Now or Never!!, choices:::take out 5 min now/GC wait 5-10 years/go to your country

I just did it

I just sent 2 faxes to all CA senators/congress person
and 1 fax to GA state (used my friends ID)

Hope this will go thru..
Good luck to all of us...

No, I did the same 3 states VA,TX,MO will do more states, they wouldn't know anyway

g2wantsgc said:
I live in CA but I faxed to all in TX, GA, VA, NJ and NY. I hope it will not be taken negatively.
lets not carpet bomb them with Faxes


Lets not unnecessarily flood the ppl with Faxes. Let's wait till the committee is announced somewhere and THEN fax ONLY those members.

Any thoughts anyone?
I can not login with the pwd sent by ISNAMERICA.ORG.

kept trying and finally got locked.

Any suggestions??
you set your pwd, not ISNAmerica unless something changed

may be try recreating your account with same email or a different one
BhaiSahab said:
I can not login with the pwd sent by ISNAMERICA.ORG.

kept trying and finally got locked.

Any suggestions??
point to consider here would be that the fax reaching from machine to them

could easliy be 1-2 days, also very few folks in the forum seem to be intersted in this and in general have an attittude that let others work we will benefit, as you may notice only 5-6 people in this thread or may be another 20-30 in some other threads, how much carpet we can lay :) here is a note
Report indicates that the conference process is likely to start next month when the Congress returns to the Hill. Since this is the beginning of the process to get the immigration bills accepted by the both Houses, the business, academic, and immigrant communities should expand their efforts for the next one week or so in order to assure that the current immigration clog be relieved as soon as possible

nozdam said:

Lets not unnecessarily flood the ppl with Faxes. Let's wait till the committee is announced somewhere and THEN fax ONLY those members.

Any thoughts anyone?
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Shankara, I just trimmed it down to 2 pages from 3

November 18, 2005

Subject: Inclusion of S.1932 section 8001 in final legislation of budget reconciliation for enactment into law

Dear Honorable Congressman,

Quick facts -

• Please note that this letter has nothing to do with illegal immigrants but highlights retrogression issues with employment based immigration petitions (green cards) which have been moved back by 7-8 years. This kind of retrogression promotes employer taking advantages, keeping employees at low wages for longer durations as it restricts employment change.

• This is also NOT ABOUT increasing the existing worldwide green card quota, but, is an appeal to include the following relief measures as entailed in S. 1932 Sec 8001 passed already by the honorable Senate–

o Recapturing the unused employment based green card numbers from previous years (due to processing delays).
o Implement measures to stop further dilution of already short employment based green card pool by not counting each dependant separately towards the quota count.
o Measures to allow filing of I-485 (adjustment of status to permanent residence) despite retrogression with additional fees of $500 for each application for a later adjudication when quota numbers become available.

American businesses and legal immigrants (Information technology professionals, Health care professionals, physicians, scientist, government contractors and many others who contribute towards the national interest and economy) are facing an enormous crisis which is not in the long term interest of the Unites States in maintaining it’s lead as a superpower in science & technology, medicine, education and other fields; the crisis being “Lengthy Employment Immigration Backlogs to the tune of 7-8 years due to retrogression in the Employment Based category". Please note that this has NOT BEEN caused due to a sudden spike of excess immigrant green card applications. This has been caused due to various processing delays at Department of Labor and the USCIS (which was formerly the INS) due to a heavily overburdened and overwhelmed system resulting in a huge backlog of immigrant green card applications piling up. Also, please note that the persons in queue for years have either passed or are passing the strictest tests and scrutiny as per law to ensure that they are being chosen after employers have not been able to find adequate numbers of suitable professionals in the local job market. These potential immigrants are potential job creators and are complementing the American workforce. If these professionals had remained in their home countries (or go back to) they would be doing those very jobs there instead of here in the US thus leading to acceleration in outsourcing and an eventual shift of jobs away from US shores. The $500 specila fee per application creates revenue additionally.

I would like to bring your attention to this article which states the importance of immigrants in a vibrant 21st century American economy –

Inclusion if S. 1932 Sec 8001 in the final legislation simply gives a chance to those legal law abiding and lawfully present in United States professionals waiting for years in line due to processing delays to get a fair chance of getting a green card. This would enable them to move on with their lives & productively contribute to the American economy without the feeling of constant insecurity and uncertainty which promotes savings to take back to home country rather than spending it here. This in effect will generate much larger revenue for the U.S. Govt. and in fact avoid the process of cutting grants/funding for other existing and yet useful programs.

Mr. Tom Ridge, ex chief of Homeland Security said in April 14, 2003: "As we secure America from terrorists, we do not want to risk losing the next Enrico Fermi or Albert Einstein…We would be a far poorer nation in many, many ways...."

