with H1 receipt(need not wait for H1 approval) and Switchng after 6 months of 485...
This happened back in 2000, why can not we do same as a organization..

Cmon huys let us get together... only talking does not help..
Some needful activity like Lobbying, Meeting corporations shd happen without which we will not come out of this loop...

Just my thoughts...
Since Arlen Spector was the one who brought this bill back on track after Senator Byrd introduce his amendment. We should get in touch with him again and in fact immediately. His contact information is as follows:

Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Phone: 202-224-4254
Fax: 12022281229

Let's do following things tomorrow.

1. Flood his office with the phone calls and request him to make sure that section 8001 and 8002 of s1932 is included in the final version of the bill.
2. If we have someone from PA (Arlen's state), have him or her to get in touch with his office asap and raise our concern.

Everyone, Game is still not over. We can bring things back on track. Just effort is needed.
let's do this what pdak says as a last chance, we are already doomed

Senate S. 1932 Immigration Packet Practically "Dead"

The Senate is scheduled to continue the preagreed motions for instructions to the Senate conferees as follows: DeWine Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that any conference report shall not include the provisions contained in section 8701 of the House D1282amendment relating to the repeal of section 754 of the Tariff Act of 1930. GPO's PDFKohl Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that any conference report shall not include any of the provisions in the House amendment that reduce funding for the child support program established under part D of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 651 et seq.), and to insist that the conference report shall not include any restrictions on the ability of States to use Federal child support incentive payments for child support program expenditures that are eligible for Federal matching payments. Kennedy Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the Senate provisions increasing need based financial aid in the bill S. 1932, which were fully offset by savings in the bill S. 1932, be included in the final conference report and that the House provisions in the bill H.R. 4241 that impose new fees and costs on students in school and in repayment be rejected in the final conference report. Reed Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist on a provision that makes available $2,920,000,000 for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.), in addition to the $2,183,000,000 made available for such Act in the Departments of Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. A unanimous-consent agreement was reached yesterday providing for further consideration of the message from the House to accompany S. 1932 (listed above) at 3:30 p.m., today with a series of votes to occur on the pending motions to instruct Conferees.
Since the Senate would agree not to instruct the Senate conferees not to include the House amendment to the Senate version on the immigration packet, the original Sections 8001 and 8002 appear to be practically dead unless any unlikely miracle takes place.

pdakwala said:
Since Arlen Spector was the one who brought this bill back on track after Senator Byrd introduce his amendment. We should get in touch with him again and in fact immediately. His contact information is as follows:

Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Phone: 202-224-4254
Fax: 12022281229

Let's do following things tomorrow.

1. Flood his office with the phone calls and request him to make sure that section 8001 and 8002 of s1932 is included in the final version of the bill.
2. If we have someone from PA (Arlen's state), have him or her to get in touch with his office asap and raise our concern.

Everyone, Game is still not over. We can bring things back on track. Just effort is needed.
10 States covered still more to go

Covered 10 states from east and west coast, now will go towards central USA to try an cover all 50 states. I hope you alll are doing the same......
Contact House Conferees

House Conferees for Title VIII of S. 1932 (Immigration Relief Packet)

Everyone needs to a) Phone and b) Fax
James Sensenbrenner (R- Wisconsin)
Lamar Smith (R-Texas)
John Conyers (D-Michigan)

regarding the importance of provisions in Sec. 8001 of S. 1932. It is "very important" to use personal examples- how retrogression is personally impacting your personal lives and those of other LEGAL immigrants and also your company's bottomlines. Using generic templates of the same fax over and over again dilutes its value. Usually consigned to the trash can.

Sensenbrenner and Smith and both somewhat anti-immigrant lately (Sensenbrenner sponsored HR 4437 and Smith is a key member of Tancredo's Anti-Immigrant House Caucus). Conyers is a Democrat and so perhaps more immigrant-friendly. If Sensenbrenner and Smith are truly "ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT" and not "ANTI-LEGAL IMMIGRANT" they will support measures in Sec. 8001 of S. 1932. Here's their chance.

Those of you in Wisconsin, Texas and Michigan please make it a point to call the reps from your state above and also send faxes (emails are usually ineffective as they take few days to be checked). Your messages will have more impact, altho everyone affected by retro should also contact these reps above and your state's US congressmen/women.

I'm sure our friends at NumbersUSA will also be working overtime:)