We appreciate your positive viewpoint towards the inclusion of Section 8001 of S.1932 in the bill.



Article notes from USA Today whose link is given in the letter above –

Immigrant businesses can have wide economic impact
By Edward Iwata, USA TODAY
Large numbers of immigrants and their businesses in U.S. inner cities often spark growth in jobs and household incomes — and even broader economic activity in those locales, according to a study released Tuesday.
According to Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, in his study, Porter found that the 5.5 million immigrants who live in inner cities are key catalysts to economic growth and urban investment.
The immigrants "change the very face of entrepreneurship in inner cities" and "provide a much-needed shot of economic vibrancy to distressed neighborhoods," said Porter, who has advised Congress and the White House.
Job growth in 10 U.S. inner cities with high immigrant populations outpaced job growth in their broader metropolitan statistical areas, or MSAs. The cities: Anaheim, Long Beach, Oakland, San Jose, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle; Tulsa; St. Petersburg, Fla.; Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Jersey City.
• Inner-city businesses in the 100 largest U.S. cities provide 8.1 million jobs, or 8% of U.S. private employment.
• The average inner city wage has grown 1.8% to $39,300 from 1995 to 2003, outpacing average wage growth of 1.7% in metropolitan statistical areas.
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thanks jacfiled

here is the updated state list so far faxed at least once
List of States at least covered as a minimum to cover the base in the thread
if you don't find the state, try make sure it is covered or a fax is sent to it.


jacfield said:
faxed to PA/NJ/NY
WHere i've studied, worked and lived.
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Could log in and faxed three for NH.

nato said:
could easliy be 1-2 days, also very few folks in the forum seem to be intersted in this and in general have an attittude that let others work we will benefit, as you may notice only 5-6 people in this thread or may be another 20-30 in some other threads, how much carpet we can lay :) here is a note
Report indicates that the conference process is likely to start next month when the Congress returns to the Hill. Since this is the beginning of the process to get the immigration bills accepted by the both Houses, the business, academic, and immigrant communities should expand their efforts for the next one week or so in order to assure that the current immigration clog be relieved as soon as possible
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Nato , the letter reads good now. How about uploading it?

nato said:
November 18, 2005

Subject: Inclusion of S.1932 section 8001 in final legislation of budget reconciliation for enactment into law

Dear Honorable Congressman,

Quick facts -

• Please note that this letter has nothing to do with illegal immigrants but highlights retrogression issues with employment based immigration petitions (green cards) which have been moved back by 7-8 years. This kind of retrogression promotes employer taking advantages, keeping employees at low wages for longer durations as it restricts employment change.

• This is also NOT ABOUT increasing the existing worldwide green card quota, but, is an appeal to include the following relief measures as entailed in S. 1932 Sec 8001 passed already by the honorable Senate–

o Recapturing the unused employment based green card numbers from previous years (due to processing delays).
o Implement measures to stop further dilution of already short employment based green card pool by not counting each dependant separately towards the quota count.
o Measures to allow filing of I-485 (adjustment of status to permanent residence) despite retrogression with additional fees of $500 for each application for a later adjudication when quota numbers become available.

American businesses and legal immigrants (Information technology professionals, Health care professionals, physicians, scientist, government contractors and many others who contribute towards the national interest and economy) are facing an enormous crisis which is not in the long term interest of the Unites States in maintaining it’s lead as a superpower in science & technology, medicine, education and other fields; the crisis being “Lengthy Employment Immigration Backlogs to the tune of 7-8 years due to retrogression in the Employment Based category". Please note that this has NOT BEEN caused due to a sudden spike of excess immigrant green card applications. This has been caused due to various processing delays at Department of Labor and the USCIS (which was formerly the INS) due to a heavily overburdened and overwhelmed system resulting in a huge backlog of immigrant green card applications piling up. Also, please note that the persons in queue for years have either passed or are passing the strictest tests and scrutiny as per law to ensure that they are being chosen after employers have not been able to find adequate numbers of suitable professionals in the local job market. These potential immigrants are potential job creators and are complementing the American workforce. If these professionals had remained in their home countries (or go back to) they would be doing those very jobs there instead of here in the US thus leading to acceleration in outsourcing and an eventual shift of jobs away from US shores. The $500 specila fee per application creates revenue additionally.

I would like to bring your attention to this article which states the importance of immigrants in a vibrant 21st century American economy –

Inclusion if S. 1932 Sec 8001 in the final legislation simply gives a chance to those legal law abiding and lawfully present in United States professionals waiting for years in line due to processing delays to get a fair chance of getting a green card. This would enable them to move on with their lives & productively contribute to the American economy without the feeling of constant insecurity and uncertainty which promotes savings to take back to home country rather than spending it here. This in effect will generate much larger revenue for the U.S. Govt. and in fact avoid the process of cutting grants/funding for other existing and yet useful programs.

Mr. Tom Ridge, ex chief of Homeland Security said in April 14, 2003: "As we secure America from terrorists, we do not want to risk losing the next Enrico Fermi or Albert Einstein…We would be a far poorer nation in many, many ways...."

We appreciate your positive viewpoint towards the inclusion of Section 8001 of S.1932 in the bill.



Article notes from USA Today whose link is given in the letter above –

Immigrant businesses can have wide economic impact
By Edward Iwata, USA TODAY
Large numbers of immigrants and their businesses in U.S. inner cities often spark growth in jobs and household incomes — and even broader economic activity in those locales, according to a study released Tuesday.
According to Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, in his study, Porter found that the 5.5 million immigrants who live in inner cities are key catalysts to economic growth and urban investment.
The immigrants "change the very face of entrepreneurship in inner cities" and "provide a much-needed shot of economic vibrancy to distressed neighborhoods," said Porter, who has advised Congress and the White House.
Job growth in 10 U.S. inner cities with high immigrant populations outpaced job growth in their broader metropolitan statistical areas, or MSAs. The cities: Anaheim, Long Beach, Oakland, San Jose, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle; Tulsa; St. Petersburg, Fla.; Winston-Salem, N.C.; and Jersey City.
• Inner-city businesses in the 100 largest U.S. cities provide 8.1 million jobs, or 8% of U.S. private employment.
• The average inner city wage has grown 1.8% to $39,300 from 1995 to 2003, outpacing average wage growth of 1.7% in metropolitan statistical areas.
Guys, I am so proud of all of you. I will not hesitate to personally sign this lettter and fedex it if need be to the House Reps. and Senators. The content in the letter is pretty striking, concise and speaks truth. Let's do it.
Reply by congressman Tom davis

I have been sending E-mails to congressmen from virginia almost every two hours until congressman Tom Davis had to reply and here is what he said:

I Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 4241, the Deficit Reduction Act.
I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

As you know, H.R. 4241 reduces government spending by $49.5 billion over
five years by slowing the growth of mandatory programs that currently encompass
54% of the federal budget, and continue to grow each year.

On November 18, 2005, the House passed H.R. 4241 by a vote of 217-215, with
my support. The House and Senate will now go to conference to work out the
differences between the two chamber’s bills.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please continue to keep me informed of
issues of importance to you.


Tom Davis
Member of Congress
Ziri, many of us sent out the faxes supporting HR 4241 without relaizing that there

was no EB relief of S.1932 included. that has not gone waste but was sort of the stepping stone for us and now we have to make sure that EB relief is included that is where we are headed, may be you can send a thank you note for Mr Davis and include the text for support of S.1932 support in the first page of this thread and else where also a fax on ISNAmerica
Ziri said:
I have been sending E-mails to congressmen from virginia almost every two hours until congressman Tom Davis had to reply and here is what he said:

I Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 4241, the Deficit Reduction Act.
I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

As you know, H.R. 4241 reduces government spending by $49.5 billion over
five years by slowing the growth of mandatory programs that currently encompass
54% of the federal budget, and continue to grow each year.

On November 18, 2005, the House passed H.R. 4241 by a vote of 217-215, with
my support. The House and Senate will now go to conference to work out the
differences between the two chamber’s bills.

Again, thank you for contacting me. Please continue to keep me informed of
issues of importance to you.


Tom Davis
Member of Congress
Don't know if we can get this loaded on ISNAmerica

but all of us can surely sign it / fax it from our offices/homes this is available in word on the earlier thread even one single fax can make the impact though volumes are certainly desirable and little customization is always better if one can put in few extra minutes
g2wantsgc said:
Guys, I am so proud of all of you. I will not hesitate to personally sign this lettter and fedex it if need be to the House Reps. and Senators. The content in the letter is pretty striking, concise and speaks truth. Let's do it.
Shankara, the word doc was also loaded in the thread at the bottom, else it is here

again, we can start faxing it at least to the places where we currently live, will try to see if the ISNAmerica can upload it too. I have sent a message to admin at ISNAmerica and posted the fax contents at their website too.
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ISNAmerica will be able to upload the fax, please review and suggest ammends

Here is a note from ISNAmerica/Ravi Kota and the link

Site Admin Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 54

Execellent work Nato and others..

Yes we are in process of amending the fax texts to reflect the present situation and need.

Can you pls send us an updated/reviewed document...
We call can review and finalize the document and can make use of it for fax.
Ravi Kota